June 2017 Moms

Friday Ticker Change 5/5!

June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30!

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Appointment updates? 

Any new symptoms or changes? 


(borrowed from Monday) GTKY: Did you put any guilty pleasures or selfish things on your registry?
Me: 34, FTM, DH: 34
BFP: 9/30/16, EDD: 6/9/17

Re: Friday Ticker Change 5/5!

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    How far along are you? 35 weeks

    How big is baby? honey dew melon

    Appointment updates? I was having continuous BH contractions on Wednesday, so I called my midwife's office just to check and they sent me to L&D for a preterm labor check. Everything checked out and they concluded it was just BH, but my blood pressure was high for one reading, so they had me come back today for a recheck.  It's been super low the whole pregnancy, that I figure it was just the nerves/excitement of having to go in on Wednesday.  BP was normal today, so they are just requiring one more recheck next week to be safe there's no developing pre-E.  I got to hear baby for awhile on the fetal heart monitor and they did a quick ultrasound, which confirmed baby is head down!  I also found out the results of my GBS test - negative!!

    Any new symptoms or changes? I've actually been feeling a little better the last two weeks. The two weeks before that I felt miserable and uncomfortable.  Having more shortness of breath now though and getting in/out of bed is a joke.  After starting unisom nightly, some of the insomnia is easing.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? So happy to have finally been able to move into our nursery, after finishing some interior construction and completing my mountain mural (will post more pics in the nursery thread, but included a teaser below).  Also super happy about the GBS results and excited for our baby shower tomorrow and some bay area sunshine!

    (borrowed from Monday) GTKY: Did you put any guilty pleasures or selfish things on your registry?  Not really.  I did ask for this, which is just decor and not a "necessity." We got it off our registry in the mail this week and I'm excited to put them up in frames (wood stain, not white) in the nursery today!  https://www.etsy.com/listing/464095608/woodland-nursery-art-baby-forest-animals?ref=shop_home_active_1&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link

    Me: 34, FTM, DH: 34
    BFP: 9/30/16, EDD: 6/9/17
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    How far along are you? 35 weeks

    How big is baby? Pineapple

    Appointment updates? I had routine appointment yesterday. In and out and nothing to report.

    Any new symptoms or changes? Just total exhaustion. And hemorrhoids. I had no idea these might pop up pre-labor. Lots of pressure down there.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I know I don't want to sit at home counting down the minutes and days until she arrives but I've also lost all motivation to be at work. My work and attitude are seriously suffering.

    (borrowed from Monday) GTKY: Did you put any guilty pleasures or selfish things on your registry? No. I felt so uncomfortable having a shower and receiving gifts at all so everything on the registry was for the baby and modestly priced. 
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    June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30!

    How far along are you?  33 weeks 

    How big is baby? Celery 

    Appointment updates? I have a growth scan next week

    Any new symptoms or changes? Just getting very 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Nope. 

    (borrowed from Monday) GTKY: Did you put any guilty pleasures or selfish things on your registry? Our registry is really just a "to buy" list since this is our second and hasn't been shared with anyone. I did however sign up for a "bow of the month club" which I am a little ashamed at but they are so cute! 



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    How far along are you? 36 weeks

    How big is baby? a papaya? I guess I didn't imagine papayas were that big. 

    Appointment updates? My appointment on Monday went fine. My OB felt my belly and thought the baby was head down and "not too big".
    Any new symptoms or changes? The heartburn is off and on and I'm beginning to get more uncomfortable. I'm to the point where dropping something on the ground and needing to pick it up is definitely an increased challenge. My insomnia and nesting have also increased

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Ideas for ways to pass time over this next month. 

    (borrowed from Monday) GTKY: Did you put any guilty pleasures or selfish things on your registry? I had some really cute clothes on my registry but I ended up taking them off because we're team green and they were gender specific. I think most of the stuff was functional. 

    @sarah.j.617 I completely agree! Today I spent an hour of work looking up things to do the last month of pregnancy. I need to plan more. But at the same time I want to rest and relax more and the house isn't ready

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    June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30!

    How far along are you? 
    34 weeks

    How big is baby? a large bag of potato chips

    Appointment updates? Nope, not til next Friday.  

    Any new symptoms or changes? Blood pressure still high when I'm not laying down, so continuing bed rest.  Definately feel pressure now, especially when I am walking.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I treated myself to a haircut I wanted before baby comes since I've been very good with laying down all day
    DD: born August 2014
    BFP #2: 10/10/16
    Pregnancy Ticker
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