June 2018 Moms

Due Date Check-In w/o 11/2: Fourth Week (6/22-6/30)

What's your EDD? How big is baby?

How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately?

Any appointments this week/coming up?



GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? Extra pickles for sharing recipes. :wink:

Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

Re: Due Date Check-In w/o 11/2: Fourth Week (6/22-6/30)

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    @izza2 I have a feeling a few of us will have appointments next week.
    @profmcgonagall Aversions to cooking and meat is tough, hopefully that symptom goes away soon so you can start eating normally again.

    What's your EDD? How big is baby? 6w4d - a chocolate chip

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately? I'm extremely bloated and exhausted, but no cravings or aversions.

    Any appointments this week/coming up? I have an ultrasound next Tuesday and an appointment with my OB on Friday.

    Rants/Raves? I'm finding out on Monday if I got a job I interviewed for, I don't need the job since I currenly have a pretty good one, but it would be a nice change. I'm trying to not get my hopes up.

    Questions? When are you ladies announcing? If the US goes well, I'd like to tell my work and family next week, but DH is hesitant.

    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? It depends if there's a special occasion or not, but we don't have anything specific.
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    @ChloandCoco -we've already started telling close friends and family in person when we've seen them. I'm known as a social drinker and a terrible liar and even worse secret keeper. I'll feel more comfortable telling people once we have our US on the 20th. Even so I'll probably keep it off social media for awhile. Possibly take cute announcement photos at Xmas. 

    What's your EDD? How big is baby?
    June 26th -size of a sweet pea.

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately?
    Grilled cheese on buttery sour dough bread and salads. Luckily no aversions yet.
    Any appointments this week/coming up?
    Not until 11/20
    Still waiting for our house to sell. Rave: just finished stranger things 2 last night.  I loved it! 
    Is anyone doing the NIPT test? I'm still contemplating it.  I need to find out if/what my insurance will cover. We have BCBS of NY our parent company is based there. I hate dealing with insurance. 
    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? Extra pickles for sharing recipes. wink
    I might need to think about this
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    @ChloandCoco We've also started telling family and will probably tell close friends after the first ultrasound. I also want to do a Christmas themed social media announcement.

    What's your EDD? How big is baby? 
    6/22 - sweet pea until tomorrow :)

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately? The nausea hit this week. Bleh! Nothing too severe, so I think I'm lucky...but a general sick stomach from about 4am - 10am. Along with that comes my first major aversion: coffee! Why, God?? Haha...but seriously, with insomnia and a 1 year old, I need my coffee. Oh well. 

    Any appointments this week/coming up? Finally scheduled my first appt - 11/29. BUT my OB now sends us for ultrasounds at 8 weeks (last time it was in office at 1st appt) so that will be 11/15

    Rants/Raves? I'm drawing a blank... 
    blame the lack of coffee  ;)


    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? Extra pickles for sharing recipes. wink Family dinner must have...uh, alcohol? Haha...kidding. We don't really have one dish we always have. I'm the baker of my family so I'm always in charge of dessert. Our family favorite is carrot cake, so I make that a lot (Dorie Greenspan's recipe!)
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    What's your EDD? How big is baby? 6/22. Tomorrow I officially hit 7 weeks and baby will be the size of a blueberry. 

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately? I'm still not having many symptoms. Right now I'm just tired. Craving all the junk food. Fast food and pizza places are my jam lately. No aversions.

    Any appointments this week/aversion. 11/13 is my first. This time next week I'll have less than a week to go!

    Rants/Raves? Rave: We decided yesterday to take a trip to New York for New Year's! My husband has never been on a plane and neither has my 2 year old. Should be fun (for the most part)! Rant is I'm too tired to clean my house or do any much needed grocery shopping

    Questions? Nah

    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? Extra pickles for sharing recipes I don't really have one particular food I have to have, but for potluck dinners I usually make a portabella penne pasta casserole and a cheesecake and both usually get a lot of love. These are the recipes I use.


    https://allrecipes.com/recipe/8350/chantals-new-york-cheesecake/?internalSource=search result&referringContentType=search results
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    @izza2 So glad your beta results came back with good results!

