July 2019 Moms

Group 2 Check-In (Due 7/9-7/16) Week of 3/18

mamahmh2mamahmh2 member
edited March 2019 in July 2019 Moms
 Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Team (Green, Blue, Pink):

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip?

<3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
<3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

Re: Group 2 Check-In (Due 7/9-7/16) Week of 3/18

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     Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 23 weeks. July 15 

    Baby is the size of a(n): Barbie doll 

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): pink 

    Upcoming Appointments: 4/9 

    How are you feeling?: I’m so tired all the time  i feel like I’m in my 1st trimester again!!

    Rants/Raves:  my husband put the crib up yesterday!

    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip? Uhm not much. Most of my sisters are heroin & meth addicts & have a lot of issues, hang with the wrong crowd & one has been in and out of jail since 17yo. Not saying my childhood was bad but I think the constant divorces/marriages/step dads with alcoholism played a big role. My mom was also super strict. Like out of control strict. Strict parents raise sneaky kids. So I just plan to have a close relationship with my kids & hope they feel comfortable talking to me about anything and everything. I don’t want them to be so terrified of me that they’re not even comfortable talking about simple things with me.. I do my own thing parenting wise & don’t take advice from our dysfunctional family. Lol 

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 13th/ 23W+2

    Baby is the size of a(n): grape fruit 

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): pink 

    Upcoming Appointments: next Monday 

    How are you feeling?: still fighting sinus/allergy issues but overall really well!

    Rants/Raves:  it’s my son’s spring break this week, and I’m really looking forward to low key mornings in our pajamas, instead of rushing to get out the door

    Questions: nope

    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip? Can’t think of anything super specific right now, but i would say our parenting style is pretty similar to our parents. I think DH and I grew up similarly, and both have great relationships with our parents, and would love to do the same for our kids. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @bartonolivia "Strict parents raise sneaky kids." - this is so true!

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 7/16, 22w6d

    Baby is the size of a(n): coconut

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): blue

    Upcoming Appointments: 4/1

    How are you feeling?: Good. Tired.

    Rants/Raves: My husband finally finished painting the new door and wall in the nursery!!  (With much prodding lol). Also I was able to get rid of some of the extra furniture from that room through Facebook marketplace, which meant no heavy lifting for us!!  Finally feel like things are getting somewhere.


    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip? Hmm. Well, there's a lot I'm skipping or things I'd like to do differently, rather. But I would like to emulate my mom raising us to be independent and fight our own battles or figure out things for ourselves. Both of my parents also let us "free range" a lot which I hope I can do. I had so much fun just hanging out with my friends and sister and doing whatever - bikes, fort building, exploring, etc.

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 7/15, 23w

    Baby is the size of a(n): grapefruit 

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): pink!

    Upcoming Appointments: prenatal checkup tomorrow

    How are you feeling?: MUCH better than last week! Winter finally seems to be breaking here and we're seeing more signs of spring. This weekend, my parents and I watched approx. 10,000 snow geese migrate right over my house. It was amazing! Around here, the migrating birds are one of my favorite signs of spring!

    Rants/Raves:  Rave: My parents visited this weekend and mom washed all the windows in my house. I was content to leave them dirty, but it looks so much better with then clean! I'm so fortunate to have such a great family. DH also picked up the nursery furniture last night! Just need to clean the carpet and paint and I can start putting that room together!


    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip? DH wants to steer clear of making LO eat everything on her plate. He attributes that to an unhealthy relationship with food. He also took a huge step in building a nice work/life. His whole family is entrepreneurial in blue collar fields. Everyone has devoted their life to work and every one has expressed regret about it later in life. DH wanted to be more present for his daughter so he accepted a different job that is less demanding of his time. I'm so excited for our daughter to get a lot of quality time with her dad and for me to have a less stressed, more present partner in life!

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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 7/13 /23 weeks 3 days 

    Baby is the size of a(n): Grapefruit 

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): Blue💙

    Upcoming Appointments: In two weeks

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good! I actually slept all night last night until 6:30, not even getting up to pee! It felt amazing😊

    Rants/Raves: Found an Eddie Baur backpack diaper bag at my local consignment store for $18!! They are like $80 brand new. They were having a St Patty's day sale and the whole store was 15% off. I found some cute little boy clothes, a maternity dress for myself and shoes for my oldest along with the diaper bag, all for about $45. Love saving money😊

    Questions: None that I can think of.

    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip? Oh goodness there is a lot! We were blessed to both be raised in Christian homes that instilled Godly values in us and we definitely want that for our children! We also plan to homeschool like my Mom did (though I plan to take it one year at a time, might not do it all the way through high school). As far as skipping things, we don't watch tv all the time or let the kids watch much like my in laws tend to do. And my husband is definitely more involved with our girls than my Dad was with his girls.

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    msimimsimi member
     Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 7/16; 22+6

    Baby is the size of a(n): Coconut

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: Monthly group appointment is next week

    How are you feeling?: Still good. I've had a little nausea when I overdo it with a meal but otherwise no major complaints.

