May 2018 Moms

Weight Loss

My body seems to really like pregnancy. I've struggled with my weight for years. Looking at a cookie will make me gain.

I've worked my but off to lose about 12lbs this year. I've lost another 7 since getting PG. I "gained" only 10lbs by the end of my last pregnancy, but was under that by the time I left the hospital. 

I'm hoping to take advantage of it, and still focus on weightloss. Is anyone else here planning on still working on their weight during the next few months?

*I have quite a bit of extra fluff, so losing weight is not an issue for pregnancy as long as I still get the nutrients I need.* 
2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN
3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
Vanishing twin at week 6
Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013

2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!

Re: Weight Loss

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    I gained almost 40 lbs last time and I worked out 5-6 times a week until the day I gave birth and ate pretty healthy. DD was 6 lbs 6oz so a tiny thing even with all that weight gain. I truly believe that your body gains what it needs to. I say listen to your body and do what feels right.
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    Just like @sharkmama39, I was working out 6 days a week and eating healthy and I gained about 40 pounds.  Definitely listen to your body and talk to your OB about any concerns you have. 
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    I gained almost 40 lbs last time and I worked out 5-6 times a week until the day I gave birth and ate pretty healthy. DD was 6 lbs 6oz so a tiny thing even with all that weight gain. I truly believe that your body gains what it needs to. I say listen to your body and do what feels right.
    True. However, for those of us who are overweight, we are advised to gain a very minimal amount. I think I was told 7-10lbs last time? My OB at the time encouraged me to lose weight in pregnancy. Weight gain in pregnancy isn't a direct corelation to baby's weight. 
    2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN
    3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
    Vanishing twin at week 6
    Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013

    2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
    3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
    8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
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    @JenniatONU I’m with you! Due to my heavy starting weight I’ve lost about 5 lbs since I found out I was pregnant. My doctor was happy with that. She said as long as I don’t lose a bunch of weight really quickly, I can continue to lose more without concern. My goal is to keep my same weight or lower for the next few months and then to gain less than ten total. I’ve been feeling to sick to do intensive exercise like I was pre pregnancy (HIIT classes 4 days a week). I’ve lost about 50 lbs in the last year and would like to stay on track during pregnancy as much as I can.  
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    Keeping a food journal sounds dumb but I was shocked when I realized how many calories were in the apple juice, orange juice, and ginger candies I was eating everyday.  It equaled 400+ calories!!!  And that was on top of my normal 1600+ calorie intake.  Glad you are trying to make this a healthy pg!  Good luck. 
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    I absolutely agree, your body will gain if it needs to. I was super lucky, I had extra fluff to lose and ended up losing 30 lbs with DS even though I wasn't really ever sick. Honestly though, I took such better care of myself. I got more sleep (since he was my first and I wasn't chasing any others around lol) and I ate sooooo much better than I do normally. Plus, just like this time, I had no interest in desserts/sweets. It wasn't really a sugar aversion, I just didn't have any desire for it.

    As long as you know it's because you're taking care of yourself and the baby is growing (DS was 7lbs 12oz and full term) there's no need to worry about weight loss. If you're throwing up all the time and can't keep any food down, obviously time to talk to the dr. 

    But at the same time, if your body just seems to hold onto every calorie and turn it into fluff, it's because it's needed in some way (as long as you know it's not because you're binging on candy and cakes and fast food 24/7 lol)

    I'm down about 5 so far. I would love to replay the weight loss but we'll see how it goes. we all still have a long road ahead
    Angel Babies 1&2 2/14/09
    DS born 3/11
    Angel Baby 3 6/28/11                                                         9/5/17 BFP!!
    divorced October 2014                                                       9/6/17 hCG 88 progesterone 9.1 (prometrium started)
    Married DH 10/15     DH's DS born 6/09                            9/8/17 hCG 242!!!
    Not preventing since 11/15                                                 EDD 5/8/18        Adjusted 5/15/18
    TTC since 1/1/16                                                                9/27/17 we have a heart beat!

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy TrackerBabysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    I have PCOS, with insulin resistance. Except, for some reason, when pregnant, the insulin resistance seems to go away. I passed all three of my glucose tests with flying colors, the first time. The IR is usually what makes me gain so freaking easily.  

