March 2017 Moms

Does anyone else not feel "sooo ready" to have this baby out?

My due date is March 15th. And trust me, I very much want this baby. But at the same time I have a lot of people now saying to me "You must be sooo ready to have that baby out of you!" And the truth is I'm not. If anyone has seen the Office episode where Pam is having contractions and yet not willing to go to the hospital because she is freaking out about not being ready... I kind of feel like that. It's so easy to just keep my little one safe inside me and carry him around like this. I know every thing is going to change once he is here and even now it's still all so unreal to me. Am I the only expecting mother who feels this way? Excited yet still nervous enough to not be wishing for an earlier delivery date?

Re: Does anyone else not feel "sooo ready" to have this baby out?

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    I was 100% ready for this person to come out. Until today at my Drs appointment when he set a date for me to be induced. It's still 4 weeks away but now that there's a definite date that I won't be going past I'm freaking out. 
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    edited February 2017
    It changes on a daily basis, sometimes I'm scared shitless of having two children and am perfectly content being pregnant for awhile longer, other times (like right now) I would trade anything to get rid of this discomfort. I'm being induced next Thursday, and it seems wayyyy too close yet so far away. 

    edited because words are difficult really early in the morning!
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    Physically I'm ready, the nursery and all the baby stuff is set up, freezer meals made, etc. but mentally I'm not there yet. I'm happy for her to stay in for now. I totally get how Pam felt.

    Me 28 DH 28 Married 2012

    TTC #1 since March 2015

    Metformin + Femara + Gonal F + Trigger = BFP 6/24/16 

    EDD 3/3/17

    Found out it's a girl! 9/23/16

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    I'm on the fence. I'm uncomfortable, tired, ankles and hands are starting to swell and I'm at the point where I want my body back. But at the same time there's so much going on with us moving (tomorrow!) and there's just so much change happening at once that I kind of want another couple months to make sure we're adjusted to a new home and area before baby comes and we only have a couple of weeks before everything completely changes. I think most of my hesitancy to welcome this new one is due to my toddler. I know he'll be a great big brother and we've read books about being helpful and such, but I feel terrible that he won't have my 100% attention anymore and he'll have to share me. I say me because he's all about mom. Not that he doesn't love my husband, but he's definitely a mama's boy at the moment. We have such a great routine with him and he sleeps perfectly through the night. I just ask myself what on earth were we thinking throwing a wrench into all of that?! So yeah, I get where you're coming from. 
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    I'm excited for the baby to be here, but we are so not ready.  My EDD was March 24th so I expected to have plenty of time, but my OB said on Monday that he could really come any day now so now every day, I am in a panic trying to get our apartment ready.  The crib and car seat are both still in their boxes!  I've only gotten one load of baby clothes washed, the rest of the stuff is still in the trunk... so much to do, I hope he keeps cooking a little longer so we can be more ready for him.
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    I can completely understand and relate to those who are ready for Baby to come out - my body is exhausted from pregnancy. My back is in so much pain that I wince whenever I roll over in bed - which is often since I spent most of the night NOT sleeping...  

    But emotionally I'm right on board with you. Completely unprepared and feeling overwhelmed. I've actually been thinking about that episode before you posted this - I've never related more to Pam in my life! 
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    @kiyamurph good luck with the move!! Hope it all goes smoothly :smile:
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    Yep, I'm really in no hurry. Maybe it's because I plan for this to be my last pregnancy, maybe it's because I'm still sleeping pretty well most nights, maybe it's because I remember quite clearly how it feels to labor without meds (which truly is my preference, but...)
    Who knows. But I am perfectly happy to go to 39-41 weeks at this point. Check with me again at 39 and I bet I'll say 39 is enough! A lot can change in three weeks. Haha.
    DD (8), DS (5), DD (3)
    baby #4 due March '17!
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    I'm tired, but nowhere near uncomfortable enough to want baby out. I'm not ready physically (we're still buying necessities and setting up the nursery) or mentally.

