July 2018 Moms

WTF Wednesday 11/22

April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

Re: WTF Wednesday 11/22

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    Ugh that sounds awful @lindsayleigh1989 I hope your day turns around. My WTF is to my vet office. My mom is home with my toddler today and she called me at work to tell me she's really worried about my dog. Apparently he was running all around the house, panting, rubbing his face like crazy, and now he's hiding under the bed and won't come out. I tried calling the vets office, and the the receptionist said I had to leave a message for a doctor. I told her I'm not sure what's going on and I'm worried, she said don't worry, they should get the message and get back to you quickly. It's been almost an hour and still nothing. Wtf, why couldn't she get up off her ass, walk over to a vet, and take 2 minutes to talk to them to at least see if this is an emergency or if it can wait? This is insane. I really like my vet but I'm beyond annoyed at this. 
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    Ugh @lindsayleigh1989 that’s rough. You do deserve a medal for that! 

    @zande2016 hope your dog is ok! 

    My WTF today is to ants... why oh why did a huge stream of ants decide to make its way into my house this morning and congregate in DS’s room?!? I can’t find anything attracting them, and I fricking hate ants! It’s November! There shouldn’t be ants in the house in November!! :angry:
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    Poop cramps and nausea, and DS will not stop jumping on me! He acts like I’m his personal jungle gym. And literally just punched me in the face (on accident). Wtf child. Leave me alone hahaha! I actually put on Monsters Inc so I can lay here in peace for 5 minutes! 
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    @paytonpedro sounds like my DS! I put on Boss Baby- got about an hour of silence and no touching while I sipped my coffee in peace. 
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    My WTF Wednesday - Why do I only want bananas, toast, and popsicles! I really really really want to eat other food, but the baby is not having it! This nausea and food aversions are so not wonderful! 

    Additional WTF Wednesday - Why am I working right now, it is so slow. I am ready to fall asleep!
    Me: 34 DH: 33
    DD: 07/19/18
    EDD: 06/22/22
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    Duckie678Duckie678 member
    edited November 2017
    WTF people who were supposed to be here for a 12:30 lunch meeting and is now almost 15 minutes late. I am supposed to be on the road as soon as this meeting is over and you're prolonging my extended weekend. *I wasn't even supposed to be here today, and I only came in for this stupid meeting. They just walked in. 

    ETA: *
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    My WTF is the fact I need to run errands after work and I don't want to be around people. I am not in the mood to deal with strangers today. :( ugh there is so much to do before tomorrow because all the stores will be closed and then Friday will be hectic since it's Black Friday. I usually love Black Friday shopping, but I don't want to this year. :(

    We have two sleeping beauties in heaven.
    Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. 
    Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
    They will be forever missed. <3
       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @bdesterhouse we'll be cyber Monday shopping, I couldn't fathom Black Friday shopping this year. I have zero patience. 
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    Me: hey, you need anything at the store when I'm out?
    DH: No.

    Today I am putting things away in the fridge and realize...he's out of creamer. 
    Me: You didn't need anything at the store *gesticulating wildly at the empty space for creamer*
    DH: Oh right. Forgot.

    Now I have to go back out...but only to the corner store, thank god.
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    @SmashJam what @pumpkinpancake said. He forgot, he can gout or do without!

    My wtf is on behalf of the nice girl behind the deli counter at Whole Foods today. Asked her for slab pancetta, she said they hadn't gotten their delivery, and with a terrified look quickly told me she'd been dicing up prosciutto ends, if I'd like some of that. I was like, heck yeah! You saved me the dicing, I am in! She looked SO relieved, and said people had been livid and yelling at her all day about not having pancetta. It's literally the easiest thing to sub ever. Wtf is wrong with people? It's not her fault, and it getting mad doesn't change anything. As a person who worked in customer service for years, I always feel so bad for grocery workers around the holidays. 
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    @SmashJam what @pumpkinpancake said. He forgot, he can gout or do without!

    My wtf is on behalf of the nice girl behind the deli counter at Whole Foods today. Asked her for slab pancetta, she said they hadn't gotten their delivery, and with a terrified look quickly told me she'd been dicing up prosciutto ends, if I'd like some of that. I was like, heck yeah! You saved me the dicing, I am in! She looked SO relieved, and said people had been livid and yelling at her all day about not having pancetta. It's literally the easiest thing to sub ever. Wtf is wrong with people? It's not her fault, and it getting mad doesn't change anything. As a person who worked in customer service for years, I always feel so bad for grocery workers around the holidays. 
    I’m trying to imagine what level of pretentious a-hole you need to be to yell at someone over pancetta the day before thanksgiving. That poor girl! 