    @ChloandCoco We are holding off until Christmas (with the exception of my husband's brother, who already knows, and my sister who will find out after our first ultrasound). If I wasn't going to be just out of first tri around Christmas I probably would tell earlier, but with the timing as it is I figure a Christmas announcement will be fun.
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    llamamama14llamamama14 member
    edited November 2017
    @katelynrae86 I too have coffee aversions but this time around I'm trying to fight through it and get a cup down because it's helping with fatigue and morning sickness by getting things moving in the morning so I'm not constipated. The constipation always makes the MS worse. In a weird way now I'm less averse to coffee because I'm associating it with feeling good. I drink it a few sips at a time sitting down.

     @ChloandCoco IDK. I'll probably wait until after 12 weeks. I like to play it safe.

     1. 6/23 based on L.P. Probably later though based on tracking ovulation.

     2. Feel so crappy. Just took my first B6 dose so hoping that helps.

     3. My first appt./US was 11/29 but I called the nurse today to ask about B6 and while she was looking at my info. she asked if I wanted to come in earlier for an US and I said yes so I'm now scheduled for next Friday. woot. woot.

     4. Rant/Rave: neh

     5. Question: Now that I got an earlier US date I'm nervous it's a bit too early (I'll be 7 weeks 1 day based on ovulation) because it's earlier than I've ever had for previous pregnancies. I do see plenty of ladies on the US thread who saw heartbeats at or before 7 weeks so its probably fine. I guess I'm answering my own question. Just overthinking it...

    6. No food people. No food.

    edit: because formatting...
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    What's your EDD? How big is baby? June 24, a sweet pea

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately? Constantly nauseous. I hate any and all food, can't even bear to be near it. I have to force myself to eat every day, and you can forget eating anything healthy.
    : (

    Any appointments this week/coming up? We had an US on 11/1, my LMP was 9/9 so I really thought I was further along than 6 wks, 3 days. We will go back on 11/15 for another US and to see the doc for full 8-week appointment.

    Rants/Raves? Even though it was early, we got to see/hear the heartbeat which was so cool and I was so thankful that it was in the range it should be in. 

    Questions? Does anyone else have a tilted uterus? They had to do my US vaginally as it's hard to see the baby when you have a tilted uterus. They say it's a "variant of normal," like being left handed or something but I've never met anyone else who has it! 

    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? Extra pickles for sharing recipes Again, food does not exist right now #whatsfood
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    @ChloandCoco, we have already told immediate family and some close friends. 
    I believe we will be doing our big announcement on thanksgiving. 
    I don’t hold with the wait until you are in the safe zone to announce because there is no safe zone. Every baby deserves to be celebrated no matter how long they are here. I feel like if we did lose this baby we will have so much more support because we didn’t keep it quiet. 
    However, it’s whatever is in your comfort zone. 
    Me: 27 DH: 27
    Married 6/15/13
    BFP #1 5/8/16, EDD 12/31/16- DD born 9/10/16 at 24 weeks 
    ~In our hearts forever~
    BFP #2 10/14/17, EDD 7/1/18

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    Thanks for all the responses ladies! I've always been curious about when people like to announce.
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    @ChloandCoco - We haven't really discussed announcing publicly yet, because we aren't rushed to share it for any reason. Our close family knows, and our close friends know, and that's really all we care about. I'm not in a hurry to share the news with people who aren't really close to us (acquaintances, basically). But yeah - the people closest to us have known since pretty much day one.
    @galactickates - If it's covered by my insurance, I'd get the NIPT done. But I doubt it's covered, so I probably won't end up having it done.
    @oneblessedmess - Are you going to NYC, or another part of NY? That's exciting, though! Is it to visit family, or anything in particular?

