September 2015 Moms


Already? like really? The boys JUST turned 1 on Saturday, and they started with their tantrums on Sunday. My older twin more than the other but still. Last night Adriel woke up Alan and omg the fit he had. He was throwing himself. Would throw his cup. He would push me away he was yelling and screaming on the top of his lungs! thought his head hurt and gave him tylenol. Nope didnt work, DH had to walk around the living room with him for 20 minutes before he calmed down and was ready to sleep. He's been having a hard time falling asleep for naps and @ bedtime for a week now, but these passed 2 days he just throws himself and screams bloody murder. Its driving me crazy! Please tell me im not alone? And that this phase will be over soon!


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    We are having them too!!  And they are just like you described...screaming as loud as he can, crying hysterically (like cannot catch his breath then), pushes us away, wants us to pick him up and then immediately wants to be put back down.  UGH.  If we take something away from him that he shouldn't have, get ready for it!  He explodes!  He is always after our TV remote, and we try to keep it out of sight from him, but sometimes we forget and he finds it.  Take it away and get ready for a total melt down.  We even gave him an old remote without the batteries in it, he wants nothing to do with that one...just the functioning remote.  

    REALLY hoping it's just a phase because he doesn't know how else to show his frustration or that he's upset.  We had a bad one last night around dinner time because he wasn't allowed outside while daddy was staining our wood patio furniture.  Non-stop screaming.  

    He will be one in about a week.
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    Omg! I thought i was alone. And he also gets his cup to drink milk, puts it in his mouth cries & throws his cup. Then he goes after it and does the same thing all over. He hit his head on the wall as well after throwing himself in anger! He also does what your son does. Wants us to grab him and the instant we do he gets even more pissed.

    And that sucks that he gets angry over stuff like the remote! How crazy. My other twin screams in anger if he runs out of food on his tray and throws his cup if i dont hurry. These kids are so UGH sometimes lol 
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    LOL the screaming when the food is gone! It goes from 0 to 60, like "MoreMOREMMMWAAAAAAAH!" He gets so frustrated when he can't do something he wants to do, he just flails his arms and screeches. He's been so clingy recently too. I thought it was because we moved, but maybe it's just the age!
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    My LO has been not crying, no tears....just screams at the top of his lungs. It's awful. But it's kind of funny because he honestly mutters as if he's chewing me out! I just try not to react and distract him. He gets so angry and shakes his fists at me and throws whatever's in his hands. Yikes. 
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    My daughter likes to throw herself back-cute. And kicking! She is a kicker. Oh man, and it's just the beginning I think...!
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    @rachelkawesome it could be both. They do feel the difference when they're not home...& omg im trying to teach them to say "more" when they want more food. Now i regret not teaching them to sign  lol

    @LoveLee85 lol hs cussing you out in his own language lol. & im just gonna start putting them in their crib when they feel like going crazy. Alan threw himself back yesterday hit his head hard on the window seal it was awful. But he kept throwing his tantrum even after he hit himself...

    @heft619 ahhh kicking. Thats always fun! We are in for one with these kiddos!
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    LO just turned 1 on the 1st and we have all of a sudden turned into a walking, no napping, tantrum throwing at bedtime little man. ha Its like they have a party and BAM they are toddlers.  Last night was one of our worst...flailing and arching his back not wanting to be rocked, nurses then rolls off to the floor trying to play, etc. He couldn't make up his mind on what he wanted to do (obviously overtired)...took me 2 hours to get him down. I kept letting go into his crib roll around for a bit until he started to cry then I would come back in and start the normal routine again.. and again.. finally the 5th time it worked.  I realized he may have been over stimulated before bed... we normally get home from work, nurse, have a little dinner and then play before bedtime, then start our bedtime routine.  I am thinking now he needs a little more time to wind down (or im hoping it will help?). So I may switch up the night time.. maybe play eat dinner a little later then start bedtime routine or just wait for his cues that hes ready and use that 20 min window to do bedtime ha  I am NOT ready for these tantrums!  It happens when you tell him no now too--like no to shaking the table against the wall because I don't want a hole in the wall (we have a bam bam on our hands! :))

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    Firstly @vibarra27 A Happy Belated Birthday to Alan & Adriel. Hope you had a great day. How was Mexico? And your DD's b'day? 

    Oh, ladies! My heart goes out to you all! It's a tough age! These little people!

    Tantrum city here too! The remote control! My god, we've even got Jakey his own, but yet (it's weird, like he knows) he doesn't want "his" he wants the one that controls the TV. MAJOR SCREAMING when it gets taken off him, just like my phone.
    As he's more mobile now, and getting into more places he shouldn't, the tantrums are increasing tenfold. It's bloody hard work! I've lost a tooth as a result of him hitting his head back, whilst having a tantrum. After a while it becomes highly irritating and hard on the ears, let alone your sanity.
    I've discovered when Jakey is having a "hissy fit" as we call it, if I take him over to a mirror and he see's himself crying and screaming; he stops! Just like that! Bizarre!
    Maybe worth a try? 

    I seriously take my hat off to any mama who has twins at this age. It's hard enough with one!

    Hang in there ladies. We can get through this!! (My mantra to myself everyday, lol)  

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    heft619 said:
    My daughter likes to throw herself back-cute. And kicking! She is a kicker. Oh man, and it's just the beginning I think...!
    Yes!! That's how I lost a tooth! - throwing himself back. Jake didn't bat an eye lid as my mouth bled and my tooth fell into my hand. Ugh!!!!!! 

    As for the kicking...  OMG my boobs are like a punch bag! 

