March 2017 Moms

Fit Mama Check-In: Jan 23rd

Happy Monday, Ladies!

1: How far along are you

2: What are your goals for the week ahead

3: How was last week?

4: Any new challenges or needed modifications you want to share?

5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments

Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms?

7: GTKY: What are you going to miss most about being pregnant

8: challenge chatter--->  SQUATS Day 8!

Re: Fit Mama Check-In: Jan 23rd

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    @kjd291good luck at your midwife appointment! Hoping that BP stays on the low end!
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    BP was still creeping higher, but not in emergency range. Midwife ((I Luckly got swapped out at random to see my favorite!!)) told me not to worry about it at all. No need to self check during the week or anything-if it gets too high we can find that out at next weeks appointment and go from there.

    @serenity13 so sorry you're dealing with that awful heartburn! Ugh! Have you asked for a script from your doc yet to help??  & love the date thing!! 3/21 would be cool! 

    @jenny0228 yay for getting cleaning help!! It'll be such a great treat and so helpful once your little one arrives! And you'll have to let us know how the blue apron is!  I get the dizziness too-I always assume it's circulation problems. Ugh. "Joys of pregnancy" is right. Haha. &I glad I could inspire with my toddler squats ;} hah. So soon you'll have our own little built in weight!! 

    @gracie4400  I loveee Cheesecake Factory! We don't have one in Maine. Wahhh. I had one a few miles from my college and loved going there with friends. Enjoy!!  & glad you enjoyed your childbirth class!!

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    1: How far along are you?
    2: What are your goals for the week ahead
    3 elliptical sessions, if I can. More stretching!!!
    3: How was last week?
    First half was good - managed to get my workouts in and started strong with the squat challenge... 
    4: Any new challenges or needed modifications you want to share?
    Sciatica is becoming a big issue... three days I lost feeling in my right lower leg (mainly calf) and had numbness for a few hours each episode. Will be talking to my doctor this week to see if there is anything I can do to help it! Ended up missing days 6&7 of the challenge because of it :( 
    5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments
    Have another massage therapy session this Friday!
    Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms?
    Starting to get uncomfortable! Between the numbness and increasing backaches I feel whiny and useless! Almost had to run a bath at 11pm last night just so I could sleep. Might have to this morning still as the ache is still there despite DH's attempts at back rubs.
    7: GTKY: What are you going to miss most about being pregnant
    The kicks! I love the feeling.

    8: challenge chatter--->  SQUATS Day 8!
    Going to try to jump back in today breaking them down into sets of 10 I think. Fx the legs cooperate!
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    1: How far along are you? 32 weeks and 2 days

    2: What are your goals for the week ahead
    ? I'd like to do 2 gym sessions plus my yoga classes. Would also like to average 10k steps a day. 

    3: How was last week? Last week was okay, but wasn't bad. I got 1 gym workout plus my yoga class. Then I had several days where I ended up having loads to and hit like 14k steps each day (9-10k would be my average with just general walking to and from work, etc). So I'm counting those as workouts. 

    4: Any new challenges or needed modifications you want to share?
    ? No new modifications, pretty much the same as before. 

    5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments
    ! Got a mani-pedi on Friday, although I've already got chips!! :( So will probably re-do the polish at home tonight. Also (weather permitting) am having our maternity photo shoot on Sunday at some old castle ruins!! I can't wait! Got my dress over the weekend and I'm SOOO excited about it. 

    Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms? My rave is that I've actually really been enjoying pregnancy still, despite the tiredness and the few unsavoury symptoms here and there. I know several people have mentioned how they're over it, but I'm really glad I haven't experienced that yet. Don't get me wrong, I miss my body for sure, but I feel like I've had a great pregnancy experience. My only rant is that when I've been getting on packed busses lately ( like around rush hour), people haven't been giving their seat up for me. And it's making me really frustrated. Like, yes... I'm capable of standing. But the heat of all those bodies really gets to me, and I have a hard time keeping my balance while the bus is stoping and going. DH says I should just ask someone to please give their seat up, but like how do I pick who to ask? And I feel totally bitchy singling someone out and saying, "hey... you... get up and give me your seat!" 

    7: GTKY: What are you going to miss most about being pregnant
    ? I LOVE feeling the baby kick, it's such a cool feeling. And I'm not going to lie... I love using preganancy as an excuse to get out of housework... ha ha. I HATE doing housework and cleaning. I mean, I'll do it... I keep a clean apartment, but if I don't have to I'm totally happy with that! Ha h;a. 

