May 2019 Moms

1st baby @ 37 & Anxious

Anxiety is starting to get the best of me & I’ve been having a really hard time to sleep.  I wake up in the middle of the night restless and wondering random thoughts....  what type of prenatal classes should we take? Can I afford college in 18 years? Am I eating healthy enough? What if there’s complications since I’m older? 

Any suggestions on alleviating my issue is much appreciated 🤷🏻‍♀️

Re: 1st baby @ 37 & Anxious

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    You may want to talk to your provider about prenatal anxiety if it's affecting your self care. I'm on 50 mg of Zoloft. I'm 39 years old with my 3rd baby. 
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    imalara said:
    Anxiety is starting to get the best of me & I’ve been having a really hard time to sleep.  I wake up in the middle of the night restless and wondering random thoughts....  what type of prenatal classes should we take? Can I afford college in 18 years? Am I eating healthy enough? What if there’s complications since I’m older? 

    Any suggestions on alleviating my issue is much appreciated 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Yes,  talk to your doctor. These are all normal things to worry about. Is your significant other in the picture,  too? I would say enlist him or her to help you relax,  too. 

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    If it’s more of a “can’t shut my brain off” anxiety and less of a “I’m going to have an anxiety attack” anxiety, I would say try to write down all your thoughts/fears and address things you know you can. I find if I know what is worrying me, I can take actions that will allay my anxiety about those things. Schedule a child birth class, talk to your doctor about your risk factors, look into starting a 529 plan with you state.  Those actions might set your mind at ease and help you see that you got this!  
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    I don't have much advice, except that plenty of people have babies late in life and manage just fine! My friend had her first at 40 and had her third last year at 44. But as teesmee said, talk to your doctor about risks (if any) and look into college savings plans. Most hospitals offer Lamaze classes along with tours of the maternity unit. Meeting some of the hospital staff might help and the Lamaze teachers are super helpful and friendly. I found knowing what was coming and possible complications helped me with my first. 
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    I'm also 37 and having my first baby - I get those racing thoughts too in the middle of the night. I think I'm more on edge cause I just moved into a new apartment and everything is in dis-array and I don't have my normal energy and ability to organize everything at my usual pace, so when everything is in dis-array, my head is in disarray (and the mood swings don't help either).

    I just remind myself to take it one day at a time. I have a planner and everyday I start my day of writing down all of my "to dos" and I feel it helps organize my thoughts so I'm not so scattered. Even if the "to dos" are researching breast pumps, organizing baby's closet or buying a new shower curtain, I write it all down.

    As far as worried about future finances and whatnot, I keep reading over and over that unless someone is filthy rich, no one is ever truly ready from the get go when a baby arrives - it just takes time and it doesn't happen overnight. Set aside money for the baby as you can and eventually if you are consistent with it, it'll grow.

    I went to my hospital's website to see what classes they offered. You can also check out hospitals in your area for more classes or for a variety of class dates/times offered. I personally am taking a childbirth, breastfeeding, newborn care, and CPR class as well as a maternity ward tour - I feel like all of those will help me.

    I struggle with eating healthy enough too but I try and tackle it before every meal and it doesn't overwhelm me so much. Like an hour before my scheduled lunch, I think about what my options are and try to be mindful about what I choose. Sure there's some days where I want that burger, but then I try and offset it by making sure my dinner is much healthier, like a giant salad with grilled chicken.

    Hang in there :)
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    I think being 37 isn’t old at all for having your first child. I had my first baby at 38 and will be just shy of 40 when I have this one. Being an older mom has a lot of perks! I feel so much more confident and self-assuresd as a mom then I would have at 29. Also, financially I’m in a much much better place.

    That being said, prenatal anxiety and depression is very real. With DD I suffered from both and very severely. My advice is to talk to your OB and get to a psychiatrist who specializes in pregnant women if possible, try to start therapy, and most importantly build up your support network now. Be open about your issues with you me partner and supportive friends and family members. You need and deserve support now and especially when the baby’s here.

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    Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I spoke to my husband about posting on here and he’s been really really supportive!  I should have mentioned we were painting the masters bedroom and baby’s room, on top of a remodel of 2 bathrooms when I posted, so that didn’t help. We’re slowly chipping at getting the house ready but always finding more to do.  We have booked massages and a much needed weekend getaway this weekend.  I have learned that couple time is a HUGE help! ❤️
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    I think those anxieties are real no matter the age! I’m glad talking to your husband helped. Sounds like you guys have been busy remodeling lately! How stressful, but will feel so good once it is all done! I hope your worries continue to ease up!
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    How did your getaway go? Did it help you relax? So and I usually go away before each birth to reconnect. Pregnancy is hard on both of us. We usually come back feeling more prepared for the changes about to happen. It also helps me put things in perspective. 
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    Boy am I glad we took some time for us. Being so caught up with preparations for the baby really takes a toll.  We plan to continue couple time  throughout the pregnancy and post.  It only make sense to make sure we have each other’s back while going through this, after all, pregnancy isn’t always rosey. 
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