December 2017 Moms

Pregnant after IF Check-in week may 15

1) How far along are you? 

2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 

3) When is your next appointment? 

4) Rants/Raves/Questions 

5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
TTC 1/2012
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

Re: Pregnant after IF Check-in week may 15

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    beary67beary67 member
    1) How far along are you? 10w3d

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally?  I am exhausted today, but I slept poorly last night and had to be up at 4am for an early work day, so that's playing a role, too!  I still have tender breasts and some nausea.  I've cut back on the diclegis, and only take about 1 a day recently.  I've had some pinches for the last 2 days, and I'm telling myself it's my uterus still expanding.  Mentally, I'm still scared.  I spent all morning researching changes of miscarriage and I don't know if I will ever be able to relax.  The ultrasound text on Thursday told me to stay off the internet, but it's so hard!  

    3) When is your next appointment? Next Tuesday, May 23rd for my NT scan.  It will be the longest I've gone without an ultrasound since our first one at 6weeks.  I know many others have big waits in between scans, and this will only be 11 days, but it's still hard for me and I can't wait to get to the NT scan and 12 weeks to feel like I might be able to enjoy things a little better.  

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions Who here uses a home doppler?  Part of me wants to get one, and the other part of me is terrified I won't be able to find the heartbeat(s).  I know last week at 9w5d, the doctor could only find one heartbeat with the doppler.  A scan the next day showed everything was perfect, but I still worry about whether the doppler will help or hurt!  

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?  This is a good/tough question!  I would say I make time for myself to relax when I need to and to not get overwhelmed with work and life as much as possible.  I try to take vacations from work, and when I can, I work from home so I can be more relaxed and not feel so stressed.  
    About me:
    TTC#1: October 2015
    dx: PCOS & MFI
    IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
    July 2016: Blighted Ovum
    IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
    FET February 2017 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
    Team Blue X 2!
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    1) How far along are you? 9wks 1 day

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? Physically this morning wasn't the greatest. Got a ferocious lower backache plus barfing episode #2 this morning. Emotionally I'm on the fragile side as well, I think I overdid it yesterday and didn't drink enough. Had some very light brown spotting. It always sends me towards emotional basketcaseville.

    3) When is your next appointment? May 25, seems forever, I know its only ten days.

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions I want to be excited but too busy being scared. It frustrates me. On the happy side I've only got six more PIO shots to endure. Also we move to our four- ten hour days this week, I'm not looking forward to this adjustment with the fatigue I've already got going. Pretty scattered this morning, Monday curse you!

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you? I need to give this some thought and schedule something for me, I think it would help. It sure would be awesome if I could work from home for a day a week.
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    1) How far along are you? 
    10 + 3

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 
    I am still super exhausted with minor food aversions, but that's it. I am still on 2 declegis at night and it's keep my nausea in check. I am going to start tapering off after my NT scan to see how I feel. 

    3) When is your next appointment? 
    Next Wednesday for the NT scan

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions 
    Nothing right now, just ready to get passed this scan and into 2nd tri so I can hopefully get some energy back

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
    crafting. I love to knit and sew, so anything like that is relaxing and helps me unwind
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    @beary67, I have a home doppler and have been able to find the HB each day with the exception of two days over the last 2 weeks. I am 10.5 weeks now. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to find it, and most times it's very faint and won't register the actual hear rate, but it's all I need to get me through the day without boatloads of worry. That being said, the two days I couldn't find it were stressful, I have been lucky that's isn't the norm with me. 
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    1) How far along are you? 8 wks

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? So-so some heavy brown spotting over the weekend. I know its normal and I've spotted with all my pregnancies but it still messes with my mind.  Fatigue, bloat, constipation and nausea.... But I'm glad to be feeling all of these with the spotting

    3) When is your next appointment? Thursday. I can't wait to see pistachio again.

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions It was a long weekend of driving to visit family this weekend and the twins were champs especially since I was on my own. 

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you? I've been trying to take time to do yoga in the morning. It helps me physically feel better and give me a few minutes of quiet just to focus on me.