    8: challenge chatter--->  SQUATS Day 8! Loving this challenge!!! I missed a couple days last week, but got 60 in today (I think I started a day after everyone). 90 for me tomorrow!
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    @npaulie oooh-castle ruins!!! Awesome!!!
     Totally agree on the housework front! I usually do everything since I'm a SAHM, so i like to do it all and not make DH in the evenings-but it's been nice to wait and have him help.
    im so glad you haven't hit the "over it" point yet! And hopefully you don't have to! I think staying fit definitely gives us an upper hand at physically not being too unable to deal with all the fun stuff that pregnancy brings.

    @kateM hope the sciatica and back pain can be resolved. If not by themselves with your massage! 
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    @kjd291 Wahoo for getting the favorite midwife. Makes such a diff in the day especially since it sounds like she eased your concerns. Fingers crossed for positive updates next week!

    I've been dealing with the reflux too.  I never had this issue with DS! I've never taken tums in my life before these last couple weeks. Hope sleep improves for you soon!

    @jenny0228 Glad to hear you're looking into the cleaning. It's going to be so worth it. We're onside ring checking out blue apron too. A friend gave me that whole offer plan. We'll see though. I'm auch a picky eater.

    Castle ruins,!?!? How cool!!!!

    I'm sorry you're going through the sciatica pain too! Ive had issues/shots etc prior to being pregnant. mine has just started to kick up this week. I'm thinking that I might go see a chiro. Hopefully you can take it easy and it doesn't get any worse!

    1: How far along are you
    ? 34w1d

    2: What are your goals for the week ahead

    T- Yoga
    Th- Stroller strides
    S- spinning 

    3: How was last week? Good. Did that yoga class and spinning and shopping... hear me out in that last one. DH is a window shopper.  I am not. Hes been wanting to go to the mall to get a black work sweater. Yall we were there for THREE HOURS walking around and I was chasing the toddler so he could look around. You know what we left with after 3 hours? A blue sweater.

    4: Any new challenges or needed modifications you want to share?
    ? Sleep positions is a big modification lol

    5: How are/have you treated your self? Celebrate your body and its accomplishments
    ! Massage on Wed, MNO on,Thursday,and really looking forward to going back to that Yoga class again! :-D

    Questions, Concerns, Rants, Raves, Randoms?

    Ugh so many little things.

    DH is "sick." I feel like that alone is enough said... 

    Insurance doesn't cover the TDAP. How is that even a thing!?

    7: GTKY: 

    The coversation!! People love to ask questions while I don't always love the tone or topic I like that people will talk to a preggo more comfortably makes me feel like home (Texas) where you can always always trike up a conversation with someone at the CVS. Here in MD people look at you strange over more than a nod/acknowledgement. 

    8: challenge chatter--->  Seriosuly loving them! So is DS :smiley:
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    @triwellnessgirl yay for the upcoming shower! Hope you enjoy all the primping this week =] can't wait to see pics! 
    Baby still may be head down! The heartburn sadly doesn't subside even with that. They still cram their little butt and feet into your ribs and make you so kindly out of breath and dealing with the indigestion. What *can* help is when they "drop" into your pelvis (usually not till you get to term) and free up a little breathing room!  

    @vino831 Nooo. Not the man flu. Prayers mama.  I lol at "blue sweater" hahah. Sounds like a workout and more! & I also got a seporate bill for the Tdap this week. Thought it was so weird since they insist it's a routine and very important shot... um okay. I hate medical billing crap.
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    @npaulie enjoy your maternity photo shoot! We have a friend who is a photographer and he did took our photos this past Sunday, it was fun! Please post when you get them back (I'll do the same!)

    @jenny0228 That knitted uterus sounds hilarious - please take a picture if you can! :D

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    @kjd291 get it girl! You're looking awesome! I'm at 35lb weight gain myself, and I still have 7.5 weeks. So I'll be right there with you!!
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    Yeaaaah @kjd291 you are awesome lady! I love this! I don't know where you're putting that 40lbs, you're all belly! I'm around 30+lbs so far with 9 weeks to go so I'm headed there, too! 
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    Thanks ladies!!
    All the exercise we are doing while carrying around extra pounds is probably building muscle which only adds to that number, right? ;) 
    I gained the same amount last time.  luckily i looked back at old posts and reminded myself : I left the hospital a full 20lbs lighter just from delivery, and two weeks after (with doing nothing but existing) I was down 30lbs. And once I started working out again (6wks post) only had 5 to go down back to pre-preggo weight. So I can remember ((and encourage you)) that this will all fade away quick enough on its own! 
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    I just got an email with some upcoming race dates in the late summer / early fall. Started me thinking! I think I might register for a few things to keep me motivated post baby! Anyone have any races you're thinking of doing? I think I'll register for a 5K in June, then my favorite race of the year in August, a 7.1 mile local race.
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    @jenny0228 I'm planning on doing my towns 5k in July, and definitely registering for the 10k that I was SO SO Bummed about missing out on this pregnancy because of my hip injury. I'd love to do a half marathon in the next year too-but probably need to wait a bit with training/breastfeeding/childcare/etc. 
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    vino831vino831 member
    edited January 2017
    @kjd291 You ROCK STAR YOU!! You look amazing! 

