January 2017 Moms

Was/is your hospital baby friendly?

So our hospital was not "baby friendly" for our boys, but this birth it was.  Anyone else?  Curious to know your thoughts.  This is what I noticed:
-Baby stayed in or for whole c section as opposed to being taken out after skin to skin.
-2 nurses were assigned to making baby do skin to skin and give me an opportunity to latch multiple times while dr sewed me up/ tied my tubes.
-Baby stayed in recovery room with me even thought I couldn't hold her due to low blood pressure and body temp.
-No bath until after 24 hours and when it was done it was done in my room.
-All bloodwork,shot,hearing test, jaundice test, weigh ins and vitals done in my room.
-The baby literally never left my room the whole time.
***I breastfed my 2 boys so we had them with us anyway, no nursery, but they were taken for all those other little things.
-Nurse asked if I was breast feeding and even after I said yes and that I breast fed my other 2 she still sat there and lectured me with pamphlets and studies until I damn near kicked her out of my room.  
Anyone else have any things they noticed??
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Was/is your hospital baby friendly?

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    Our hospital was with my son. He left the room for a total of 10 minutes to go to the nursery. Other than that, they did everything on this nifty table/bed beside mine. I got to hold him immediately after he was out (i had natural though, idk what stipulations usually are for csects) and he did get a bath/wipe down. But I got to bf asap and he stayed with me. My doctor was going to be the same that delivered him, unfortunately she is on a leave due to having a miscarriage of her own, and I will have the other doctor I've seen and another OB there for delivery. Tomorrow I go and talk to my doctors about a game plan for induction so I'll let you know what they say!

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    We are in a different state for this delivery and I did notice quite a few differences! This was my third c section and it was the first time I have ever gotten to hold and nurse my baby while in the OR. It was also the first time my DH got to cut the cord. I also noticed that the nurses were much more hands off (not in a bad way) during my recovery unless there was something to be concerned about and baby rarely left my room. 
    Baby Boy 3 is on the way! 
    Due 1/21/17
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    Our hospital was as well. LO only left the room twice: once for his hearing test and another for his heel stick test. He could have gone to the nursery but it would have been at my request only. We did have a barrage of hospital staff coming and going from our room on our second recovery day (LCs, birth record people, pedis, OB partner to check on me) which was frustrating when I needed to breastfeed but otherwise they were amazing.
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    We had our baby at a different hospital than our older daughter but both were considered baby friendly. Both times babies roomed in and got baths and the pediatrician checks in the room with us, but both times were taken to the nursery for hearing tests and vax. With our first they did the bili test in our room but this time it was done in the nursery. I could be wrong but I feel like most hospitals are moving towards being baby friendly these days
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    I believe my hospital is pretty friendly although will be asking about skin to skin after c section at my appt tomorrow. It's hard to say for sure because LO was in the nicu so although using the same hospital I won't really know until I am there. 
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