July 2019 Moms

Groups 3 and 4 Check-In: July 17-31 (Week of 5/6)

Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out):

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? 

Re: Groups 3 and 4 Check-In: July 17-31 (Week of 5/6)

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    @jennm0724 Those low water days are brutal! Sometimes I forget in the mornings and then it feels like I'm paying the price in painful BH for the next 2 days, regardless of how much catching up I do. 

    @canuckmomma Great news on your placenta moving up!

    @blackhottamales I almost said Supermarket Sweep too! I loved that as a kid. Also, what does it take to get a good MIL? Haha. DH and I have an agreement now that neither one of us have to suffer through each other's mothers, which is easy for me since my folks won't visit but it's kept DH from allowing his parents to visit since we moved here because he doesn't want to entertain them either.

    @ccmama3 You must be right.. the other day they said as long as a spaghetti noodle and then here came little petite acorn squash. I'm sorry you're dealing with painful BH too. They are the pits. I feel guilty trying to chill so much this pregnancy but whenever there is a more active day my ute gets revengeful. 

    @foodislove Unfortunately not, I made a big move away from all of my friends in 2013 and then we moved as a family at the end of 2016. I haven't really made a friend group here, so I've just been kind of leaning on myself to process the whole journey, which is a little dull and trying at times. I'm sorry your BIL is so unsupportive. Q: What was your ECV like? This LO is supposedly transverse and I don't think they've budged for quite some time. I'm going to start working on some positions to encourage movement but I'm preparing for the worst. 

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:July 18th 29w4d

    Baby is the size of a(n): 
    Acorn squash 

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out):

    Upcoming Appointments: 
    May 21st

    How are you feeling?: Tired and sick 

    Rants/Raves:  this has been the worst cold/flu season for my big girls and we now have pink eye


    GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? Supermarket sweep or the challenge 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @mamanbebe Hugs, that's super hard. I get it. We had lots of options when we moved for DH's graduate school, but ultimately decided on a more expensive area (DC) primarily because we had college friends in the area. Making new friends is hard AF. My only new friends are people I met through work.

    As for the ECV, they checked me on the ultrasound a couple of times for positioning before we scheduled it about 7 sevens weeks out from my delivery date (EVC was Sept 19, due date was Oct 9). I had to go into the hospital, they monitored me and the baby for about 2 hrs to make sure his heartbeat was stable, etc., had me on an IV (ick), and then we had my OBGYN start. It was kinda painful, I mean, she was sort of using her whole arm like they do in massage, and M fought her the whole way. He was punching and kicking her like crazy, and she couldn't let go of him because he'd pop back into place. My DH was there, and my doula even came in to check on me since she was at the hospital checking on another mom who'd just had her baby. It was ultimately successful, I laughed some cause I was scared and it slowed the progress. Success rate is 50% so go in with that in mind. One of the nurses was a teaching nurse and asked me if her students could watch - I said no, because I knew I'd be super upset if it wasn't successful. They monitored me for at least another hour or two after to make sure that M was stable, our heart rates were fine, and any contractions/BH slowed down. Apparently some moms can go into labor soon after so they asked me to check in daily by phone on how I was feeling for a few days. Nothing doing. Part of the reason it was successful was part of the reason my labor ultimately led to a c-sec - extra amniotic fluid. So easier to move M to head down, but it meant he never really dropped and there was too much water to risk breaking it and letting the umbilical cord out first when we couldn't rely on pitocin anymore (M's heart rate kept dropping). Another thing I advise against is doing anything to help flip him that's not approved by your doctor - M also got the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and it may have had to do with the exercises I kept trying to get him to flip on his own. :( 
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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 21 | 29w2d

    Baby is the size of a(n): acorn squash (?)

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out): blue

    Upcoming Appointments: May 21 - midwife appt

    How are you feeling?: pretty good overall. minor aches and pains here and there, but i did have a prenatal massage on the weekend and that was good. 