    @beary67 I second the tech, stay off of google. I know the wait will be tough to seek the kiddos again but hang in there, it only gets longer, but soon you'll start feeling them and that will help.  I have no at home doppler experience. sorry

    @stella_700 sorry  your feeling crummy. staying hydrated especially with twins is so important. It felt like a job to me but I always felt better when I was on top of it. Congrats on nearly being done with PIO! I can't wait to be done with these damn suppositories! I hope the 4x10s will actually be good that way you have 3 days to rest.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    Marley629Marley629 member
    edited May 2017
    1) How far along are you? 
    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 
    So the fluids and reglan I got in the ER Friday helped for about a day with the addition of Zofran and then Saturday night I went back to not keeping down anything I eat. I've lost 5lbs in 10 days. I'm hesitant to keep taking the zofran if it's not helping. I'm praying that when I start to taper off the progesterone at end of week it will relieve some of this sickness. 

    3) When is your next appointment? 
    I have an OB appt next Monday the 22nd and we will schedule the NIPT draw, initial bloodwork and the NT scan.  I did get to see my little wiggle worm at the ER Friday with a strong HR of 176 so that eased my mind a bit. 

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions 
    when did you stop taking progesterone or when will you stop?  My RE said cold turkey at 10 weeks but I see a lot on it to 12 weeks. Currently I'm on vaginal suppository 4 times a day (800mg total) so I'm thinking about weaning off until 12 weeks 

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
    m really terrible at doing things for just myself. I guess my obsession with LLR Carly's that I buy myself can count! 

    @beary67  I had no luck with the Doppler with DS and I had the sonoline B I believe. It gave me so much anxiety that I threw it out. 

    @wabash15  I'm sorry about the spotting. I know they say it's normal but i know how much it still sucks and the anxiety it gives. I hope it lets up soon and that seeing your little pistachio this week help eases your mind! 

    Eta: numbers 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

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    @Marley629 I'm sorry your still feeling so sick. With my last pregnancy I stopped the progesterone at 10 weeks. I think this RE wants me to go through the first trimester but I'm going to double check this week. I hope you get some relief soon
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    beary67beary67 member
    edited May 2017
    Thanks for the insight about the doppler, @wabash15 @Marley629 and @ameliabedelia-2!!  I appreciate it!

    @Marley629 Once released from the RE, he told me to let my OB take care of when to stop PIO.  My OB told me I can stay on it until 12-14 weeks.  I will likely stop at 13 weeks just to have a good middle-point.  I think anything after 12 is pretty unusual from what I've seen, but if I have the option to stay on it a little longer, I'm going to take it!  

    ETA:  It's more of a comfort blanket for me  :#
    About me:
    TTC#1: October 2015
    dx: PCOS & MFI
    IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
    July 2016: Blighted Ovum
    IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
    FET February 2017 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
    Team Blue X 2!
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    stella_700stella_700 member
    edited May 2017
    @Marley629 I am sorry that you're so sick, perhaps your doctor could prescribe something besides the zofran to help? I get to stop the PIO shots on the 21st. Both DH and I are counting down the days!

    @wabash15 I'm so glad that you've been there already to reassure me. I normally do really good with hydration but between the mother's day activities with the in-laws and my sister's visit. I won't do that again. I know they tell you over and over again, spotting without painful cramps is normal we all hate to see it. I hope it clears up quickly for you.

    I feel like a lot of us are starting to get towards the end of our first trimester. It is exciting for us and feels like a scary milestone to get through. Hoping that we all begin to feel better and that joy replaces our fear/anxiety.

    edited: grammar
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    @Marley629 I have heard so many conflicting things. My RE said they wanted to test my levels before letting me stop, but my OB said to just continue until the end of week 10, which would next Wednesday. I just got my latest blood work back, and my progesterone levels were off the charts, so my RE is letting me cut my shot dosage in half, and then stop completely on Monday. 

    I did a lot of googling today about high progesterone levels, and it doesn't seem to hurt, just some enhanced pregnancy symptoms for some. I like that I'm tapering down so that my body isn't in shock, it sounds like you would too. 

    @ameliabedelia-2 I love sewing too! Do you hand sew or use a machine? My mom taught me when I was little, and its so fun to just do little projects from time to time! 

    @beary67 I have no advice on the doppler other than that I can imagine it would be terrifying to not be able to find the HB, especially with two little ones. I think for me, it's worth it to just wait, so that I don't unnecessarily stress myself out. But then again, everyone is different. 

    @stella_700 How exciting to finally stop the PIO! I have 7 shots left so I am right behind you! 

    @wabash I'm so sorry for your spotting. I spotted all last week, and normal or not it is scary. I hope yours has already stopped by the time you see this. If not, I hope you can find the strength to remember that it's totally normal. 