    Rants/Raves: It's been awesome weather the past few days and that's done wonders for my mood. It's also made it so that I've actually gotten exercise every day this week. Also, the daycare stuff seems like it's all going to work out and I started putting together the baby's room which makes it feel that much more real!

    Questions: None

    GTKY: +1 to my husband being more involved than either of our dads were. I think otherwise our parenting styles are actually pretty similar to the way we grew up. We both want to make it a priority to keep living our lives (to the extent possible) with the kids in tow which is something both of our families really did (and with way more kids than we plan on having :D ). For example, for both of us it wasn't weird to go over to a family friends house for dinner and for us to just pass out wherever when bedtime came so that our parents could continue to hang out. Not sure if that's a realistic goal or not but it's worth a shot!
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    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 23 weeks, 6 days, due 7/10

    Baby is the size of a(n): length of a Barbie doll 

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): Pink 🎀

    Upcoming Appointments: regular OB visit on Friday 

    How are you feeling?: the exhaustion is starting to creep in again. I can’t complain about that though because the nausea is non-existent now... just occasional acid-reflux. 

    Rants/Raves:  one rave would be that I can continually feel this lil lady flipping and kicking like crazy! Always a welcome sign! My rant for the week would be that I feel like it’s impossible to keep my house clean with two dogs and a 2 year old... unless I never sit down 🙄

    Questions: n/a

    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip? 

    My mom was always kind and nurturing which I would like to implement more of that. I found myself always seeking my father’s approval and never getting it... that’s something I would like our kids to not experience. As far as my in-laws go, I love them because they are my DH’s parents, but I certainly wouldn’t implement any of their parenting techniques. It’s a wonder DH is as normal as he is with parents like that 😂 

    Ideally, we’ll be parenting a lot differently and developing our own techniques.

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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     Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: July 9; 24 weeks today - not sure how that happened!
    Baby is the size of a(n): ruler

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): green

    Upcoming Appointments: tomorrow group appointment 

    How are you feeling?: Big and a little achy, I've caught myself grunting when standing up at the end of the day lately 😂

    Rants/Raves:  WE'RE UNDER CONTRACT ON A HOUSE!!! AND I LOVE IT!!!! Fingers crossed for inspections and appraisal, but if everything goes according to plan we'll move April 13th. I'm so ready and it's such a relief to at least have made some progress.  It's also been stunning weather here for a couple days now which REALLY helps. 

    Questions: Do we think doing a baby sprinkle/housewarming is a bad call? I have friends saying I'll be too stressed, but if my sister and bff are basically hosting? Idk... maybe a meet the baby/warming later in the summer would be better? 

    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip? My parents were really open with us about the big stuff: sex, alcohol and drugs, and such - I think for the most part it really created open lines of communication. We did lots of family walks, camping and stuff like that - I really value those memories and aim to keep doing those things. 

    Things I'd like to have different:  we grew up not really wanting for much or ever really knowing the worth of money and work. I kind of wish I'd had some concept of what our lifestyle cost at the time. I might not have taken my dad's PHD in economics and corporate job for granted and gone after theater with such zeal. ;) I mean, I'm all about work you enjoy, but I do wish I'd had a concept of how those choices play out a little more. 

    There was WAY TOO MUCH alcohol in my house growing up, we'll be avoiding that modeling. 

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    acgxacgx member
    @erynpdx Congratulations & I think that's a great idea! That's exactly what I wanted to do (housewarming/baby shower combo party), but our house is definitely not going to be done in time for that! 

    @bartonolivia @quinniebear Also agree with the "strict parents raise sneaky kids" concept. I hope we can find the balance between being too strict and too permissive. Neither is good I don't think. 

     Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 24+0, July 9th

    Baby is the size of a(n): Atlantic puffin :)

    Team (Green, Blue, Pink): Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: Not for a few more weeks - glucose screening & more bloodwork then

    How are you feeling?: Well I got diagnosed with the flu yesterday. So, in a word, miserable. The flu sucks in general; the flu when pregnant really sucks. Can't breathe, can't sleep, cough = RLP & peeing, everything hurts, ugh. 

    Rants/Raves:  Rant: as above, flu + pregnant sucks. Rave: I love feeling baby girl move so much more and more consistently. Makes me smile all the time.


    GTKY: What parenting practices/tips do you plan to take (or have taken) from your parents or in-laws? Any you’re planning to skip?: Great question - I definitely want to mimic the way our both our parents valued education and encouraged us to be whatever we wanted to be. In terms of differences, we are much less religious than our (especially my) parents and want to teach our children morality outside of specifically prescribed religious tenets. I also believe travel is educational for children and want to incorporate that into our lives more than our parents were interested/able to do.  

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    msimimsimi member
    @erynpdx we had some close friends who did a housewarming/baby shower for their second. It was really fun and had a super casual open house vibe so it didn't seem like it was very stressful for them to host. They did something along the lines of "come see our new house and bring a pack of diapers for the baby."
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