    Rants/Raves:  just loving feeling the baby move so much ATM.

    Questions: none.

    GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? definitely family feud, or big brother if that counts as a "game" show. 

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 29th, 28 weeks

    Baby is the size of a(n): eggplant

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out): blue

    Upcoming Appointments: checkup and anesthesiologist next week

    How are you feeling?: still pretty good


    Rave: babymoon was super nice and DD was adorable so not annoying to have her there at all

    Rant: major issues getting home from babymoon (had to take a boat to the mainland and the weather was choppy so they wouldn’t let pregnant women on - definitely something I wish I knew in advance...). That kicked off a full day of travel problems that got us home at midnight instead of mid afternoon...so exhausted at work today and DD in a horrible over exhausted mood.

    Questions: none right now 

    GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? Man, I used to love the game show network as a kid but haven’t watched anything in so long! Would have loved something like the newlyweds game but DH and I would have been an embarrassment, pretty sure we wouldn’t match ever :)

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    @mamanbebe LO is also transverse (at least it has been his preferred position this whole time). They told me here usually they move on their own by 32 weeks and it’s more rare to actually stay transverse vs breach although who knows :). I’ll see at my appointment next Tuesday because my gynecologist has a ultrasound machine in her room so I know she will confirm position again and l update if they give me any ideas of yoga positions or other to rotate naturally!
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    @mamanbebe I'm sorry! My husband has a spotty relationship with one of his sisters, when we called to tell her we were pregnant she couldn't give two shits. I knew it hurt him, they've always had a rocky relationship (she is about 18yrs older) and has also resented him for getting the childhood she never got with their mom.

    @canuckmomma yay for your placenta moving! That is great!! I'd also say amazing race counts as a game show! I used to watch it, but gave up.

    @blackhottamales ugh google sucks sometimes! get rest, yeah right I'd love to. I took a hot shower and let the hot water hit my lower back for a while, felt good in the shower, then I got out and the back pain was still the same. OVER IT

    @ccmama3 I love having the bed to my self after my husband goes to work, I can stretch out and move around to all the cold spots in the bed LOL! YAY for family feud! My husband and I always talk about who from our family we'd want on our team LOL.

    @foodislove I'm counting the weeks until I can stomach sleep, hell even back sleeping I'd take! My mom had an ECV with my younger brother, I remember her saying how painful it was. My niece had her baby last June, he was breach and I don't think they even tried to turn him, they just scheduled the c-section.

    @annewheeler2 I'm sorry everyone is sick! That is the worst!!

    @mixitupmel I'd love to go on BB! Its one of my favorite shows, although there is no way I could do any of the comps LOL! And I can't lie to save my life.. so I'd be first out haha

    @frenchbaby18 sounds like the worst travel day! Sometimes I take the next day off of work after a trip just because I'm always exhausted when we get home, even if there were no travel delays!
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    hakelehakele member
    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 29+5 
    How are we this close!? I need more time! 

    Baby is the size of a(n): Cabbage

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out): Pink

    Upcoming Appointments:  Nothing until May 23. I feel like that is forever away. But it is really just like two weeks. The one thing I want to know right now is if baby is head down or not. 

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good. Starting to get a lot harder to move around the house. Like getting up from laying on the couch is pretty tough now that my ab muscles can't really do their job anymore. I'm back to feeling tired a lot of the time. We did a bunch of stuff around the house on Saturday and I was EXHAUSTED. I fell asleep during the Avs game around 9pm. And I slept until 4:30 am when my "Apache alarm" went off. Hard to sleep when you have to pee! Then I went back to sleep for maybe another hour from 5:30 to 6:30. Then I took a NAP on Sunday afternoon for like an hour. I guess I needed it. 

    I've got some headaches and not feeling great today just in my head. But I think that is because pollen is picking up around here and that is usually about the time my migraine season starts. So this should be fun! 

