August 2018 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change -- A Day Late

How many weeks are you/baby's size? 

How are you feeling?

Any appts this week?


GTKY: What's the dumbest way you've been injured?

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change -- A Day Late

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    @lalala2004 we totally forgot to do Tuesday’s ticker change!

     How many weeks are you/baby's size? 
    15, the size of a cinnamon roll

    How are you feeling?
    I had been feeling really good up until the last couple of days. Now I have nausea again, headaches, and heartburn. I know heartburn=lots of hair is an OWT, but DH and I both have a lot of dark curly hair and it’s not going to surprise me if baby does too. 

    Any appts this week?
    Nope, not until March 19

    When do you typically do the gestational diabetes test?

    GTKY: What’s the dumbest way you’ve been injured?

    When I was 9, I was at Six Flags with my parents and we were walking up the path to a roller coaster. I was swinging my hands back and forth and I guess I got too close to the railings because I swung my hand and one of the bars went right between my pinky and ring finger on my left hand. It hurt really bad, but we rode the roller coaster then went to the first aid station where they just taped it for me. When I got home I went to the doctor and turns out I broke my pinky.

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    @melbel0824 I just realized it this morning! I was busy yesterday!

    How many weeks are you/baby's size? 
    17 pomegranate 
    How are you feeling?
    Pretty good, just easily overexerted and sore!
    Any appts this week?
    I think I’m going to start an actual exercise program instead of just doing random videos. Probably PIYO.
    GTKY: What's the dumbest way you've been injured? When I was 8 i was rollerblading outside my house and practicing for a music performance at the same time. At one part in the song we were supposed to throw up a fist,
    and when I did I fell back on my other arm and broke my wrist. Right at the beginning of the summer, too, so I couldn’t swim, ride water rides, etc. That was a bummer.
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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    How are you feeling?
    Okay, have good and bad days with the pubic pain. Yesterday was good, today was bad hahaha My cold is down to just sniffles.

    Any appts this week?
    Nope, not for 1.5 weeks until my A/S wahoo!  On the 20th

    I can't really think of any at the moment.

    GTKY: What's the dumbest way you've been injured?
     I did chip a tooth on a pita chip once if that counts. Other than that, besides muscle stuff and sore backs, I have been in one car accident when I was 16 that totalled my car but thankfully only left me with a few head stitches and nothing else.  I guess it can be considered dumb because I wasn't allowed to drive friends around and I did.  I was also coming home from a boys house and pulled in front of an oncoming truck, so yeah, would say it was dumb!
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    How many weeks are you/baby's size? 
    17 - Troll Doll

    How are you feeling?
    Turning over in bed is very uncomfortable for me but I'm happy my bloating has gone away. I just wish I could make better food choices because I've been eating more. 

    Any appts this week?

    Training your dog to not be such a baby is really hard lol She is such an attention hog and hates her crate. What to do? What to do?

    GTKY: What's the dumbest way you've been injured?
    I broke my wrist trying to get out of the sandbox as a toddler hahaha
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    How many weeks are you/baby's size? 17 weeks

    How are you feeling? Much better. It feels like Baby boy balls up in the corner of my stomach. That is no fun because it happens at random times. It makes it had to walk until he moves. 

    Any appts this week? Nope 

    Rants/raves/questions? Rave starting to feel flutters. I believe they have been there, but I wasn’t in tune with them. Rant I have no room to indulge in food. Now that I have my appetite back I have no where to store my food. I can only eat small amounts. It sucks. A lot of food has gotten wasted because I can’t finish it. 

    GTKY: What's the dumbest way you've been injured? I have never really been injured. I did have an emergency appendix removal on New Year’s Eve, when I was 21. That was no fun. 
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    How many weeks are you/baby's size? 
    19 weeks-size of a mango
    How are you feeling?
    Ok-DS is sick again with a cold or something and my throat is starting to hurt & I have a stuffy nose, so I’m hoping I don’t get it. 
    Any appts this week?
    I had one yesterday. All good. Anatomy scan is next Wednesday! 
    Just tired of DS being sick. He’s literally had something every month since January. I really want to ask his teachers if they wash his hands but don’t want to seem like an awful person.
    GTKY: What's the dumbest way you've been injured?
    I fractured my foot when DS was 3 months leaving a baby shower in heels. I twisted it on some steps. I’ve hurt that foot several times, all in stupid ways. I’m pretty clumsy.
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    @amac12999  I'm so sorry DS is sick! My DS was up coughing at 5am.  One of his little friends went home yesterday with strep throat so I am crossing my fingers hard core right now.
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    @scottishlass1213 thank you! He woke up congested still but fever free and seems to be going strong this morning so hopefully it’s just a little cold or something and he’s getting over it! 
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