September 2016 Moms

Welcome to the world, Olivia Minerva!

edited September 2016 in September 2016 Moms
She's finally here! 

Monday morning I had contractions from 2 to 5 am, starting at 10 minutes apart and progressing to 7 minutes apart. I got all excited, started to get last minute things ready, took a shower.... then they stopped. Boy was I pissed! That's how I spent the day, at home since my leave started 9/2, occasionally sternly saying to my belly, "come out!" 
Around 7pm, my husband was done with work, so we walked around our property chatting. I started to feel crappy again, and tried to not get excited again. By 8:00 it was probably regular contractions, but I did NOT want to be turned back from the hospital, so I was skeptical. My husband started tracking on his phone, and they were 3-4 minutes apart. I called my OB/GYN at 9:45, when they had been consistent for an hour, and they told me to head into the hospital! 
We threw everything into the car, mostly my husband, and headed out. It was a really intense drive, painful for me and serious for hubby, but we made it. By 10:45 we were checked in and they checked me to find I was 5 cm. I was relieved and now psyched up for a long night (but hoping for a quick one!) 
I spent the next several hours pacing the room, leaning into the bed rail with each contraction while my husband rubbed my lower back. All that Lamaze, and that was the only thing that felt good!
At 3:00 on the nose my water broke all over my feet, and I was 7 cm. It felt like so much more! At 5:00 I was convinced the baby was falling out, so they checked again and I was still 7 cm. At this point I was in screaming pain with each contraction, 90 seconds to 2 minutes apart, that I went with the epidural. Anesthesiology arrived at 5:30, and by 5:45 I was feeling much better. My husband and I then went to sleep, getting much needed rest. 
Around 9:00 I awoke from the pressure, and needed to start pushing. I got the all clear and began the hardest work of my life, yelling at one point "Get her our of me!" to which my hilarious doctor snapped back, "That's your job!" I have no idea who was there, but I know there were nurses, nursing students, the doctor, interns, med students (?), but I remember none of them. Everyone was holding something and encouraging me as I pushed and pushed, my husband wiping my face, fanning me, and counting my breathing for me, and just being the best coach I needed. 90 minutes later, my baby came out! (They told me later that on the ward, 4 other moms started pushing after me and finished before. Glad I wasn't aware at the time!) 
Olivia Minerva was born at 10:50 Tuesday morning. After that amazing hour of skin to skin (also while they sewed up my 2nd degree tear), we found out she was 9lbs, 10oz and 21 inches long. Of pure perfection. 

Re: Welcome to the world, Olivia Minerva!

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