August 2018 Moms

Weekly Appointments: July 30

Hi! I thought that I would start this thread selfishly because I have questions, and also since most of the group is at the point of weekly check up's and might want to chat...

How far along are you? 37+1

Questions/Updates? At my regular check in at 36+5 last week we saw that baby was breech. After a more detailed ultrasound that showed that things are ok, we scheduled an ECV for today. After 3 attempts it was a success! I'm wondering if any of you had an ECV at this point in pregnancy, if baby flipped back on their own, and what it felt like if they did. Both OBs were optimistic that she would stay put based on how difficult she was to flip, but of course I'm worried every time I feel her move around in there now!

Re: Weekly Appointments: July 30

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    @nugs41 I too tried the ECV unfortunately it did not work, little miss was being stubborn, however my doctor did tell me prior to having it done that if it was successful should stay in place. I know I could tell that she immediately went back to breech because I constantly feel her head in my ribs. I have read that you can tell by the baby’s kicks if they are breech or not. 

    Hopefully for you she stays put. 

    How far along are you? 37+4

    Questions/Updates? Nothing major. Failed ECV last week. Still breech today. NST Friday. Ultrasound, NST and appointment next Wednesday, scheduled c section next Friday morning.

    Just trying to figure what I need and prepare for the c section. I had a natural birth with my son so it’s a whole new ball game for me. 

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    Induction tomorrow morning. Hopefully my body kicks into action from my water being broken. Otherwise it’s a CS.

    Formerly known as Kate08young
    August '18 Siggy April Showers:

    Me: 28 H: 24
    Married: 7/22/14
    Baby L: 8/4/2015  August 2015 Moms
    Baby E: 11/18/2016   December 2016 Moms
    TTC #3 08/2017  BFP 11/27/2017. 
    Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well. 

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    Good luck tonight/tomorrow @princesslockness!

    I'm 37+1

    Dr .Appointment with my strep b results on Thursday. I was positive with DD, which was no big deal, but it's good to know. 

    For whatever reason I am super paranoid about going early with this one. I'm also so uncomfortable most of the time, that I worry I won't know a contraction from a regular BH or cramp. DD's labor had no thought to it. My water broke, I was strep B positive, so we went right in. Never had to time or keep track of anything .
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    Just went in at 36w exactly.

    Iron levels good, waiting on GBS results.  She skipped the cervix check this week but said she'd do one next week bc they have to feel around up there to confirm head down position anyway.

    The GBS swab was painless with my last pregnancy but this time it hurt like a bitch because my crotch area is already so painful.  Ugh.
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    Good luck @princesslockness!!

    @nugs41 No idea I'm sorry :( But I'm glad it was a success! I could only imagine how difficult it would be for baby to flip back at this point... so I hope that's the case!

    How far along are you? 38 +2

    Questions/Updates? Dr said that at my next appointment (39 +1) she'd do a membrane sweep if I want to. I'm super torn. Anyone have experience with this? This is my 2nd baby, and my 1st one came a week late which I definitely don't want to do again! Not sure if I'll be ready by next week though. I think just anxiety about having #2 is kicking in right about now. I'm also still going through a kitchen remodel that was supposed to be done 2 months ago, so I've got some added stress going on.

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    ^ oof .if it were me, I'd pass on the membrane sweep until after my due date. I've heard they're painful, and with no medical reason to move things along, id just rather wait. 
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    @Baxter2012 I'm sorry that the ECV didn't work for you. Advice I've gotten from friends is that a c-section isn't as bad as you make it out to be in your mind. They said to request stool softener at the hospital or bring your own, and pack a sleep dress thing instead of pajama bottoms, as well as big underwear that won't irritate the scar. I wish you the best on Friday!

    Also, good luck to you @princesslockness

    I also did the GBS swab last week, and it was uncomfortable for sure, but quick. I tested positive so that sucks, but this whole breech reversal has been on my mind so I'm not worrying about it too much. Had another ultrasound today and she is still head down and looking good, so I'm just so thankful for that and thinking that as she gets bigger she'll be more likely to stay. 
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    Just got back from my 37 week appointment. Found out I'm GBS positive again. Not a big deal, but bummed that I have to be hooked up to an IV right away. Baby is head down. I've been measuring ahead for the past few visits, so I have a growth scan next week. The same thing happened with DD and she was born 7 lb 7 oz, 3 days late. 
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