TTC after 35

TWW: Feb 20 - 26

Tell us how many DPO you are, what you're doing/not doing this month, when/if you'll test, and symptoms that have you wondering if this is THE month! 

If you haven't already made a separate intro, please first do so in a separate discussion thread so we can get to know you! Good luck!

Re: TWW: Feb 20 - 26

  • I actually know my DPO this time - its 2.  I got a positive OPK saturday which means I can finally get my progesterone tested this coming saturday.  Should know results next monday.  The entire last week I had so much fertile CM I didn't want to waste it so we ended up BD'ing 5 times in the last 8 days.  The top of my uterus is sore lol.  I usually BD based on CM and it was very abudnant.
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  • @vlagrl29 wow 5 times? Hats off to you, this better be your month!!! So glad you can get your progesterone tested.

    AFM, in not quite in my 2-1/2 week wait but had my pre-IVF ultrasound yesterday (in case this second IUI doesn't work) and RE said my endometrium was thickening nicely and I had one follie 21mm which looked about to burst. So I started my OPK testing this morning and will probably get my LH surge tomorrow, meaning IUI Thursday morning, yay!
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  • Anyone else in the TWW? Seems quiet out there, where is everyone?
  • @Momifbysea- that's awesome about your follicle.  I would love for this to by my month but I have to protect myself and not get my hopes up.  The CM was more than it ever has been in the past at one point last week it dripped thru  my underware onto my foot.  Lots of watery stretchy CM.  It has stopped as of Sunday.  Even the day of my positive OPK that evening lots of stretchy came out.  I kept thinking every day was my O day so I didn't want to miss it lol.  We didn't BD on my positive OPK day but I don't think it matters for how much it happened the entire week.
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  • @vlagrl29  Well someone was busy!  FX for you lady.

    @Momifbysea  Good luck to you.  Very exciting about the follicle.  It has been quiet here.... Wish is would liven up more. 
    Me: 36  DH:35
    Married: 7/10/2016
    TTC#1 - May 2016
    BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016  
    BFP 5/5/2017  - CP
    IVF #1 - June 2017  - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo.  7/9 Beta #1 - 161 
    <3 Adam <3 Born on 3/18/18

  • Ok I realize I'm not in the TWW QUITE yet but I had my LH surge this morning so scheduled IUI #2 for tomorrow morning. I'm really excited since DH will be there this time (fresh not frozen like last time). And then after tomorrow you'll have to put up with my 18-day wait whilst I go BSC!  ;)
  • @Momifbysea- if you don't mind me asking since I know nothing about IUI - how is it performed?  do they just insert sperm into an egg inside you?  Also curious - how much does it cost?  GL on your IUI tomorrow.
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  • MomifbyseaMomifbysea member
    edited February 2017
    Sure no problem! Basically it costs around $500. You can do it either without meds, with meds CD 3-7 (or 4-8, or 5-9), or with meds plus a trigger for O. When you go in they use a speculum for a better view of the cervix and insert a catheter through the cervix to deliver the washed sperm to the uterus near the Fallopian tubes. They don't insert the sperm into the egg but this gets them closer. You then rest 15-20 minutes with your hips slightly elevated and then go on about your day.
  • @Momifbysea - interesting!  We could handle $500 although I'm still hoping that we can conceive without any medical interventions.  It's kind of sad to think we have to start all over after our loss - I really hope it doesn't take us another 6 months.
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  • @Momifbysea interesting. Gl and everything crossed for you !!
    Me: 36  DH:35
    Married: 7/10/2016
    TTC#1 - May 2016
    BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016  
    BFP 5/5/2017  - CP
    IVF #1 - June 2017  - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo.  7/9 Beta #1 - 161 
    <3 Adam <3 Born on 3/18/18

  • This morning went really well! Count and motility were good.
  • glad it went well @Momifbysea - now the hard part is waiting.  I hope I at least make it until next week tuesday before I start pre AF spotting.  I want at least a LP of 10 days before the spotting starts.  Gosh I guess I'm already counting myself out for the cycle.  TTCAL is so much different for me mentally than before the loss.  I use to always be so hopefull and now I'm assuming it won't happen.
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  • I am hoping for you @vlagrl29! And I totally get assuming it won't happen, I always do that.
  • currently I really feel that my progesterone must be super low and that's what my dx is.  Will find out soon enough
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  • @vlagrl29 well at least that would be an easy fix! I think I remember you had trouble taking it, but maybe suppository form would be more tolerable for you?
  • yes that's what I'm nervous about @Momifbysea - I'd hate if I was allergic to all forms of P. and yet needed it to sustain a pregnancy.  who knows if my P was low before my recent loss or if I had low P because it wasn't a viable pregnancy.
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  • @Momifbysea interesting. Gl and everything crossed for you !!  

