December 2016 Moms

Pumped milk Amount

Hi All - I have a question regarding breast milk being good fed via bottle. My baby is 8 weeks old and eats from about 6 until he goes to bed. I have to travel in a couple of weeks and am trying to figure out his feeding schedule to tell my parents. Between 8:30 am and 7:30 pm he has eaten 22 oz.... 12 of the ounces from between 5:30-7:30. He is inconsolable between bottles. This seems excessive. Does anyone else that has a baby that eats a lot during the day. I put him to bed around 8:30 and get up at least twice between 8:30p to 8:30a. 

Let me me know if this doesn't make sense :) 

i appreciate any advice! 
Charlie was born 12/15!!!

Re: Pumped milk Amount

  • My LO drinks between 27 and 30 oz a day pretty consistently. He is exclusively expressed breast milk. He eats every 3-4 hours but makes it 6-8 hours overnight. Occasionally in the evening he will throw a fit midway between his feeding times and I'll give him a 2oz snack.

    Does your LO have specific cries or actions that he does only when hungry? How old is he? Could it be something else like colic or be in a wonder week? 
  • I hadn't thought of a wonder week - maybe that's it. He isn't colicky. During the day he is a fairly calm baby. Then starting around 5 he wants to eat non-stop until he goes to bed. He is crying his hungry cry. We have tried everything. I thought pumping might help at least see how much he is getting.. it turns out he is getting a lot. He goes 2-3 hours between feedings in the day with each feeding at about 3-4 ounces. It's just this period at night where he eats a ton, but then he still gets up at least twice to eat at night. I am going to monitor it for a few days and then call the LC. Let me know if you have any other ideas. And, thank you. This mom gig is tough :)
    Charlie was born 12/15!!!
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  • It can be the witching hours, which he will grow out of around ~6 months. Or it could be a growth spurt, which is causing the cluster feeding. Just remember that 'This too shall pass'

    Formerly known as Kate08young
    August '18 Siggy April Showers:

    Me: 28 H: 24
    Married: 7/22/14
    Baby L: 8/4/2015  August 2015 Moms
    Baby E: 11/18/2016   December 2016 Moms
    TTC #3 08/2017  BFP 11/27/2017. 
    Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well. 

  • Babies are weird, my guy likes to eat more often during the day then slows down at night. I second @Kate08Young this too shall pass but it sucks while in the middle of it. Have a great trip and treat yourself when you can!
  • My LO definitely eats more often, and longer in the hours leading up to bed time. But he sleeps really well so I think he is just replacing his middle of the night feedings with earlier ones.
    Good luck on your trip, and make sure to leave a lot of milk, maybe even some formula for backup.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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