    It's nice to be able to finally see results for the things I changed in my diet way earlier in the year.
    2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN
    3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
    Vanishing twin at week 6
    Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013

    2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
    3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
    8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
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    I started about 30 lbs overweight when I got pregnant. I am 9w3d and have lost 13 lbs so far. I just want to make sure I don't gain too quickly once the morning sickness and nausea goes away. 
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    This is my 3rd pregnancy and with my first 2 I lost 15-20 lbs then gained that back in the end to finish at my prepregnancy weight.   This time I am trying to continue that and hopefully not gain as much t the end. I  bloat so badly in the end.  I'd love to maybe get 25+down.  I also have quite a lot of weight I need to lose so my dr thinks this is reasonable as long as I don't try to lose fast.  I'm down 4lbs so far.  

    Im sure a lot of my weight loss is from cutting down most (almost all) of soda intake and increasing water by a lot.

    id love this see this be a weekly thread for us moms that are in this mindset for the healthiest pregnancy for ourselves. 
    *Married 7/29/11
    BFP 10/2/13, EDD 6/3/14
    Gave birth to my beautiful son, Owen Robert on 6/4/14!
    BFP #2 8/28/15, EDD 5/5/16

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    @bjkay22 That counts!!
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    With my 1st, I started off overweight and lost 10 lbs in the first tri. I gained it all back plus 10 lbs. I left the hospital lower than pre pregnancy weight and by the next week, I was down those 10 lbs that I had lost in the beginning of pregnancy. I'm definitely overweight by much more than last time. So far I'm down 3lbs in the last 2 weeks, which is mostly because I can barely eat anything. Would love to keep the weight loss going and hope to be working out again soon once the nausea and fatigue lighten up.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers 

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    I'm planning on staying on weight watchers through this pregnancy. I lost about 20 pounds through my last pregnancy. I have well over 100 pounds to lose so 20 is a drop in the bucket but pregnancy seems to be when my body will actually cooperate with losing. 
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    @thedawkterswife I do WW as well. I’ve been lazy about it lately but I’m trying to refocus and get back on plan. I think it makes the most sense while I’m pregnant because I can eat anything, just within my limits. Also the best thing for my MS is to eat every 2 hours or so and WW helps me keep track of all those little snacks. 
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    @bjkay22 Eating frequently helps me, too. We've been on vacation the last 2 weeks so I've been eating like a mad woman. Looking forward to getting home and back to my less indulgent meals. 

    Do you use the app to track?
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    @thedawkterswife yes I use the app to track. I’m online only though for now. I miss meetings but gotta save some $$$ for the baby hahah 
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    I'm planning on staying on weight watchers through this pregnancy. I lost about 20 pounds through my last pregnancy. I have well over 100 pounds to lose so 20 is a drop in the bucket but pregnancy seems to be when my body will actually cooperate with losing. 
    YES! Me too! <3 Glad I'm not the only one!

    I'm actually at my lowest weight of the year, right now. Super pumped! 
    2/12: 100 mg Clomid + Bravelle last minute+ back to back IUI. BFN
    3/12 150mg Clomid + B2B IUI =BFP!! TWINS!
    Vanishing twin at week 6
    Tater-tot born January 3rd 2013

    2 IUI's in 2016- BFN
    3 IUI's in 2017- BFN
    8/17 IUI BFP!!!!!!!!
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    Add me to the list! I have quite a bit of extra fluff to lose. I had started back on WW and working out about a month before I got pregnant but then I got really bad bronchitis and first tri symptoms and have been slacking. I’m starting to feel better so I want to start tracking points and at least walking again. Those doing WW @thedawkterswife and @bjkay22 are you just using your normal points or adding any on for pregnancy like they do for nursing?
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    @dinonugget I’m not adding any extra points but I’m definitely giving myself some wiggle room. If I’m out of points and it’s eat or puke, I’m going to eat something. Most days I don’t have any issues staying in points. 
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    I’m definitely in need of losing some weight. Right now, I’m dealing with nausea so being able to eat anything is good enough for me. Once I can get past feeling miserable, I’m going to start walking and cut out most of the crap I eat. I’m sure cleaning up my diet and walking will help me to drop some much needed weight while pregnant 
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