    Rants/Raves:  Rave! We had a bunch of yard work that needed to be done and we found someone to come and do it for us that was like half the cost of other landscapers/yard workers. And they did a GREAT job. He only wants to charge $30 a week to mow the lawn and I've never had anyone quote it so low. So I'm thinking we should have him do it. It is such a good deal to avoid a few hours of work a week. But it feels so lazy to have someone else do it. And my yard is BIG. It takes me about an hour and a half to do the front if I also do the edging. 
    Another Rave, I got my first presents from my registry! And they are from my big director boss at work! I couldn't believe it. So, I've got a diaper bag and a baby carrier! I'm sure his wife helped! She's so sweet and they are really excited for us. 
    We also looked at paint swatches for the nursery. We went back and forth on the theme for SO long, I'm really excited to have something decided and now we can finally move forward and make choices! 


    @mamanbebe I have a not great relationship with my mother's family. I don't really like my older sister anymore now that our mom is gone. She just doesn't see the world the same way that I do. We are cut from very different cloths. Just super different people. She has no idea I'm pregnant because we don't talk.  I also don't like my mom's sister. She is mean and rubs her religion in your face (even though I'm a pretty decent Catholic). She seriously once asked me if Catholics believe in Jesus Christ as their savior... and I was like, um... you were at my church for my wedding. We have a life size Jesus on the cross hanging over the alter... so yeah.... Just weird. Her husband is super mean and judgy. Always has been, all my life. I do like their kids, my cousins, but I haven't told them about the baby yet. I'm honestly starting to get anxious whenever we go out to eat because I'm worried I'll run into my cousin who lives near us and he'll be all, "What!?" I plan to tell them in the next couple of weeks. 

    My husband only has a relationship with his parents and kind of with his Brother (they aren't that close, though). My in-laws are the all-up-in-your-business-in-laws. But nothing with the rest of his family. Cousins and aunts and uncles and whatnot. 
    I'm very close with my family on my dad's side and my stepfamily. They get on really well with my hubs, too. Only problem is that they all live in GA, AL, FL, and MN. So everyone is far away. 

    GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? 
    The AMAZING Race! I love that show. I'd also do Big Brother. More traditional game show? Legends of the Hidden Temple. 

    @jennm0724 The pavers look AWESOME! I would not have tried that on my own! Too much lifting! 

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 28+5

    Baby is the size of a(n): Well today the bump app said she's as tall as a load of Wonder bread 😂 I love it

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out): PINK!!!! So happy to have my boy and girl. Initially I wanted another boy but when I found out I was having a girl I couldn't help but cry 😍

    Upcoming Appointments: May 9th. Stupid glucose test. Thankful my MIL loves my son so much 😂

    How are you feeling?: Terrible. I've been having a lot of pain since I fell about two weeks ago but I also moved so IDK if the pain is from the fall or that. I'd say it was round ligament pain but it sometimes goes down to my groin and it hurts a lot when I walk. It also comes and goes 🤷

    Also I could do without this constant heart burn.

    Rants/Raves:  I guess rant? I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going and the constant updates from the app... Only 11 more weeks 😬 we've moved but unpacking is really getting to me!! Where does everything go!? 🙃

    Questions: I have been worried, like back of my head worried, I got placental abruption but I don't have any bleeding just the intermittent pain. And it's not the exact same as sneezing round ligament pain... It's like caused by pretty much any movement but is totally random and the other night lasted about 5 hours! 

    GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? Price is Right!!! I love that show!