    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Finally have one. WTF to the doctor i saw because my doctor is on vacation. Don’t tell me i don’t know my body and how the iud didn’t screw up my cycles. This stems from possibility ovulating late and measuring behind. I was never irregular before during or after being on the pill or Lupron for 6 months. Not even after pregnancy! It’s screwed it up and that’s why we are in this limbo. Don’t tell me my pregnancy isn’t considered viable till 8 wks when things are looking good. I’m holding on to the smallest thread of hope and she killed it. Now I’ll be looking at the toilet paper every time i wipe scared of bleeding. I know there are still chances but don’t ask me if i has lost before and try to make it sound like nothing if i lose again. Like WTF you don’t know me lady! Now i nervously wait again until Dec 11.
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    @wildtot serious WTF!!!

    My WTF is funny - got to school this morning at 7:30 and there was a fire truck leaving.  My first though is a fire inspection, then I start thinking worse things.  But I walk into the building and it just smells like terrible burnt food.  And my principal is standing there with this embarrassed look on his face, looking at me scrunching up my nose.  I make a joke about popcorn in the microwave and he's like "No, just my breakfast".  How long did you microwave that for??????     :D

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    @wildtot WTF! Was it a hormonal IUD? When I got off the pill it took almost 6 months for my cycle to regulate. So sorry you're going through that mind f*ck 
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    @pumpkinpancake omg, I have this unreasonable burning hatred towards ants. Of course when I bought this house, I wasn't aware that having a house that backs up to a drainage ditch is a bad thing if you don't want ants all over your damn yard and house. I get the house sprayed one or two times a year, but there is ALWAYS a pile of little ant corpses where they come in by the door.. 

    My WTF moment was today when I found out how badly my car depreciated and how quickly....
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    Ugh @wildtot sorry about the dr. You know your body better than a doctor whose never met you before, so don’t give up your hope and positive outlook. Regardless of what she said, coming off birth control in any form can wreak havoc on your cycles, so it’s quite likely that you didn’t ovulate at the “normal” point in your cycle based off your LMP. 

    I'm not exactly in the same situation as you (I didn’t just come off bc, but my cycles are a bit wonky because of a recent loss) and I know that I ovulated a week later than normal based on how I was tracking. Don’t let an ignorant doctor get you down and convince you things aren’t looking good. 
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    @wildtot oh I am so sorry :( so many hugs also i would call and complain about crappy bedside manner 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @pumpkinpancake thank you, definitely trying to stay positive but it’s gonna be a few long weeks. With my son i was spot on with all my tracking but this time things were way off after iud. We also only had sex twice around projected ovulation so I’m hoping that trooper little sperm will be a trooper baby. 
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    wildtotwildtot member
    edited November 2017
    @lindsayleigh1989 Oh yeah I’m gonna talk to my regular doc when i see her.

    edited to tag 
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    @Crystal321 I’m the same way with my hatred of ants. I don’t know what it is about them, but they drive me insane. I’m having major anxiety thinking about how many there might be when I get home later. And also just mad that they’re all in my sons room where he plays on the floor! 
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    @wildtot I hate that doctor. I'm so sorry. 
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    cseley321cseley321 member
    edited November 2017
    @wildtot would it be unreasonable to call your doctor office after your regular doctor is back and see if they can just do a check on your levels to help put your mind at ease?

    I had a bleeding scare last pregnancy and my RE let me come in to check everything. I think if you just called and briefly explained your last visit, they may possibly try and help out?

    Sorry this happened though. What a jerk doctor.
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    @Crystal321 i had a second set of betas checked last we and they were right on track to justify a late ovulation when pair with the ultrasound. So I’m hopeful because of that. No bleeding so far other than the 3 days when i tested positive 3 wks ago. That doc just really irked me and my husband can tell as she was talking to us. 
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    @christycalifornia @pumpkinpancake I would usually make him go but...i like leaving the house and having the car to myself and get into a store without ds! It was the most relaxing option at the time.

    New wtf...amazon. it has happened multiple times that they will not let me put my p.o. box for an address for a shipment but then tell me they can't deliver the package because I don't have an address on file. Usually they cha he the address for me over chat and I get the package, but it's still annoying. Today, they couldn't changr the address, so the cancelled it and told me to reorder the item and expedite it. But I couldn't because it WON'T LET ME GET DELIVERY TO MY P.O. BOX. So now I won't get my ginger candies for nausea likeEVER bc no one sells them around here. Sigh. 
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