December 2017 Moms

Due Date Check-in (EDD, end of November earlybirds)—Week of 11/20

Since there a quite a few of us, I wanted to start a thread for us mommas having earlier deliveries (November arrivals) then expected! <3

What was your original EDD? What is your new EDD?

How are you feeling now that you are having a November babe vs a December babe? 

What's the biggest thing left on your to-do list?  Or are you feeling pretty prepared?

What does your appointment this week look like (I think we're all going weekly now)?  Any special tests or questions/concerns you plan to bring up with your doc?


GTKY: What are your Thanksgiving plans?  Have you or your family made changes this year to accommodate your pregnancy?

Re: Due Date Check-in (EDD, end of November earlybirds)—Week of 11/20

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    What was your original EDD?
    What is your new EDD?
    11/29! ;)

    How are you feeling now that you are having a November babe vs a December babe? 
    Was excited to be having her in December more so because there are no December birthdays on my side of the family. DHs twin nephews birthdays are the 3rd of December, so that would have been alittle close, but no biggy because they live 3 hours away. DH birthday is December 29, so he was so excited to share the same birth month. But now he is ok because atleast she’ll be born on the same number date as his. Guys are so funny sometimes. Either way I was fine but now I’m excited because she will get her own “calendar photo” in November. My MIL makes family calendars every year. 

    What's the biggest thing left on your to-do list?  Or are you feeling pretty prepared?
    I am feeling super prepared, but I must confess the one huge thing I have not done yet is get our car seats inspected. 

    What does your appointment this week look like (I think we're all going weekly now)?  Any special tests or questions/concerns you plan to bring up with your doc?
    So I thought I had one today and when I got there they were like nope not till Friday. And they were swamped.  I probably could have waited to be seen but I really wanted to see the my one Dr that’s doing the C-section. 

    My rant is more of a worry. I’m so nervous that I’m not going to know what “real contractions” are vs the more stronger longer and frequent Braxton-Hicks ones I’m been having these passed two days. Just drinking a crapload of water and sitting my ass down. 
    Rave is I’m so stoked to spend this whole weekend with DH with no interruptions from any family. We made it very clear that we wanted to be left alone. Lol. Of course if LO decided she wants to come that’ll be fine! Hehe

    GTKY: What are your Thanksgiving plans?  Have you or your family made changes this year to accommodate your pregnancy?
    Really looking forward to tomorrow. Gonna be an easy nice day. First we will be at my MILs (she lives 5 minutes from us) for lunch around 12. And then my parents at 5 for dinner! (They literally live two blocks from us) Makes the holidays soooo freaking nice. No travel. 
    No crazy changes. My MiL is so sweet, she just wants to make sure she has a comfortable chair for me. And then my parents are having dinner alittle later then usual to give me time to rest after my MILs. 
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    jesrudejesrude member
    edited November 2017
    I posted this in 12/1-12/9 before I realized this board was here *face palm*
    edited because I don't pay attention and didn't see that additional question.

    What's your EDD? 
    12/4 but I'm being induced Monday 11/27!!

    How are you feeling having a November babe vs December?
    Honestly, I'm indifferent. I always had a feeling he would be a November baby vs. December. And I like that his birth month isn't the same as such a big holiday. Even though he was due early, people tend to tie birthdays in with Christmas in December. At least from my experience with family and friends that have December birthdays.

    This week we can finally say, "Two weeks left!"  How are you feeling about that? 
    So ready and excited to meet this baby. I've been really ready to deliver for quite sometime.

    What's the biggest thing left on your to-do list?  Or are you feeling pretty prepared?
    Finalizing the hospital bag. here are somethings I can't pack until we leave for the hospital. But honestly at the end of the day if we forget something, everyone will live. i feel prepared.

    What does your appointment this week look like (I think we're all going weekly now)?  Any special tests or questions/concerns you plan to bring up with your doc?
    My appt. was Monday and it was my last before being induced. I had my final growth US Monday as well. My only concerns are being able to deliver this "big" baby and possible c/s but what will happen will happen and as long as we are both healthy that's all that matters.

    Pregnancy related rant is that my belly button is so crazy sore and sensitive that I want to cry every time something or someone rubs up against it. And I am SOO ready for that to be over. Otherwise just general discomfort.
    Rave - SO has REALLY stepped up his game with cleaning and laundry. He almost exclusively does all the chores and I appreciate it so much. 