    1) How far along are you? 9+5

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? Exhausted and cranky. Someone gave me a cold last week, and my body is just not having fun with this one. This might be TMI, but last night I was so congested and gross, that I had some phlegm get lodged in my throat and it tickled my gag reflex continually, forcing me to puke and dry heave all night. It was awful. Hopefully that never happens again. I don't know how you ladies with MS do it, hats off to you for keeping your heads up. 

    3) When is your next appointment? NT scan is scheduled for 6/6, and follow up OB appt for 6/8. My OB is sending me for my NT Scan, and the Anatomy Scan at 20 weeks to a specialist. Which actually makes me happy because after getting used to my RE's incredibly clear US equipment, it was shocking to see how different the US was at my OBs. Hopefully the specialist will have the "state of the art" equipment they advertise. :-) 

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions Poo to whoever gave me this cold. Boo! 

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you? Take baths and just hang with my animals. I am a FTM, so I'm sure things will change once the LO arrives. 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    2 Dogs / 2 Cats 
    IUI #1 07/2016 BFN
    IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
    IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
    IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @txmomma16, I use a machine mostly. I have done some cute things by hand as well. I made an adorable advent calendar that is all hand sewn, this is a pic before I finished all the "ornaments"

    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    1) How far along are you? 
        8 weeks, 4 days

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 
        Physically, fine. Emotionally, still on a roller coaster.

    3) When is your next appointment? 
        My RE is letting me come back for 1 more appointment before my OB at 12 weeks - so Tuesday, May 23rd!

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions 
        I know those of you with MS probably think I'm off my rocker, but I WISH I had it right now! I don't, and it's freaking me out. I mean, I'm all for happy pregnancy, but I'm so on edge as it is, and not having MS is just making it worse.

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
    Hm. Well, you'll probably think I'm crazy, but I really like having a Brazilian Bikini Wax - not getting one, just being completely nude down there. My MIL thinks I'm crazy, I just don't have a great love for pubes, and I think I'm particularly bushy. DH certainly doesn't mind, but really it's more for me than him  :p I've been keeping up with it for a few years now, though sometimes if I'm freshly waxed, I do feel a little embarrassed going in for an RE appt - not sure how often they see that  :#
    TCC since Feb 2013
    No, I'm not an early bird, but that doesn't mean I'm a night owl.... I guess I'm an afternoon duck?
    Type A personality, Type B body
    First BFP with donor sperm 04/11/2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    ) How far along are you? 
    9 weeks 3 days
    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 
    I'm ok, had some spotting last week after coming off progesterone (this can be normal but my dr. didn't tell me, ugh)
    3) When is your next appointment? 
    I've officially graduated to my regular OB, and it looks like they don't "need" to see me until the 12 week NT scan.  That is like 2 weeks away - the longest I've gone without an U/S yet.
    4) Rants/Raves/Questions 
    I'm ok right now - just feeling really blumpy.  Still buttoning my normal pants, but man...getting close to needing the rubber band. 
    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
    I listen to podcasts and read.  I just finished "Drop the ball" - a book about how we can stop feeling like we as women have to do it all (especially around the house) and rely more on our husbands to be a partner at home.  DH does all the food prep/cooking but I can be a little OCD about the house cleaning.  I'm going to try really hard after this LO is born to take it easy and not use her nap time as a time to "get stuff done" like I did last time around - instead, get some freakin' rest myself!  Anyway, I thought the book was helpful, especially for moms working outside of the home.

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    @afternoonduck I get it, if you have more symptoms it feels more real.  I was dryheaving this morning and DH asked what was causing it... really?!? (facepalm) Me: Ummm pistachio! this is how I feel every morning!
        I don't wax but I do shave, it just feels neater to me. I always make sure to "freshen" up prior to an RE appointment... so your not the only one!
    @jljeanblanc the transition from an RE is hard, you have all of this attention and then all of a sudden your just some regular pregnant lady. I too am worried about going through "withdrawal" choosing a midwife and not going the MFM route again this time.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    pupluv0410pupluv0410 member
    edited May 2017
    1) How far along are you? 

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 
    Very tired, easily irritated and not wanting to eat

    3) When is your next appointment? 
    Ultrasound Thursday

    4) Rants/Raves/Questions 
    Right now I am just concerned about the M21 test. I think we are going to do it on Thursday.

