January 2018 Moms

Thursday Ticker Change 10/26

1) How far along are you? How big is baby?
2) How are you feeling?
3) Any appointments this week/last?
4) How are your baby preparations going?
5) Rants/Raves/Questions?
6) GTKY: Do you feel like you're going to have your LO early, full-term, or past your due date? 

Re: Thursday Ticker Change 10/26

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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 29 weeks - butternut squash or Hawaiian pineapple! 
    2) How are you feeling? 
    Feeling mostly good, minus minor aches and pains occasionally. 
    3) Any appointments this week/last? 
    Had the 1 hr glucose test Friday last week and failed with a 142 (cutoff being 140). So going in Monday for the 3 hour and just hoping and praying I pass.
    4) How are your baby preparations going? 
    Mostly just need to start stocking up on diapers and wipes!! 
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? 
    none at the moment! 
    6) GTKY: Do you feel like you're going to have your LO early, full-term, or past your due date?
    Well, DS was 9 days late so I'm trying not to tell myself it'll be any earlier than our due date, but also want to be prepared in case it is before due date. I really have no clue because I just knew with DS he was coming early and I was very very wrong about that, haha! On my due date would be a perfect situation though!  
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 30 weeks — acorn squash 
    2) How are you feeling? Exhausted . Back pain pressure down there anxious because it feels like time is really flying 
    3) Any appointments this week/last? Glucose last week . I’m now at biweekly apts so I go back next week 
    4) How are your baby preparations going? We finally started big sisters room so we can move her soon and start getting the nursery ready for baby girl 
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions? It’s finally starting to feel like fall here yay 
    6) GTKY: Do you feel like you're going to have your LO early, full-term, or past your due date? I had one at 38.. medically induced last one at 37. Hoping to be around the 38-39 point this time 
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    1) How far along are you? How big is baby? 29 weeks - pineapple
    2) How are you feeling? 
    Feeling pretty good except for CrAzY hormone swings (probably Makena related?)
    3) Any appointments this week/last? 
    I had the 1-hour glucose last week, and I assume I passed since I didn't hear anything from the doctor!  Next appt is next Wednesday.  
    4) How are your baby preparations going? 
     Waiting until shower on Nov 18 to purchase anything else, but I'm getting antsy and starting to feel unprepared.  I guess I could start stocking up on diapers, wipes, etc.
    5) Rants/Raves/Questions?  
    I haven't had sex or worked out in 2 weeks (see below).. and I think it's starting to take a toll :(    Also, my SO leaves for Mexico next Wednesday..  for 10 days! I'm starting to worry that I'm not going to handle him being gone very well.  This is a trip that I would've gone on with him, obviously, if I hadn't gotten pregnant!  
    6) GTKY: Do you feel like you're going to have your LO early, full-term, or past your due date? 
    I'm really hoping and praying for a full term baby.  I have a history of preterm at 35, so I've been on the Makena shot weekly. But had a little scare 2 weeks ago- admitted for spotting- and they think my cervix is thinning.  I was only told to "take it easy for a few weeks" so that's been nice {no bed rest/strict restrictions}, but each week feels huge to me right now!   

    Pregnancy Ticker
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