    But I'm also not due until March 26. Talk to me again in 2 weeks.
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    This is my first baby so I'm ready but not ready. I'm ready to hold him and enjoy him but part of me is wondering how life is going to change with little things like my DH rubbing my back while we lay in bed before going to sleep...that will most likely be interrupted by a hungry baby soon! It's all so scary and exciting at the same time. 
    Me: 24 DH: 27
    High School Sweethearts: 10/13/06
    Married: 10/13/13
    Baby #1 EDD: 3/20/17

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    I'm not ready.  I'm due March 14 and I so want to make it to my date or go over.  Babies are so much easier to take care of inside of you.  :)  I do want to hold her and see what she looks like and see DD with her, but I can wait three more weeks.
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    I'm with @RunBooRun. Tired but thankfully not too uncomfortable. No swelling (yet) just some trouble sleeping. Hoping for logistics sake babe comes week of/after due date but of course I'm sure it won't work out that way. Since it's our first I'm excited to meet him and see him and I think house wise we're about as ready as we can be for him but I know DH is not looking forward to the sleepless nights and I'm not looking forward to dealing with him complaining about it lol. 
    married 10.10.14 @ Turks & Caicos
    yorkie mama to Oscar
    FTM EDD 3.12.17
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    As far as I'm concerned, this kid is just freeloading at this point.....I'm ready for him to be out!!  I had an appt on Tuesday and was 70% effaced and fingertip dilated, he hasn't really dropped
    much yet.  I might see if my OB would be willing to strip my membranes next week if I'm dilated enough.  
    Married: 7/9/15
    Me: 37, DH: 36
    Started TTC #1: 9/2015
    Preliminary labs/testing @ 6 months: TSH, A1c, progesterone, prolactin, SA, HSG all normal
    BFP: 5/19/2016, M/C: 5/29/2016
    BFP: 6/22/2016  EDD 3//6/2017

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    This is probably the only time I've ever thought to myself that I wouldn't mind going past my due date. I'm due the 17th and I'm terrified of being a mom of 2. As hard as it is being pregnant and taking care of a 3 year old, at least I know my body is doing the work for the LO inside. 

    I'm sooooo not ready to the point that I don't even have my hospital bag packed. All I have in there is a packet of papers from my midwife. We don't have a nursery because we're moving into our new house in exactly 1 week.. so mentally and physically I'm so not ready. March is really creeping up on me too quickly. 
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    So many mixed emotions on this! I feel ready in the sense that at work.. my caseload changed to accommodate maternity leave so I don't feel particularly attached to students and thinking "well.. 15 work days left" so not feeling super motivated.  

    I'm terrified, like others, to become a mom of two. We have such a great life right now and while my son throws in some curveballs, he is a great little guy and I'm worried about him being sad about not having me to himself and having such a big adjustment. Also unsure of how I will function on a little sleep while having to entertain a two year old when all I did was nap when he napped as a newborn. 

    However.... as I lay here and can't sleep and feel this baby going INSANE.. my body just feels ready. I want to get my body back! Also ready to discover who this baby is.. boy or girl and if our inklings are right or if we will be totally surprised. 
    For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him.
    1 Samuel 1:27
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    @Burrberrymum I feel your pain girl! Good luck with your move. 
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    @mmaru I feel you. I'm due in March 27th the car seat is out if the box and put together but only because my sister did it. I washed some of the clothes but I have a few more to wash still. One part of me is ready because I want to see what she looks like and because it's getting painful to do anything but the other part of me is nervous about her being here. This is my 3rd baby and my youngest is 9. So it's been a very long time since I've been around a newborn baby. Everyone keeps saying oh you'll know what to do but it's still nerve wracking.

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    @shines721 Work is probably the only place where I feel ready. It's torturous to sit at my desk all day. I have other things I'd rather be doing and my chair is so uncomfortable. I'm still working on stuff, but all of my projects have been assigned a back up who's being cc'd on everything. So they can jump in at any moment.

    Much rather be home organizing the baby's room and packing a hospital bag (which I think I finally have everything on my list so I can actually pack it).

    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    @RunBooRun yes!! I'm more ready to be done with work than anything. 
    Me: 24 DH: 27
    High School Sweethearts: 10/13/06
    Married: 10/13/13
    Baby #1 EDD: 3/20/17

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    i feel like i'm so ready to be done and meet this baby but then with every new day i think "well, she can wait until tomorrow"...i'd really like for her to make it to 39 weeks (one week away!) and am really hoping to have her next sunday haha i'm kind of in limbo land with it all
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    @kiyamurph thank you! Goodluck to you as well, I keep seeing your comments about moving and it makes me feel slightly better that I'm not the only one with such a hectic situation right before baby is born! 
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