    Pregnancy TickerFor this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him. Samuel 1:27 KJV
    DS born 1.25.18 (my rainbow) | Baby Girl Due 7.25.19

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    @mamanbebe I'm really sorry to hear that about your parents. That's rough. *hugs*
    @blackhottamales @annewheeler2 I loved Supermarket Sweep as a kid! I loved when the contestants loaded up their carts with giant, obviously plastic turkeys :D 
    @foodislove LOVE Carmen Sandiego! There's a YouTube channel that has all the old Carmen Sandiego episodes and I totally rewatched them all in college. The Rockapella guys are quite dreamy :love:
    @jennm0724 Your patio looks amazing!
    @hakele That was so nice of your boss! I'm totally creeping on my registry now that the invites have gone out. MIL keeps texting my husband with live updates of who has RSVPed :D 

    On the topic of game shows (and because I'm a game show nerd :kiss: ), check out the Stupid Game Show Answers YouTube channels. There are two channels run by the same person, but the recent one has fewer videos. I've watched them all and laughed throughout! :D 
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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:July 18th 

    Baby is the size of a(n): rabbit

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out):blue 

    Upcoming Appointments: midwife on thursday, fetal mri friday

    How are you feeling?: very worried/emotional, ultrasound last friday showed some swelling in one of the ventricles in my baby's brain, will be going for a mri to get a better picture. Trying to stay positive...but waiting till friday seems like forever. 

    GTKY: If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? Chopped, i love cooking and putting together new dishes.
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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 31st / 27+6

    Baby is the size of a(n): lettuce

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out): Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: Getting a shot today because I'm RH-

    How are you feeling?: Exhausted! I haven't been sleeping well for the last three nights. Yesterday, I worked from home and an hour into the day, I had to take a nap... but could I sleep? No. Baby decided it was time to have a freaking dance party for the entire 40 minutes I was laying down. I tried to exercise a bunch yesterday, and I was certainly mentally exhausted so thought I would sleep well last night. That didn't happen, and while I was talking to one of my co-workers about totally business-related things, I started sobbing. No reason for it, other than I'm exhausted and just want to sleeeeeeeeeep.

    Rants: Above, but also! DH's little brother is having a baby too. They don't even know the gender yet, but have picked out names and told everyone about them. Their girl name is one of our top choices (we haven't told anyone our names). I feel like, even if they don't have a girl, I can't use that name now. Couldn't they have waited a few more weeks to find out the gender before marking the name as theirs? PS. Charlotte, and I was going to call her either Charlie or Lottie for short. And now I'm crying again. Ug.

    Raves: Got my GD results, and I'm good to go. :)
    Also, I bought Tim Horton's decaf coffee to keep at work. Gosh darn it, if that is not delicious! 

    Questions: When will I stop crying? Haha!!

    GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? @blackrosevamp OMG! I didn't even think about cooking game shows. Chopped would be so much fun!! Although they always have some crazy ingredient that I never know what to do with. 

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    @jennm0724 I love the pavers! It looks so good, that's amazing! Hope the weather is perfect for your shower, how many weeks now?
    @blackrosevamp I also love cooking shows! I loved Food Network Star for awhile until it got ridiculous and over the top.
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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 28w 3d July 27th

    Baby is the size of a(n): eggplant

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink, Finding out): blue

    Upcoming Appointments: glucose test and appointment tomorrow morning

    How are you feeling?: Still having rough heartburn, am going to ask my doctor tomorrow of any suggestions she has - my internet research has gotten me very far in hopes of alleviating it. 

    Rants/Raves:  Rave: semester is almost done which means two more grad classes down and a quiet building for the summer while I am still here. Rant: I'm staring another class on the 20th that'll be done before baby gets here.

    Questions: Any other ladies out there with bad seasonal/pollen/weed allergies? I've had awful allergies my whole life, used to have to get weekly shots as a kid, and the stuff I would usually rely on to help I can't take or can't take as much of, going to ask the doctor about that too but was wondering if anyone else was in the same boat.

    GTKY:  If you could go on any game show, which would you want be on? Wheel of Fortune, I haven't watched it in forever and wouldn't be very good but would want to spin the wheel.