    @vlagrl29  I sometimes get spotting before 10DPO too...... It's a mind f.  I'm always like "It's IB!!"  Nope, just AF spotting.  My attitude flip flops from no hope for the cycle to thinking it is my cycle all within the same day. Every. Single. Cycle.  
    Me: 36  DH:35
    Married: 7/10/2016
    TTC#1 - May 2016
    BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016  
    BFP 5/5/2017  - CP
    IVF #1 - June 2017  - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo.  7/9 Beta #1 - 161 
    <3 Adam <3 Born on 3/18/18

  • it's why I rarely test because I almost always get pre AF spotting so what's the point?  Although my last AF had barely any spotting so I'm hoping that's my new normal from now on. Also I'll get a bloated belly the week leading up to AF
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  • Good luck ladies, I'm lurking from the pre-IVF sidelines still. FX for your IUI @Momifbysea hopefully you don't need the IVF!
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm 11dpo AF is due today but so far nothing I usually have spotting but nothing yet. DH and I BD every night of my fertile window so my fingers are crossed that this is our month.

    Symptoms I'm feeling beginning if the week I felt like AF was coming then halfway thru the week nothing I still don't feel anything. I have been having headaches like I'm hungover headaches, yesterday I was burpy and 2 times I burped up acid,I was extremely thirsty yesterday and I have lower back pain. If AF doest come by tomorrow I will test on Monday. Pray for me please!!!!
  • Good luck @Labluver2 we got extra BD time in this cycle too. I want to be hopeful but I also don't want disappointment.
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  • I know that feeling part of me wants to test today I'm normally 27 or 28 days today is cycle day 28. Today I feel normal just lower back pain. I don't want to get my hopes up tho so if I don't get it by Monday morning I will test then. 
  • my progesterone was drawn this morning.  looking foward to results hopefully monday.
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  • @Labluver2 thinking of you and yes it's so hard to wait! Try to find any distraction you can!

    @vlagrl29 hope you get good results tomorrow!

    AFM, we went to our pre-IVF class today and it triggered anxiety like I haven't felt in years. My parents are in from out of state so I told them about all the fertility stuff. Lukewarm reception. Anyway, I am a needle phobe and have trouble taking pills larger than like birth control, just hate drugs and in the class we had to pass around the injection dispensers and learn how. Two hours and very intense. I didn't faint but at the restaurant with my family last night I had to run in the bathroom to throw up from nerves, didn't eat a bite, then threw up again last night after they left for their hotel. I've barely slept. I pray pray pray this current IUI works!
  • Oh goodness ! @Momifbysea I really hope your iui works too I would also hate to Ivf but if need be I guess I would and we'd take out a home equity loan to pay for it. How many more iui do you get? I understand anxiety because I have a history of it. Barfed many of times. 
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  • I don't like taking any drugs either so I completely understand that. One reason I want to give us a full year before taking clomid.
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  • Still no sign of AF I did however ovulate a little later  this month so now I'm wondering if that's why I'm a few days late I normally get at day 27 or 28. I'm still running to get a test today may test Tuesday morning instead of tomorrow mor ong. I feel crampy and keep thinking I got it but nothing not even the slightest spotting. Will keep you posted. 

    Praying that you have a successful iui
  • vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
    edited February 2017
    @Labluver2- if you do ovulate later the LP will be the same length as normal but you will start AF a bit later than normal.  My cycles vary 29-31 days so my AF is due either next weekend or very early the following week.
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  • @Momifbysea praying with you. Since booking my re consult I've been lurkjbg on the infertility board and of course googling lots. I'm intimidated and hate the idea of drugs. It takes a lot for me to even take cold medicine.

    @Labluver2 gl thus cycle !

    @vlagrl29 gl. You sure as hell bd enough !!
    Me: 36  DH:35
    Married: 7/10/2016
    TTC#1 - May 2016
    BFP 9/6/2016 - Missed MC 10/20/2016  
    BFP 5/5/2017  - CP
    IVF #1 - June 2017  - Transferred 1 fresh 4 AA embryo.  7/9 Beta #1 - 161 
    <3 Adam <3 Born on 3/18/18

  • I was thinking about it the other night - the way my cycle is if we are lucky enough to get pregnant sometime in the next 3 months we will either have a Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas baby.  I hope we do so we can use the great insurance plan we have this year with an $1100 max OOP.
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  • Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone! Rooting for all of you, too! @vlagrl29 glad to know I'm not the only one with the anxiety! Insurance would cover more IUI but we are feeling pressured because we are moving out of state in June and insurance right now has a 15k bucket for this! But, like you and @SP128 I hate taking drugs. Like, not even Advil. I know, I'm weird but I'd rather go natural.
  • Bloating has started today and I'm afraid it's AF bloat. I'm tired after 10 hours sleep and DD is annoying the crap out of me today. 

    @Momifbysea debt makes me anxious too and if we had to take out a loan for Ivf it would be hard for me to knowing it may not be a guarantee.
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  • vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
    edited February 2017
    I also use an app on my iPhone for guided meditation called insight timer. I used it a lot during my short lived pregnancy in December. That was stressful from the beginning as I started spotting  the day after my bfp. 
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  • Took a test this morning it was BFN still no AF I'll wait a few days and test again if I don't get it. 
  • @Labluver2 FX it's just too early!
  • Well AF showed her ugly head this afternoon. Funny that I had no cramps or anything like I normally do and now they are full force. 
  • Thank you. We will try again this cycle!!!
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