November 2019 Moms

My ultrasound experience

I went to my 7 week ultrasound yesterday morning at 7:30 am. I want to share with you all the events that occurred from the moment forward. As I was getting a regular ultrasound my sonographer decided that an intravaginal was better. So as I prepared for that within 5 mins a doctor ran in to explain that the baby looks to be growing my tubes or on my ovary and that I will need to be rushed down to ER for surgery. This hit me like a ton of bricks because he redid the ultrasound to show me the evidence and what he sees. We witness my baby heartbeat and growing either on top of my ovary or in my Fallopian tube(left). Now for those of you are knowledgeable of Ectopic pregnancy then that is exactly was happening. They also saw fluid (blood) in my belly and rushed me to ER where 6 doctors explained that I will be admitted for surgery. They explained that the possibilities were great that just the pregnancy tissue would be removed but there is always a chance that the ovary and or Tube would have to be also. 6pm I went in for surgery my first time ever pregnant and being cut on. Never been put under for anesthesia so I cried liked new born baby. I was mortified about what was about to happen and the changes to my body but lost importantly the beautiful baby I was once carrying. Before I knew surgery was done and I was in recovery I woke up fine (Thank God for covering me with hands) and because my left tube was ruptured that couldn’t salvage it so it was removed. I am home now resting in my bed reciting this to share with you all. I had no symptoms or signs that this was happenings to me at all. But this will not defeat my chances of having another baby or trying again. So I will delete this app for now ... but once I’m healed and together I will pray and ask God when it’s my time to try again and I’ll be back to share and read the wonderful stories will all of you! Good luck and congrats to all the wonderful mommies to be. God loves you all. 

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