June 2016 Moms

mini pill panic

Hello..anyone else on the mini pill? My doctor prescribed it when I was pumping and feeding formula about 50 50...I didn't really read much on it cause I still wasn't having sex due to painful episiotomy. He did tell me take it within 3 hours of the same time every day..I took thag to mean if you take it at 9..technically you should have from between 6am to 12pm (3 hrs on either side) ...from reading now I think it's actually 1.5 hrs before a target time and 1.5 hrs after.  Well I think for the most part I've been okay that way maybe a few days in the 6 to 12 window. I just read that once you stop breastfeeding it's less effective as well..well I quit like 2 months ago. Now I think my period is late (I just got it back two months ago and had two periods last month when I started the pill...do could jus tbe messed up). Panicking as Def don't want to be pregnant right now..and Noone told me this not effective when not breastfeeding business.  Anyone get roegnant on this pill? Also do you know if you are even supposed to get a period cause I'm seeing conflicting info on that as well. Stupid mini pill

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