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
    Nothing. I am trying to balance the incredible urge to sleep and spending time with my DS.
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    Anyone here know the size of their yolk sac at 6, 7, or 8 weeks? After three appointments and kinda feeling like my YS is small (the heartbeat is the star of the show and I have been glazing over the YS), I think I'm really starting to question it, now.

    RE has said nothing about it, though...
    TCC since Feb 2013
    No, I'm not an early bird, but that doesn't mean I'm a night owl.... I guess I'm an afternoon duck?
    Type A personality, Type B body
    First BFP with donor sperm 04/11/2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @afternoonduck, this is totally something I would think about, lol....yolk sac insecurity.  I don't know that I have ever heard of one being "too small"....sometime around now it will start to shrink and eventually disappear as the placenta takes over
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    This has been my buddy through the ultrasounds, but I was largely ignoring the YS. I think mine is like 2-3 mm. I AM SO FREAKING OUT.

    TCC since Feb 2013
    No, I'm not an early bird, but that doesn't mean I'm a night owl.... I guess I'm an afternoon duck?
    Type A personality, Type B body
    First BFP with donor sperm 04/11/2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @afternoonduck Thank you thank you thank you for that chart. I was feeling a little worried because I've seen a lot of people talk about their FHR, usually higher than mine by 10-20 bpm, and I got concerned that mine was too low. Now I see that we are right in the mid-range, and I am so relieved. Thank you! 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    2 Dogs / 2 Cats 
    IUI #1 07/2016 BFN
    IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
    IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
    IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @txmomma16, I am only registering around 135 or so on my home doppler, and I was very worried as well when I saw posts of 160 bpm +.....I am going to take this as a sign it's a boy:)
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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    vhill74vhill74 member
    1) How far along are you? 
    7 weeks! 
    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 
    Physically I feel fine, I had some cramping that of course freaked me out, but other than that just some nausea. Emotionally I'm all over the place. One momen I'm super happy and then next I'm mad at the world. Today I feel sad for some reason but I think I'm just nervous and scared about tomorrow.
    3) When is your next appointment? 
    Tomorrow (18th). We're going to the RE in the morning to see how the baby is growing. I don't think I have anything to worry about, last week she said the baby was find just measuring smaller than they though but I think they think this last cycle was shorter than it was. I went in for trigger shots and IUIs for the two months I got pregnant so they had my cycle pegged at 30 days. But we got pregnant naturally after all that and I think the cycle was 33-35 days so I think it's all good. I just realized I'm rambling.... yeah I'm a little anxious.
    4) Rants/Raves/Questions 
    Why can't we just KNOW everything is going to be ok?! Like "pee on this, if it turns purple you can rest easy for the next 9 months!!" Ugh, what a world that would be! 
    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
    I recently re-activated my Audible account and I've been listening to IT during the day at work. I think I might get stitch fix too, I just read they have maternity clothes so when the time comes it'll be fun! 
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    @vhill74 GL at your appt tomorrow!

    I emailed my nurse to try to get the numbers on my yolk sac instead of just sitting here stressing... and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought (thought it is small, I was right) - 3.6 mm

    So, a little sigh of relief.... now I just have to make it 'til Tuesday.
    TCC since Feb 2013
    No, I'm not an early bird, but that doesn't mean I'm a night owl.... I guess I'm an afternoon duck?
    Type A personality, Type B body
    First BFP with donor sperm 04/11/2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @vhill74 GL with your US today, I hope all looks good

    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    vhill74vhill74 member
    Everything is wonderful! Our little Chili measured at 7w4d (so we're back at our original timeframe) and heart rate is at 156! The doctor was very happy with everything and we got to "graduate" today. She gave me a 01/03/18 due date but everything else I'm looking at says 12/31/17 so I'm staying in the December group! o:)
    We go back to my old OB on Monday... hopefully we'll get to hear a heart beat there... I'm a little sad because the nurses at the RE office are SOOOOOOO wonderful!! 
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    vhill74vhill74 member
    @wabash15 yay!! Happy graduation day!! 
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    baevnbaevn member

    1) How far along are you? 
    8 + 4? Dr decided to go with the ultrasound due date of Dec 24th so I am still adjusting to moving back a few days and counting from there. 