    GTKY: What are your Thanksgiving plans?  Have you or your family made changes this year to accommodate your pregnancy?
    We are going to SO's grandparents for a bit.  No changes, we probably won't arrive too far ahead of time or stay very late since I'm so uncomfortable all the time, and no offense but the food they prepare isn't very good and I can't eat most of it.  I know traditions are traditions, but it's all so greasy and fatty it makes me sick.
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    @shytonia that is so cute and sweet that your MIL makes a calendar every year.  As far as BH vs. regular contractions, in my experience it was pretty obvious, but I didn't really get BH with my first. I just went into full blown labor.  I have experienced some BH with this baby and every time been hopeful labor would start, but they have been so mellow and infrequent it hasn't been promising. With regular contractions they stopped me in my tracks and I had to focus on them vs. BH were it was just slightly annoying like period cramps.
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    What was your original EDD? What is your new EDD? 
    We were due 12.4 but will be induced 11.28
    How are you feeling now that you are having a November babe vs a December babe? 
    I’m a little relieved actually because our due date was sooooo close to my step daughter’s birthday and even though she is about to turn 18 she is having just a little bit of trouble with loosing her spot as the baby and I really really didn’t want her baby brother to steal her birthday.
    What's the biggest thing left on your to-do list?  Or are you feeling pretty prepared?
    I haven’t even started packing my hospital bags.... I’ve been super focused on cleaning my house so that I can come home and just enjoy baby without worrying about tidying up. 
    What does your appointment this week look like (I think we're all going weekly now)?  Any special tests or questions/concerns you plan to bring up with your doc?
    I had my final appointment today and I cried a little if I’m honest. It has been such a journey with these wonderful people and I am so grateful for them. Everything looked perfect but Victor refused to be still enough to have his final ultrasound picture taken lol.
    I feel like I have senioritis. Like 38 weeks of complications (bleeding in early pregnancy from SCH and then again from partial placenta previa which moved to a safe distance finally yay!) being sick (There have only been a handful of days that I haven’t spent vomiting.) and exhausted and now that there is a light at the end of the tunnel I just cannot wait to hold my baby and to hopefully not feel like death 24/7.
    Despite the rough go I’ve had with this pregnancy November can’t help but remind me of how lucky I am to be meeting my little rainbow soon. We found out we were pregnant the first time a year ago this month and then miscarried in January which makes preparing for this baby bittersweet. 
    GTKY: What are your Thanksgiving plans?  Have you or your family made changes this year to accommodate your pregnancy?
    This is the first year since we lost my mum that I haven’t hosted Thanksgiving. It is weird not to be busily prepping everything right now but I am super thankful that my dad and stepmother stepped in for me. I love hosting and it always makes me feel close to my mother to take on that role, but I can’t say that I’m not excited to just kick up my extremely swollen feet and eat good food and take it easy. 
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    What was your original EDD? What is your new EDD?
    my first due date was Dec.12. Then it was changed to Dec.1. RCS is scheduled for Nov.24... which is tomorrow!

    How are you feeling now that you are having a November babe vs a December babe? 
    it's no difference really. DD2 was born in the beginning of Nov. And DD1 was born in the middle of Dec... which means this baby will be born right in the middle of their birthdays. I am happier it's going to be over sooner rather than later... I'm so DONE.

    What's the biggest thing left on your to-do list?  Or are you feeling pretty prepared?
    nothing! Everything is ready to go. And considering baby will be here tomorrow morning, I better be prepared!

    What does your appointment this week look like (I think we're all going weekly now)?  Any special tests or questions/concerns you plan to bring up with your doc?
    I had mine yesterday. Everything is set for tomorrow morning!

    GTKY: What are your Thanksgiving plans?  Have you or your family made changes this year to accommodate your pregnancy?
    thanksgiving should be just as awkward as they say it is. My mom is in town and we are all going to the in-laws for thanksgiving lunch. Yay.
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    @eazybreezy225 woot woot! So very excited for you for tmor! Sending nothing but love and positive vibes your way! And I feel ya, I am so done too! Lol 5 more sleeps for me! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
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    @eazybreezy225 sending you al the positive vibes for tomorrow! 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

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    @eazybreezy225 thinking of you! sending lots of positivity and love to you and yours!
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