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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    @izza2 We are visiting and staying with family in Queens. But since my husband has never been to New York we will probably also end up doing a lot of tourist-y stuff in the city. He is super excited to sight-see! I'm just hoping it's not TOO cold!
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    What's your EDD? How big is baby?
    6/29 - one more sweet pea for the crew

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately?
    I've been fine, really. So much so it almost makes me nervous. My poor husband is just dying for me to have some sort of craving so he can run to the grocery store and be my hero. I'm going to start faking for him here pretty shortly :)

    Any appointments this week/coming up?
    First appointment is this Thursday. Can't wait!

    I'm feeling good about work at the moment. It's the right level of busy, which I always thought was not busy at all until TTC and pregnancy came along and showed me I reaaaallly need distractions in life.

    Nothing for now.

    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? 
    BREAD. And after watching wayyy too much Great British Baking Show during my TWW I'm thinking of trying to make my own this Thanksgiving!

    @izza2 Fruit salad is my arch-nemesis. My appointment's this Thursday as well; have my FX for both of us.
    @galactickates I was on minted the other day looking at Christmas party invites and the pregnancy announcements caught my eye. Didn't even know there was such a thing! But super cute. Would you send them out around Christmas or just take the pictures then and send later?
    @katelynrae86 Yes. Just, yes. Alcohol is the can't miss food group (well, until now...). What's your family's poison of choice?
    @oneblessedmess I'm similarly symptom-less, which I'm of course more than grateful for. That said, I did get kinda nauseous after taking my prenatal on an empty stomach on Saturday and was almost relieved! 
    @llamamama14 I also have an early-ish US (this Thursday, 7 weeks to the day) and am similarly nervous it's just too soon. But I keep telling myself that doctor's offices do this scheduling all the time and are not ones to waste their own time. I think it'll be alright :)
    @klb610 I guess I don't know! When did you find out about your tilted uterus -- at an OB appointment when you were younger or not until you got preggers? 
    @profmcgonagall yessss rolls ;)

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    @emiliadkay - I was thinking about taking photos once christmas decorations were up and posting on social media then.  Maybe with an extra stocking with the ultra sound picture coming out of it,  or us by the tree with a sign.  I'll probably start a pinterest board soon and save ideas to it.  I don't think we'd mail any out.
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    @galactickates the stocking idea is adorable
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    What's your EDD? How big is baby?
    Somewhere between June 24 and 27

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately? I have been extremely tired. Like barely able to function. I've been taking my prenatal and an iron supplement

    Any appointments this week/coming up?
    Our first US is on Thursday. 2 days away ❤

    Rants/Raves? So tired 

    Questions? Is anyone else this tired and do you know if you're having one or multiples? I was never this tired with any of my other pregnancies 
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    Also we are announcing ours on Thanksgiving. We are getting family photos done first and we will use those to announce. Plus we will be 9 weeks by then and I feel like it'll be safer.
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    What's your EDD? How big is baby? 
    June 29, 2018

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately?
    Very nauseous and hungry all the time.

    Any appointments this week/coming up? 
    First appointment November 16, 2017


    I had severe preeclampsia with first pregnancy and delivered at 32 weeks. Just scared that I will be going through this again

    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner? Extra pickles for sharing recipes. wink
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    @kristindholmes - Hi there! It looks like you put your whole name as your username. I highly suggest changing it to something that's less search-able (and specific!) if that's the case. Stranger danger is real. :smile:

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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    @galactickates yes to grilled cheese being forever on my mind!
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    What's your EDD? How big is baby? 6/28 per LP

    How are you feeling? Any specific cravings/aversions lately? I will eat anything and everything right now. I even like mushrooms again which I haven’t been able to eat for years. Haven’t been too into sugar or sweets which is really weird for me but good for baby.

    Any appointments this week/coming up? My first appointment and ultrasound isn’t until after Thanksgiving!! Anyone else?? I’m dying over here.

    GTKY: What is the one food you must have at a family dinner?  At Thanksgiving mashed potatoes soaked in gravy - no box spuds!

    Random FYI: I didn’t even know what a signature/ticker was because I’m exclusively on mobile for Bump. My laptop is a work computer and I really don’t want anyone at work to find out yet. So may have to figure that out this week on husbands computer.
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