March 2017 Moms

Tuesday ticker change

I hope it's OK that im posting this. I'm not sure if someone is assigned, hope I'm not stepping on any toes :#

For everyone due 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, or 3/28!!!

How far along are you?

How big is baby?

Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days?

Any new symptoms or changes?


GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"?

Re: Tuesday ticker change

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    How far along are you? 22 weeks!

    How big is baby? guinea pig, ear of corn, coconut. all of those seem like different sizes  :p

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days? nope not this week

    Any new symptoms or changes? so many kicks on my bladder/cervix I swear I'm going to see a foot pop out  sometimes

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I can't believe how quickly the time is passing! so happy baby has increased viability percentage each week. already starting to plan the shower. ours will be in January. when is everyone else planning to have theirs?

    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"? I like to steal sometime for myself from time to time and use my sewing machine/ go shopping for fun fabrics. I'm new to it but I'm having lots of fun.
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    How far along are you? 23 weeks

    How big is baby? A grapefruit

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days? Nope.

    Any new symptoms or changes? I've had a lot more discharge or I'm peeing myself.  Yuck!


    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"? I just like to take a day to watch tv and sit on the couch. 
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    How far along are you? 23 weeks

    How big is baby? a grapefruit or the size of a box of Kraft mac and cheese!

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days? 8 more days actually until next appt. 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Flutters still, combined now with bubble-popping sensations that pinpoint to baby. More discharge, backache after sitting for a while, occasional breathlessness

    Rants/Raves/Questions? @babyspice I am planning to hold my baby shower Sat., Jan. 28. February is pushing it and for others' traveling sake, I didn't want it too soon after the holidays. The date gives people time to feel settled again, while still being far enough from my due date.

    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"? Although it's not frequent by any means, I enjoy getting massages and manicures. I also like having my hair done at a high-end salon when I fee I can splurge. I also just enjoy eating yummy food and watching good movie on my couch!
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    @babyspice sorry totally forgot to answer your question! We are having our baby shower on January 21st.
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    @dubcompanion @Spartanrd4 mine is planned for Jan 15th I believe. I'm so happy to hear others are doing theirs around that time, I felt like it might be too early so I appreciate your input! I think it's because it's all going by really fast this time around!
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    @cbhemi1218 seriously the va jj kicks are killing me right now. although the 3rd tri rib kicks to follow aren't going to be much better  :D
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    @babyspice i seriously do not remember having kicks so low with my 2 boys.  This pregnancy has been so different from the boys.  It's hard to believe.  
    We haven't set a date for the baby shower yet but we have been thinking about february 11th.  I feel like January is early and I am having a c-section march 8th so unless something drastic happens and she decides she doesn't want to wait until that date it should be plenty of time.  
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    How far along are you?
    22 weeks 

    How big is baby?

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days?
    Thursday Nov 17th 

    Any new symptoms or changes?
    More movement - actually seeing baby move is very exciting. some more weight gain. In the first trimester I did not gain any weight. I have put on about 5-6 pounds now. Still heartburn and sleep interruption. 

    Raves  - 68 more work days - I am off Feb 17th as I have some vacation to use, and want to take about 3 weeks before baby is due. I live in Canada and get a year off. My current job allows you to hold your position for 18 months so I am taking advantage of that. I am also currently in a course that  will allow me to teach grade 7 -10 once I've completed it. I am hoping this will help me get on the board and get back into the classroom. 

    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"?
    Shop! I love shopping for clothes. For myself or for baby. I actually let myself buy some really cute baby girl clothes. I told myself I'd wait till after the baby shower, but I just couldn't help it. 
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    How far along are you? 21 weeks!

    How big is baby? Endive

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days? My bi-weekly US/Cervix check Thursday morning

    Any new symptoms or changes? I've never experienced heartburn before so I'm not sure what it truly feels like, but I've had some weird feelings in my chest all day that I think could be heartburn (or maybe I'm starting to develop a cold?) 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: I updated my registries today (still keeping them hidden) after doing a lot more research on things like car seats/strollers/etc. and am really excited about all the stuff (and overwhelmed at the same time) and looking forward to buying things over the next few months!
    I'm in the minority of being adamantly opposed to wanting a baby shower, so since everyone knows I don't want one I'm not expecting to have a shower.

