June 2016 Moms

Reflections on the year

Time for a "get in touch with your inner feelings" type of moment!  :p Since we're all at the 1 year marker, I thought it would be interesting to open a thread for us to reflect on the year.

Some questions I thought of...
What were your highs? Lows?
What was your favorite moment of the year (tough one, I know)?
Would you do anything different if you could go back to Day 1 with your LO?
What words of wisdom would you tell yourself if you could go back to Day 1?
What are your thoughts moving forward into toddlerhood?

Re: Reflections on the year

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    I've been loving r adding this thread, and today is S's birthday so I thought I'd join in. 

    What were your highs? Lows? 
    I hunk my highs have been all the "firsts", but mostly that phase where it started to become clear that S knew and loved me. Middle of the night wake-ups have been lows. 

    What was your favorite moment of the year (tough one, I know)?
    If I have to pick one, probably the first real laugh. His laugh is still the thing that gets me more than anything else. 

    Would you do anything different if you could go back to Day 1 with your LO? 
    I don't think so. Looking back, I realize that I could have done a lot more for or by myself in those first few weeks when S was sleeping the majority of the day, but at the time, I really just wanted to be near him all the time. 

    What words of wisdom would you tell yourself if you could go back to Day 1?
    "Babies don't read the books."  I heard this from my pediatrician when I was worrying about S's nursing schedule.  It's helped me remember not to get too caught up in what I read from all of the parenting books/internet about what is normal. 

    What are your thoughts moving forward into toddlerhood?
    I am so excited to see the little person he is growing into. At the same time, I find myself wanting to freeze every moment of snuggling, babbling, and giggling so that I can have this baby phase forever. 
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    LO turned 1 yesterday, I can't believe it!

    Highs were mastering BFing, and really all the things she is doing now, and just that she always loves her mommy, never pushes me away, and when I get in her face she just opens her mouth to try to kiss me (or taste me, haha).

    Lows were the early struggles... with BFing, postpartum blues, moving to a new house at 4 months and not getting anything done in the house for months after moving, etc.

    What was your favorite moment of the year (tough one, I know)?

    So many! Her belly laughs and any communication she has with us (she isn't saying any words yet). She is generally happy and when she hams it up in front of people, those are happy moments : )

    Would you do anything different if you could go back to Day 1 with your LO?

    Hard to say because I still don't have a solution, but with #2 I want to try harder to get them to sleep in the crib. We got the crib too late bc of the move and LO was not ok sleeping there after being in the cozy, rocking bassinet for so long.

    What words of wisdom would you tell yourself if you could go back to Day 1?

    I guess I'd tell myself that the beginning period is actually short in the grand scheme of things, and to not worry if I don't enjoy every moment of it.

    What are your thoughts moving forward into toddlerhood?

    I'm excited! I can't wait for all the milestones that are coming, especially talking. I feel like I know her but I can't wait to hear all she has to say : )
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