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    @fromcatstokids ... For me the crying was the worst after baby was born! Hormones gone CRAZY! That's when I was the most emotional... Cried at the drop of a dime for everything.
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    @canuckmomma Oh, I hope I'm not the same as you. I don't think I could handle my hormones going crazier than they already are! Good to know though, I'll make sure to stay stocked up on tissues.
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    @samanthak46 good luck with school. Tonight's my last class night for the semester, just two finals left after that. Im impressed you will be taking a summer class, i dont think i mentally could focus for much longer. 
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    @hakele I'm with you on being tired, yesterday at work I was just so exhausted I left at 1. Good bye second trimester energy :( Thanks! I love how the pavers came out, there was no way my husband could have gotten it all done in time for the shower, those guys busted their butts for 3 days digging and cutting.

    @jasonsgirl92 I'd call about the pain, might just put your mind at ease..

    @hestia14 Hopefully the sciatica pain stays away!! I get it randomly and its awful!

    @blackrosevamp hang in there!! I hope everything will be ok! Its so stressful having to wait and wonder until you can get some answers.

    @fromcatstokids that sucks about the name! People keep asking us if we've picked a name (we haven't) but I don't want to tell anyone. I don't know anyone else pregnant right now so its not that they'd steal my name, but I don't want to see the judgment on their face if they dont like it.

    @foodislove my shower is next weekend! on the 18th! and I just checked the forecast and its supposed to rain Thursday and Friday... that shit better not move into Saturday or I'm screwed!!

    @samanthak46 I'm there with you on the heartburn, my Dr. told me to take Pepcid or Tagamet but Pepcid seems to work better, but not as fast as I'd want it to. Hope you can figure out the allergies! That sounds miserable!
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    hakelehakele member
    @samanthak46 I have terrible hay fever allergies (I actually have Oral Allergy Syndrome because mine are so bad.) 
    Do you use a nasal spray? When the allergens peak, it is the only thing that helps me. I use Mometasone Furoate (Nasonex). It is the only one that I do not get bloody noses from (it is too dry for many of the others for me here in CO, but Nasonex doesn't dry me out as the others do). 
    I know that Rhinocort and Flonase are both considered safe as well. Nasocort is considered bad. 
    Sprays are generally considered a really good option because they don't go through your digestive system. They stay in your nasal passages and do their job right there. 

    I also take Singulair daily as an asthma management medication, and it has allergy benefits in it as well. Honestly, Singulair changed my life when I started taking it. 
    If for some reason I miss the Singulair, I have to take a Zyrtec as a back-up. 

    That is just to share what I am doing. Obviously, talk to your doctor as YMMV. And GOOD LUCK! Allergies make me miserable and if it makes you feel anything like I do, I hope you can find some relief. 
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    @jennm0724 I agree, people can be judgy about baby names, and I don't want to hear their opinions. Haha.
    I hope the weather clears up! Yesterday the weatherman said it would rain all day today here, but we've only had one quick, light sprinkle so far. My fingers are crossed for you!
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    hakelehakele member
    @fromcatstokids It has been raining here in Denver for 4 days straight. I'm losing my MIND. This morning it was snow flurries! My yard is going to explode this weekend. But I just really want the sun to come back out. Please and thank you! If you know anything about CO people, you would know that we don't do well when we don't see the sun for more than a day. We lose our minds! 

    Baby shower invites went out today. That has been funny to get messages from people that didn't know yet. Haha. Like my best friend/maid of honor. She had no idea because she is a teacher and does ski instruction all winter, so I usually don't see her from November-May. 
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    @jennm0724 I went to the doctor today and he said it's just from being a second time mom, my uterus is gonna hurt more the bigger baby gets and to stop carrying my son 😆 I said then it will take forever to get anywhere! He's only 15 months but can walk... Very slowly and very distractedly 🤣
    Pregnancy TickerFor this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him. Samuel 1:27 KJV
    DS born 1.25.18 (my rainbow) | Baby Girl Due 7.25.19

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    @jasonsgirl92 glad it’s nothing!! 
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    @jasonsgirl92 my youngest is 15 months too! And I also was having a lot of painful BH this weeks. I think it's normal, just annoying! It's hard to rest and not be on your feet constantly while chasing after a curious, newly mobile one year old :flushed:
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