June 2016 Moms

Funny Baby Quirks

penny624penny624 member
edited September 2016 in June 2016 Moms
So, I don't post much, but I thought this would be something fun to post about and hear about any other funny/cute/weird baby quirks! 

For example, my LO always smiles his biggest smile and is on the verge of laughing every time we show him.....our shower curtain!. It's the weirdest but cutest thing ever. One day we brought him into the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror, and he just started staring and grinning at the design on the shower curtain. Now, without fail, every time he looks at it, he just smiles away and is one of his favorite things to look at. So random, but I love it. 

What are some of your LO's quirks that you've noticed?

Re: Funny Baby Quirks

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    Preston loves when we blow raspberries in his face or make any kind of poop/fart sound.
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    Our LO loves it when we put an aden & anais muslin blanket on her. She grabs it and rubs it all over her face and head, smiling and laughing : )
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    Whistling... Thinks it is the greatest thing, well since yesterday... We'll see how long it lasts.  
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    Ethan thinks it's so funny when I make animal noises. Lol. I sing "what does the ___ say?" And then make the noise. He thinks horse sounds are especially hilarious. 
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    Sam loves when I sing. Especially the ABCs for some reason. I have a terrible voice but every time I sing he just lights up. 
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    Preston loves when we blow raspberries in his face or make any kind of poop/fart sound.
    So does Jocelyn. I can't sing for crap but she calms down and gets so content when I sing
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    Damien has discovered jumping and now that's the only thing he wants to do. We do it on our laps but we do have a Jolly Jumper too. He isn't quite ready for that yet and I also only intend for him to use it for maybe 15mins max a day since that's what is recommended. I'm getting a great arm workout tho.

    Anyone else's kiddo discover the camera? When Damien wakes up, he stares directly into it every time. Looks like a demon child.

    My LO is the same thing he just discovered the whole jumping thing and that is all he wants to do now lol.

    Chase loves trying to roll onto his stomach while eating...he thinks it's hilarious.  It's a pain in the ass but totally adorable
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    My lo kicks so hard in her bouncy seat she can make it move across the floor.
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    My lo kicks so hard in her bouncy seat she can make it move across the floor.
    It's crazy how strong their legs are!
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    He only laughs when I change him. Specifically when I show him the "Bum bum"  cream. Good times, I tell ya. 
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