February 2017 Moms

Monday Ticker Change 10/17

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

When is your next appointment? 

Symptom changes? 


GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? 
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Monday Ticker Change 10/17

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    How far along are you? 22 weeks

    How big is baby? a coconut

    When is your next appointment? November 2nd

    Symptom changes? Some swelling in my feet if I am standing/walking all day.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? How is time going by so quickly?  I felt like I had forever to get stuff together... Now, not so much.

    GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? Tying my shoes (DH keeps threatening me with velcro) and reaching the TP (we keep it on the highest shelf in a hallway closet).
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    How far along are you? 25 weeks

    How big is baby? a cauliflower

    When is your next appointment? other than having to go to the lab for glucose test I have my next appointment 11/10, then I start going to the doc every 2 weeks

    Symptom changes? my belly and boobs are getting itchy now and I'm getting crusty nipples lol. She's kicking and moving more and harder and she likes to sit on my bladder, which is not a great feeling. I'm not sleeping great because when I lay on either side I get very uncomfortable very fast. Overall, I'm just getting uncomfortable.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I'm seriously getting annoyed about getting the nursery put together. We have so much to do just to be able to get in the room to do anything :( I go between crazy nesting doing stuff and just being too tired.

    GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? everything lol
    Me: 24  DH: 28

    Married: 9/2013

    Love my LEO!!

    TTC #1: 9/2015

    BFP: 2/1/16  MC 2/8/16 @ 5wks

    BFP: 5/22/16 RAINBOW BABY

    EDD: 1/30/2017 *IT'S A GIRL!!!!* 

    Kirsten Grace 1/20/17                            

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    madamerwinmadamerwin member
    edited October 2016
    How far along are you? 22 weeks

    How big is baby? a coconut or a papaya

    When is your next appointment? Monthly MW checkup today

    Symptom changes? Not really

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Baby is moving way more these days! H has been able to feel him a few times now.

    GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? Keeping my balance when I bend over. I get paranoid about falling down stairs. Also, maybe TMI but shaving my bikini line. Tried to do that for the first time in a while a few days ago, and my stomach was definitely blocking my view and getting in the way.

    ETA: Riding our recumbent exercise bike is also getting awkward... I kind of have to angle my knees outward, otherwise my thighs hit my belly. Maybe not good for my knee joints?
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Ooooops. Yesterday was hectic at my "new" job, I didn't check in at all. 

    How far along are you? Now, 22+1

    How big is baby? Coconut 

    When is your next appointment? Not til my glucose test on 11/9. 

    Symptom changes? A lot more heartburn :(


    GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? I think the biggest one for me is sleep. I was a stomach sleeper through and through and just can't get comfortable on my side(s) even with a Snoogle. 
    Married: 12/2015
    Me: 37 - H: 39
    TTC#1: 01/2016
    BFP: 06/18/2016 - EDD: 02/20/2017 - Born: 01/27/2017

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    MLRocha said:
    How far along are you? 23 weeks 

    How big is baby? Grapefruit or eggplant I think 

    When is your next appointment? 25th

    Symptom changes? Same

    Rant/Rave/Questions? My dentist says my mouth is so dry from lack of saliva (due to pregnancy) I haven't had enough water in my mouth to wash away all the acid and bacteria on my mouth after eating/drinking. I got a serious lecture about drinking more water and flossing more because even though six months ago at my checkup I was fine, apparently now I have 6 freaking cavities. 

    GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? Just moving around in general, breathing, the feeling of being weak... I'm still sleeping on a stupid pull out couch so getting on and off that sucks and my back feels like shit after sleeping on it. I'm full of complaints lol

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    How far along are you? 
    24 weeks. Viability day!
    How big is baby? 
    An ear of corn. 
    When is your next appointment? 
    Check up and 1 hour on 11/1. 
    Symptom changes? 
    Hip pain is getting BAD. Exhaustion. 
    Is anyone else falling asleep at like 8:00, every night? It feels excessive to me. 
    GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? 
    Walking, which I love, is becoming painful. 
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    Ugh stuck in training all day and now I don't get to check back here as often!

    How far along are you? 22 weeks (and 1 day today)

    How big is baby? a coconut....which seems big but apparently isn't

    When is your next appointment? I have a check up ( I assume) on Oct 27th

    Symptom changes? Not a whole lot of changes, same old junk

    Rant/Rave/Questions? Ummm can I be a SAHM now??

    GTKY: What's getting harder to do in your everyday life? Bending over in jeans, throwing the ball to my dog - the twisting motion hurts my stomach, and honestly pooping :'(.
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    @Xstatic3333 could it be your iron levels? I'm borderline anemic when I'm not pregnant, but gestating throws me over the edge. I've started Floradix today to hopefully boost my energy levels. 

     <3 DD1- Aug11 <3o:) Angel Baby- June13, said goodbye Oct12 o:)<3 DD2- Aug13 <3<3 DD3- due Feb17 <3

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @Xstatic3333 could it be your iron levels? I'm borderline anemic when I'm not pregnant, but gestating throws me over the edge. I've started Floradix today to hopefully boost my energy levels. 
    It definitely could be! I'm pescatarian and that's super common. I do make a conscious effort to have iron-rich foods (eggs, dark leafy greens, etc.) and a prenatal with iron, but maybe I'll ask the MWs if more is necessary. Thanks for the thought!
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