December 2017 Moms

Twatwaffle/Trophy Tuesday - 9/5

For the twatwaffles:

And the trophies:

Me: 29 || DH: 29
TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
DD - 12/28/17 <3

TTC #2 3/2019
BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020

Re: Twatwaffle/Trophy Tuesday - 9/5

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    My husband is kind of being a TW this morning. I do pretty much everything around the house, but this morning he has to drive to our new town to get construction permits for our remodel that starts next week.  He's had a month to do this, but waited until the last possible second, of course. So before he goes, he tries to give me a list of things that he thinks NEED to get done today. Like canceling the cable, garbage, power, etc, doing change of address, blah blah blah. Ok honey, sure.  Haha.  I'll do that right after I'm done organizing the garage, grocery shopping, dropping off your packages to ups, picking up your dry cleaning, and going to work. No problem babe. 

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    Ugh my TW is some neighborhood boys who stole a package off my porch. We actually saw them walking down the street by my house holding an amazon box the other day (no where near mailbox which we thought was weird) but one kid waved and I waved back. Then yesterday the exact same size box and bright green tape was on my porch - opened. It had a baby shower gift someone shipped to us. It had my baby carrier but my prenatal vitamins are missing. I just found out a neighbor found the box tossed in her front yard and brought it back to us. I guess the boys wanted to snack on prenatal vitamins since those are no where to be seen. We now have a camera set up on our front porch. We will be getting a lot more gifts in the mail. Thank goodness my neighbor was nice and brought me the carrier!
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    @breezybee, totally!

    DW posted a picture of me facing sideways, showing off the bump on the beach during our vacation this weekend.  We got so much love and great responses, but of course the one insensitive awful comment is the one ringing in my mind today... a friend of DW's who I don't even know made some comment like, "oh wow!  My wife was pregnant around the same time last year and due the same time, and you could barely tell yet!" 

    Thanks dude.
    Due date 12/9
    I can't figure out the pregnancy countdown tickers, but I do know how to make a signature!

    As of 12/15/2017, my new hashtag is #41 and pregnant!
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    My DH also gets a TW for a comment he made yesterday. I had a pants suit hanging in a closet he'd moved some stuff into and he was telling me what was in there. He mentions the suit and was like, "but I don't think you'll fit into that again." And I was like... "ummmmm excuse me? That suit is the size I wore immediately pre-pregnancy, why won't I be fitting into it?! You don't think I'm going to lose any of the weight I've put on?!" He clearly immediately recognized the error of his ways and made up some weird bs about how he just thought my body is going to be a different shape so he didn't think it would fit. And then he basically ran away lol. In general, he's been pretty sensitive about comments he's made and hasn't mentioned my weight or eating habits at all, so this isn't a normal occurrence, but I was still peeved.
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    Mine is hurricane Irma. My inlaws live in Puerto Rico and my parents/sister live in Miami. I'm in North FL so I don't think it will be too bad for me but I'm so worried about my family. 
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    I have some more TWs because it's a Tuesday that feels like a Monday.

    TW to whatever jackass(es) decided to set off fireworks and cause a massive wildfire about an hour away. Now the air quality is shit (it's seriously like 'snowing' ash here) and also it's super hot and now we can't sleep with the windows open to try and cool it down in our house that doesn't have AC. Aside from those selfish and less important reasons, tons of people are being evacuated and the fire is encroaching on Multnomah Falls which is a beautiful and popular spot to hike and it makes me sad.

    DH's dad works for a Catholic organization and DH's dad as well as another employee who runs their social media are very pro-social justice (you know, like Jesus would've been) and every time the FB page posts something I always read the comments to see the idiotic, closed-minded responses. Not sure why I do that because it's infuriating. But anyway, today they posted something saying, "The Holy Family was a migrant family" (you know, because of the DACA thing). All the people who responded saying, "Yeah but they were legals!" and also another guy who just kept spouting about how Muslim countries don't allow Christians to build churches or practice their religion there (how is this relevant?) are major TWs. I'm not religious at all and I just don't understand how people who follow a religion based on Jesus so completely miss the entire message of Jesus.

    @acgonzalez22 That's so scary. I hope your family all stays safe. I'm hoping Irma somehow changes course or doesn't end up being as bad as they're currently anticipating. Hugs to you!
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    My TW is my own kidney. My baby girl sits really low and so this pregnancy i have been prone to tract infections. During a big one couple months ago my kidney started to retain fluid. They thought it was a stone but they cant find it bit i have painful flare ups where im in crippling pain but not much to do until i deliver. I had one yesterday and so i went to doctor and got pain meds and two forms of antibiotics. One to take twice a day to get rid of a new uti and then a daily one for rest of pregnancy to keep them at bay. I know its all worth it in the end but i hate being in pain. The pain medicine helps but makes me feel high as a damn kite allll day and i had stuff to do today :-/ oh well. Maybe tomorrow lol. 

    My TT is that my SO is being soo super nice and picking up the slack by cooking last night when i was in pain. Hes also being nice about my mom coming to stay since his sister needs to come stay here some weekends as well so it just relieves all my stress i had about the  situation after delivery :-)
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    @MJDsquared ohhh I want a PSL so bad right now.... 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    My TW is myself. I didn't eat enough this afternoon and now it's almost dinner time and I'm a hangry bitch but if I have a snack it'll ruin my dinner... and the toddler is just being a toddler but my hanger is making it really hard to be a rational mom right now... and DH is at an after work dentist appointment so he won't be home until later...
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    My TW is myself today, too. I can't stop eating junk! I had four(!!) donuts from the cider mill today. I need to get my act together. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @elvenchick92686 sorry that you're going through that. Hope this new combo of meds give you some relief.

    DH is being a TW today. He won't let me redecorate our bedroom, which will be shared with baby, in peace. He is pushing back on the smallest things like replacing an old lamp and getting curtains where we only have a basic roller shade. It makes me feel like I'm being frivolous but I'm not even spending much- I've been forgoing much more expensive things he was down for (like getting a new couch in the living room/moving to a bigger place). I just want everything to look good in our bedroom/nursery combo and he is taking all the fun out of it! 
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    @blueskies17 thanks!! So far the one pain med has worked. I took it at 10am and have yet to have anymore pain and the effects are wearing off. I am really hoping that the daily antibotic will prevent any flare ups going forward cause thats to high for my pain tolerance and m usually pretty good about handling pain :-/. 

    I am sorry your DH is being that way!!! My SO always trying to rearrange or decorate but then complains when we dont have money lol. We have cleaned out the house so no more doing stuff till we get baby shower stuff :-). 
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    It's not Tuesday, but I don't feel like starting a new thread... my TW/WTF today is me. I forgot my phone at home. Maybe my subconscious decided that I really need a day off of negotiating with my clinic, pharmacy and insurance company?  
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Ugh how annoying @blueskies17. My husband has been complaining about buying things too, but I just ignore him and get it anyway and tell him he'll love it when it gets here. And he always does, so it works out!  Hope he stops being a TW, because that shit is not cool. 
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    @breezybee that was the outcome for me as well. Told him I'm going to do what I want and he's going to like it DANGNABITT.
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