    @jenny0228 Kidd you not I was coming here to ask the same exact question. I have been the 3 year running captain for a Ragnar trail team. I miss it so much. They have started to ping me about 2017 but I just don't think I can commit to it anymore with a 2 yo and 6 mo at the time - camping it ALWAYS rains lol. So alas I will have to put off until 2018 when I *might  feel comfortable leaving them over night with grandparents. 

    And I like fun run, obstacle type things to prevent me from getting bored. I'm doing the Warrior Dash in the summer to get back into things. And I also plan of doing thr fit4mom run club and body back program BUT idk what else organized activity to do yet. I'd love to do something with DH or friends.

    How cool would it be if we all lived near ish and we could meet up for a running event with the lo's!? :-)

    On another note I feel like my stomach is protruding so much. More than DS and definitely not getting that watermelon look they say you have with girls - she is trying to escape from my belly button. I say all of this bc of the photo - one of those random amazing things in life. I have NO idea how I am still able to let him nap on me like this at this point. But darnit we make it work - poor baby has a double ear infection (48 hours after getting over the stomach virus!)

    (Well ofc the photo won't upload will try later)

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    @kjd291 so great that you'll be able to do the 10k - I know it was so disappointing for you to have to sit it out with your hip after all that training! This year you'll kill it!  And so exciting to do a half!! I love the 13.1 it's my favorite distance. You must have some really pretty courses up near you in Maine. 

    @vino831 I LOVE Ragnar! I have done it 3 years, I used to do Reach the Beach as well - somehow I have avoided rain every year. We have not done the trail series, but I have always wanted to try one. Captain is a tough role, haha I've done it a few times as well and it's a lot of work! Thinking of all that coordination with two kids nevermind one... yeah I hear you. I'd love to participate in one again, someday but probably not as captain. The one local to us is in May, not sure I'd be ready by then this year, but maybe next. 

    Sorry about the ear infection, hope that heals up quick!
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    I've done a 5k the last two Aprils & a 10k the last two Mays... This year I'll be attending the April one as a walker with DH/baby/our dog...first family walk! :) Last year DH & I ran with our dog in it (it's a benefit run/walk for the SPCA I volunteer at) and I'll see how I'm feeling in late April if I'll be up for the 10k in May but it's a 90 minute drive away so I'm guessing I might sit out this year. Definitely would like to do at least one 5/10k later this year though! I registered for a 10 mile race last year but backed out because I was able to sell my bib & make like 3x what I paid to enter so it was worth it to me at the time haha...
    Someday I might be up for a 10 or 13.1 mile but I struggle with running long distances - I know it's mostly a mental thing for me, but I've never been able to run more than like 75 minutes at a time without feeling like I'm dying at the end....although it would be cool to say I've done a half marathon so maybe I'll push past the mental barrier & go for it one of these years haha
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    @jenny0228 yes! Lots of pretty places to run up here!! Ughh! Reading everyone's posts about races is making me SO ready to get this baby out and to get my feet back to hitting the pavement!!

    This week has been rough! Yesterday's "active" time was spent chopping and shoveling ice off my driveway and taking half a mile walk down our road (pushing DD) because it was beautiful out! plus the usual toddler chasing and housework--and I'm really starting to feel this body have to slow down.  I had to take a Epsom salt bath after I got her to bed because I was just SO sore and tired, and my hip started to hurt again (booo) and went to bed early.  Thinking I really need to listen to my body and slow down!! 

    Gonna hit the 40squats today, but other than usual toddler workouts im going to listen to my weary body and rest.
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    @jenny0228 Aww, that's So adorable and So perfect!! <3
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    @jenny0228 omg that's so cute!! 
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    @jenny0228 SO cute and funny!!

    DS had like 3 Ragnar Onsies. Going through his clothes this week to see what I'd keep for her I def set them aside for her to wear too. Can't wait for the side by side photos! :smiley:
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    Squat Challenge Ladies: reminder to get 75 today and 125 tomorrow! (Rest day Monday! Or swap out a weekend day if you want or forget ;) 

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
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