December 2016 Moms

Sunday ticker change 11/20

how far along are you?
how big is baby?
appointments or other happenings this week?
gtky (stolen from Saturday): what are you doing for thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different?

Re: Sunday ticker change 11/20

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    how far along are you? 36 weeks and so thankful to still be here. Feels like we stole this one after last week. 

    how big is baby? Papaya, chihuahua, cabbage patch doll

    appointments or other happenings this week? I have an appointment on Monday to check everything pre-e related out and if I make it, another on Wednesday for the same reason. 

    symptoms/cravings/aversions? Nothing really. I don't have much of an appetite until the moment hunger hits so I don't crave much right now.

    rants/raves/questions? Rave: Still being pregnant! Cherishing every last second right now. 
    Rant: Now that I know he could be here any day and likely will come next Sunday/Monday I want to nest...but I can't because I'm on strict bedrest. DH has been nesting on my behalf, but I wish I could help. 

    gtky (stolen from Saturday): what are you doing for thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different? It's a little different because I can't go to family and my grandparents can't come to us. I also am not allowed to cook, just dictate to DH what needs to be done. I usually cook the whole shebang. How thanksgiving goes down is going to depend largely on whether I'm still pregnant on Thursday. We've bought all the food, and have prepped biscuits and cornbread for my dressing (works best if aged) so now it's just a lets see game. We might have thanksgiving on Thursday and then we might have it on the weekend or sometime. Being due on the 18th of December I thought Christmas would be the strange holiday. Apparently not. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    how far along are you? 36 weeks
    how big is baby? Papaya
    appointments or other happenings this week?
    Appointment on Tuesday, find out results from GBS swab
    I still have a sore throat and am stuffy. Lots of cramps and just general discomfort.
    I start my 4 day a week schedule this week and am so excited. 
    gtky (stolen from Saturday): what are you doing for thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different?
    We go to my parents for lunch, they live about an hour away. Then we go to his parents for dinner. Still the plan unless by some chance baby wants to join us early. 
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    how far along are you?   36 weeks
    how big is baby?  Papaya
    appointments or other happenings this week?  No OB visit but I have the Chiropractor on Monday and my orthodontist on Tuesday- finally finally done with the Invisalign! Of course I get a retainer that isn't much different but at least I get the attachments off my teeth. DH's birthday is Monday too, today we are going out to dinner and tomorrow I have to pick up his cakes he wants all the way across town from some fancy bakery. Why couldn't he just want a simple publix cake? 
    symptoms/cravings/aversions?  Nothing except still need to stay away from the marinara sauce and ground beef due to reflux.  Symptoms are all the same, palpitations still prevalent along with the constant BH contrx but I actually think I'm walking a little less painfully.
    rants/raves/questions? Rant- we went to DH's boss's house last night for a wine tasting and house warming. So although I couldn't do much but sit on the couch and drink water we still had a good time and didn't get home until 11:30p.. But DD2 struck a fever right before we left, so although MIL was fine watching her while we went out, she ended up in our bed last night, waking me up for something every few minutes. We have about 5 thermometers and I can't find where MIL put them all. So gave her some Tylenol the. She wanted breakfast now she is finally sleeping peacefully on the couch but I'm wide awake. Poor girl. Rave- only 8 working days left! I have so much to do but the end is near!  I'm torn between wanting LO to come early and to have the two weeks to relax and enjoy the last bit of pregnancy. 
    gtky (stolen from Saturday): what are you doing for thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different?   I usually cook and host but this year I'm not doing it because I can't physically stand long enough to do it. So mom and sister are doing most of the meal, over here, which is great because the girls will have plenty to entertain themselves but bad because I'm sure we will still be stuck with the clean up. Stepfather is doing the turkey, and my family has been texting me all week for my recipes, lol. Not doing Black Friday, unless there are any online deals I can snag up. But the strange twist is that we are all going to dinner Wednesday night to celebrate my brother getting married, even though his wedding isnt until April. I have no idea why he and his FI want to get married on paper the day before thanksgiving. But I have a feeling I'm going to be stuffed full of food all this week!
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    How far along are you?  36 weeks
    How big is baby?  Size of a papaya (Is that really bigger than a pineapple?  She feels bigger!  And I definitely look bigger!)
    Appointments or other happenings this week?  OB tomorrow AM for my 36 week checkup and another NST (and hopefully a growth scan FINALLY!) and chiropractor tomorrow afternoon.
    Symptoms/Cravings/Aversions?  My sciatica has gotten a bit better since I went to the chiropractor last Thursday.  As far as cravings and aversions go, nothing specific at the moment, but it's hit or miss right now; sometimes I feel like I need to be eating constantly and other times I don't have much of an appetite.  Haven't quite figured out what my heartburn trigger is yet, but I'm getting it a lot more often.
    Rants/Raves/Questions?  So ready to be done working.  I'm over it.  And I'm torn between wanting to meet my daughter as soon as possible and keeping her in there for as long as we can because there are still more things we need to get done!
    GTKY (stolen from Saturday): What are you doing for Thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different?   I'm on call (because they HAD to stick me with one last holiday before I have the baby), so we're not doing anything on the day of, but my MIL is insisting we come over on Saturday for a belated Thanksgiving dinner, so that's the plan for now.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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    how far along are you?
    35 weeks!
    how big is baby?
    as big as a pineapple 
    appointments or other happenings this week?
    No appointments this week and nothing really happening other than thanksgiving (yay!) and Black Friday. 
    this past week I've been having a lot more cramps and contractions (not consistent) and my heartburn has lessened...wonder if she's dropping. 
    Excited that it's almost thanksgiving and December is right around the corner. Not that I necessarily want her to come early, but I feel once I hit December (since I'll be almost 37 weeks by then) then her coming will be fair game and I'll feel more comfortable about it. 
    gtky (stolen from Saturday): what are you doing for thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different?
    we're doing what we do every year...we go to my mother in laws house for a late thanksgiving day lunch...we get there around 12 noon and eat around 2:30pm and let the kids play around until about 4:30-5pm and then we go to my brothers house for thanksgiving dinner and stay for dessert and usually make our way home around 7:30-8pm.  It's usually a long day for the boys (especially my oldest), so it's nice we only do this once a year. But it's nice especially this year because I don't have to cook at all but everyone still sends us home with leftovers, which is great lol. 
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    how far along are you?  38 weeks