    2) How are you feeling physically and emotionally? 
    Still battling some nausea and have very little appetite only a few foods sound okay and only for like 10 minutes. Am so thirsty. Emotionally fairly good. Seeing the heartbeat last week helped me relax immensely. 
    3) When is your next appointment? 
    Next Friday I have my first actual prenatal appointment at our prenatal clinic they do intake, register pregnancy, send me for bloodwork but my OB/GYN said if I want he can follow my pregnancy instead of having to attend the prenatal clinic to which I said hell yes because it was a nightmare with my last pregnancy. Our town has a dr shortage and tons of babies so they moved to a rotating prenatal clinic where docs take turns and you just see whoever is there that day. They all interpret and make different decisions and you have to tell your whole pregnancy story everytime. So I feel relieved to have one doctor for it all and he is the specialist so I think his decisions reign typically. 
    4) Rants/Raves/Questions 
    See above basically. Also just for a note I am canadian so if the whole healthcare setup seems weird that is why. Also in a small city. 

    5) GTKY: What is something you do just for you?
    Reading. I love to read. 
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    @vhill74 I would love a magic pee stick. Something to help ease all the worry. So glad to see your update that the little Chili is doing well!

    @wabash Happy Graduation day! Maybe not being as connected to this RE will make the transition easier? I’m struggling with going from being the center of attention with the entire office, to only even knowing the name of my doctor and the nurse because everyone else changes each time. L

    @baevn That prenatal clinic sounds so stressful for all mommas, but especially for IF mommas!
    I have a question for you ladies. What do you do with the extra supplies you have from fertility treatments. I have extra medication, extra needles and syringes, and two things of sharps I need to dispose. I don't want to throw them away and have them end up in some kid's hands, but I don't know what else I can do with them. Thoughts? (My RE said I can call my local fire department about the sharps, but I forgot to ask about all the rest of the stuff...) 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    2 Dogs / 2 Cats 
    IUI #1 07/2016 BFN
    IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
    IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
    IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    baevnbaevn member
    @txmomma16 where I am any unused medical stuff can be returned to any pharmacy and they will dispose of it properly. Maybe call your pharmacy and ask?
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    @txmomma16  I would ask your clinic. You can sometimes donate the meds to them to give to patients who cannot afford it or if you have any friends going through treatment can donate to them through their clinic.  As far as the syringes, I know in NJ there's a number to call and they will tell you to bring them; maybe TX had something similar? 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

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    @txmomma16 I second seeing if your RE would accept the meds for donation. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    @wabash15 @marley629 My clinic will not accept my meds. They will accept my syringes/needles, but only for demonstration and teaching purposes. :( The only suggestion they gave me was to contact the fire department. Google is no help because anything I look up is for commercial purposes. 

    I guess my next step will be to call one of the pharmacies I got all this stuff from. Unfortunately they're all by-mail pharmacies, but maybe they'll have suggestions. 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    2 Dogs / 2 Cats 
    IUI #1 07/2016 BFN
    IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
    IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
    IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    @txmomma16 what a bummer.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    afternoonduckafternoonduck member
    edited May 2017
    [somehow I double-posted... sorry!]
    TCC since Feb 2013
    No, I'm not an early bird, but that doesn't mean I'm a night owl.... I guess I'm an afternoon duck?
    Type A personality, Type B body
    First BFP with donor sperm 04/11/2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    That super sucks! There are so many women that could use those drugs.
    TCC since Feb 2013
    No, I'm not an early bird, but that doesn't mean I'm a night owl.... I guess I'm an afternoon duck?
    Type A personality, Type B body
    First BFP with donor sperm 04/11/2017
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Agreed! I've got so much leftover and I know how much that stuff costs... :( 

    All my IRL friends doing fertility treatments got KU before me or I would have donated to them. 
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    2 Dogs / 2 Cats 
    IUI #1 07/2016 BFN
    IUI #2 10/2016 BFN
    IUI #3 11/2016 BFN
    IVF #1 03/2017 - 23 Retrieved / 22 Fertilized / 11 at Day 3 / 1 Beautiful Embryo tf on Day 5 / 7 Frozen on Day 6 - Beta #1 4/5/17: 104 Beta #2 4/7/17 224
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    My re actually accepts leftovers. I received extra gonal-f from the doc that had been someone else's leftovers when I was waiting for my own prescription to come in. I dropped my extra ganarelex off, I had two months worth. 
    Momma to Amelia Marie (7/14) and Austin Samuel (11/17). Adding baby (girl) #3 on 7/21  <3
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