    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"? I used to paint a lot and do craft things or fun projects around the house... I'd like to do those things again and to read real books & watch all the things on my Netflix list & spend more time at the SPCA.... My schedule is too busy anymore unfortunately to have any real "me" time so until I'm done my graduate assistant position & school in May I feel like I have to put off those things till then.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    How far along are you? 24 weeks! (+1 day...sorry I'm late!)

    How big is baby? The size of a cantaloupe

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days? I have an ultrasound today at the MFM. They want to see me for ultrasounds every 4 weeks because DH and I went to Aruba a month before we conceived and they are concerned that one of us may have contracted Zika. My regular doctor thinks this is kind of ridiculous as I am 99% certain neither me or my husband were bit by a mosquito while we were there, but it's still a little nerve racking :/  

    Any new symptoms or changes? Lower back aches. If anyone has any tips on how to alleviate this I'm all ears!

    Rants/Raves/Questions? DH and I are going to register this weekend and I'm super excited for it!

    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"? I joined Stitch Fix so every few weeks I get a box of maternity clothes and various accessories. I've been really pleased with what they have been sending me and I highly recommend it!
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    @babyspice my shower is going to be either the weekend of January 14th or 21st. I'm due March 7th and I want to give myself enough time to organize everything and buy whatever else I'm missing. Also, I'm with you on the lower pelvis/bladder kicks, they can get pretty uncomfortable. I'm glad this seems common because it was kind of freaking me out.

    @klz0330 I'm also experiencing lots of discharge...panty liners have been invaluable to me lately.

    @MrsTurney that's awesome that you can take so much time off! My job will let me take a year but I'll probably only end up taking 6 months or so.  

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    How far along are you? 27 weeks

    How big is baby? Lettuce

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days?  I went for my glucose tolerance test this morning. I don't mind the drink, but it makes me feel like crap the rest of the day.

    Any new symptoms or changes? Fortunately, no. The rhinitis is still in full effect, though. Yay.  :|

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Took my 9 mo old to the pediatrician yesterday and he told me that we need to hire a sitter and have a night out. I think my H is planning that, but I'm not sure. I told him he'd have to plan it and surprise me with it otherwise I'm going to worry about it. 

    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"? Pedicures. I really would like a massage and facial, but no time right now.

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    How far along are you? 21 weeks

    How big is baby? size of an endive

    Upcoming appointments within the next 7 days? I had the AS today (Wednesday). Little guy was super active and giving the tech a bit of trouble getting the measurements she needed. Confirmed he is indeed a boy and as far as we know, everything looks great!

    Any new symptoms or changes? Still feeling tons of movement very low and rarely up north towards my belly button. Constipation came back this past week which led to the unfortunately occurrence of a hemorrhoid (TMI?). Good news is that milk of magnesia seems to have helped along with tons of fluids and more fiber. But seriously, my bumhole still hurts - its been a bit traumatized. haha

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Not too baby related but.....I GOT A JOB! Holy cow, after 8+ months of looking, I found the PERFECT job. It is starting out as part-time but could potentially go full-time. They upped my pay rate because of my nearly 10 years of experience and graduate degree (I will be making the same at this job that I did at a job I worked at full-time for 8 years). Oh, and it is flexible schedule so I am hoping I can work it so I only work when my husband doesn't. He works 24 on/48 off so during the normal work week, he only works 1-2 days. If we can avoid daycare, we are going to. I am just so freakin' excited! I start Dec. 5.

    Also, I am finally starting to gain weight. I lost about 10-12 lbs in the first tri and I weighed in the same at 19 weeks as I did at 14. Today I took a gander at the scale and I had gone up about 2 lbs in the last two weeks. Finally! I am not one who has trouble packing on the pounds normally so this was a whole new experience for me.

    @babyspice I think I am going to try and have any baby showers at the beginning of Feb. Since I am due at the tail of end of March, that should give us plenty of time.

    GTKY: What do you do to "treat yo self"? I love getting my hair done especially the part where they wash my hair and massage my head. I also love just getting cozy on the couch with a good book or binge watching Netflix. Speaking Friday, anyone else binge watching Gilmore Girls?
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    CONGRATS @thisisallyson!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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