    how big is baby?  
    A bucket of fried chicken or an Oscar statuette

    appointments or other happenings this week?  
    Nothing OB couldn't fit me in this week due to the holiday

    symptoms/cravings/aversions?  Pretty much same old same old, though I've had a cold the past few days (courtesy of DS1) and am feeling nausea off and on today.

    Rant: Our sun room renovation is still not finished...I b*tched about this in WTF Wednesday, but it still deserves a nod today.  I'm starting to wonder if it will ever be done at this rate.

    gtky (stolen from Saturday): what are you doing for thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different?  
    It's different seeing as we usually go to two celebrations on Thursday, but I "cancelled" Thanksgiving for us this year on both sides of the family (using pregnancy as an excuse).  My parents may take the boys on Friday for the weekend though.  

    I feel like the resident Scrooge of the bunch, LOL, but I really need a holiday "reset" and/or break.  I'm literally starting to hate the holidays, whereas I used to enjoy them quite a bit.  Hopefully, breaking from Thanksgiving will make Christmas more enjoyable.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    DH: 36⎹ Me: 36
    Married: Aug. 2005
    DS1: Born Oct. 2012
    DS2: Born Jun. 2014
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    how far along are you? 36!
    how big is baby? a ukelele apparently
    appointments or other happenings this week? 36 week appointment tomorrow with GBS test and the usual fundal height and weight measurement, BP etc
    symptoms/cravings/aversions? Hmm, not really. My cravings are usually too fleeting to be worth it and my aversions are the same as always (eggs in particular!)
    rants/raves/questions? Nope, glad she's staying in but also ready for her to come out.
    gtky (stolen from Saturday): what are you doing for thanksgiving and is this your normal thing or different?

    Going to my Dad's, which is unusual but we have to switch up between my mom and my in-law's too so we figured we'd just do this as something different. It will be nice and small and I don't have to organize and cook everything which is nice.

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