June 2017 Moms

Im 34 weeks 1 day my baby weighs 7lb. Wondering how much he may weigh at birth if he will be over 9l

Re: Im 34 weeks 1 day my baby weighs 7lb. Wondering how much he may weigh at birth if he will be over 9l

  • oh hai! Well, 7lbs is just an estimation, as there is a level of human error involved in u/s measurements. I was told DD2 weighed 4lbs, 4oz, at 38 weeks, I was induced the next day and she weighed 6lbs, 5oz.

    Cute baby! I might suggest introducing yourself in the "Intro" thread above. 

  • Thank you!
    also, there is zero chance that your baby will weigh 91lbs, so you can take that off of your list of things to worry about. 
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  • erinh84erinh84 member
    I can't even with the rando's on this BMB anymore. OP, go ask your doctor. Internet strangers can't help you.

    Also, Thank you!
  • Your ultrasound picture looks like you stole it off some medical schools website.  Girl bye.  Ask you doctor about your baby not the Internet. 
  • Weight estimations have a huge margin of error. Any number we throw out would just be pulled out of thin air. 
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