    It amazes me where they get their strength from. Their only little, but good lord, sooo strong!
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    @RobsMrs77 thank you. We didnt end up going to Mexico after All. & DD chose to go to chuck e cheese on her bday and i had their bday-the three of them on Saturday that just passed it was fun. The boys enjoyes their smash cake! How was your bday?

     ill try the mirror thing tonight for sure. Thanks!
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    I have to pretend to still use my LO remote to nothing. LOL it keeps it interesting I guess. :-) 
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    Ugh. This post has helped my sanity. My kid clenched her fists, turned red, and screamed in my face yesterday. She will also try to bite my face or finger if she's mad. So many tears and SO clingy. We are two weeks from one! Anyone over this crazy hump yet?
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    omg, a tooth?!? Fortunately I haven't gotton hit in the mouth...yet. 

    And yes, boob kicks are the worst! 
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    So just had to share our tantrum from last night. DH doesn't do bedtime really... so its me yes I nurse to sleep and if he doesn't pass out I'll rock him and he goes. That is until he had his 1st birthday party when apparently things clicked that he was supposed to be a walking, talking, tantrum throwing human. Because now... we nurse to sleep and putting him in the crib works for about 20 mins then he wakes up and if you pick him up because he is so overtired at this point he doesn't know what he wants and starts flailing himself arching his back and banging his head forward (almost hitting my head) and then he will lay his head down on my chest (LOVE) if I speak slowly and softly to him to try and calm him down.  This has happened for the past couple nights. Well last night I was exhausted and after three tries I thought maybe DH would have better luck... haha I was wrong. The second LO saw DH he SCREAMED flipped out and was just a mad man so mad! DH turned on all the lights and ran into our room with him saying "what is wrong with this kid??!" I had to just laugh at that moment and explain this is our new bedtime routine...its called a tantrum... ha then we nursed again and he relaxed and went to sleep... (co slept last night so I could actually get some sleep too)
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    My DD will be 1 on the 20th and she has just started slapping and biting me if I don't get her what she points to (like my husbands beer) she points and I say that's not for you and try to give her her own cup and she flips out and hits it away, she also won't eat anything unless it's from my plate now, if I give her the same thing from a different plate she throws it on the floor... I guess this is one way for me to lose weight...
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    Haha I was just thinking this the other day!! She just turned one its to early for that but I guess not! I was getting her dressed and put on a shoe which was NOT the right one :) lol she threw her self on the floor and screamed until I change them! I just had to laugh. Her daycare teachers asked if she does it at home because she'll throw herself on the ground there to lol she has always been independent and strong willed and I think I'm in for a bumpy ride! It'll be interesting that's for sure 
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    Has anyone had to hear from daycare about the tantrums?? How do you handle that phone call? We have an at home daycare (licensed provider) and she asked me today if he slept well because he seems cranky (mind you she just really locked down a lot of the stuff in her house because he figured out how to unlock the gates ha) so I told her its probably the restrictions. Not sure what else to tell her ha  Maybe explain to her how I am handling it at home so she can do it there as well? how does your daycare handle tantrums?
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    @mrsmctaggart6 "like a damn neurotic star fish" I just died laughing a little!

    Me & DH: 32
    Married 2013
    Kiddo #1: Sept 2015
    BFP: 1/19, EDD: 9/30

    "I'm having fruit salad for dinner. Well, it's mostly just grapes, actually. Ok all grapes. Fermented grapes. Fine, I'm having wine for dinner."
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    I am from the October 15 board and have a ten month old. But I am having the same tantrum issue with my lil dude. Instead of you all dealing with the screaming and clenched fists and red faces, I get a boy who will slam his forehead into the ground. If I take something away from him, Kade will sit down, cry, and then fold himself in half and repeatedly hit his forehead on the ground. Lord help me. And he isn't even one yet!
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    @LoveLee85 lol thats funny.

    @cait040415 omg i cant believe she tries to bite you! How crazy.

    @ABombard12 lol men! the other night i let Alan work out his tantrum on his own in his crib because he kept pushing me away and didnt want anything & DHs like "somethings wrong eith him go do something!" i was like "honey hes having a tantrum & he doesnt want me he'll get it together." but he really thought something was wrong lol. & i also had to cosleep well for just a few hours becuse he wasnt having it , & i like you wanted sleep.

    & u should just tell daycare its a phase and different ways to calm LO down. Im sure yours isnt the first to have tantrums. 

    @mrsmctaggart6 oh man! You have a diva on your hands

    & it does get worse and wont get better until about 3 or 4. Atleast that happened with DD. Now shes 6 and she's like a mini teenager that girl.
    Lol i love nemo! Haha. But no, public tantrums are the worst!

    @lonziem the wrong shoe? Lol mine get upset if they dont have the right blanket lol. The good thing is daycare will help with the tantrums.
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    I'm with you guys. Remote control, phone, and diaper changing are the worst right now! Sometimes when I take out my phone to take a picture of something super cute or sweet that he's doing, he immediately throws his head back and starts being the opposite of cute and sweet because he wants my phone! So I don't take half the pictures I want to because I don't want it to be a whole thing! 

    What at do y'all do about diaper change tantrums? I dread changing his diaper these days. He rolls over and tries to crawl away as he's screaming and crying.
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    Diaper changing is the WORST. OMG so stressful. Especially with a big poop. Lately I've just been handing her something I don't usually let her have. Like my phone lol. And then I take it away after. She gets mad but eventually I get her distracted with something else. 
    BFP May 2013 - MMC at 8 weeks
    BFP September 2013 - MMC at 12 weeks
    BFP February 2014 - early loss/CP at 4.5 weeks
    BFP May 2014 - MMC/ complete molar pregnancy at 11 weeks
    BFP December 2015 - DD born 8/18/2015
    BFP November 2016 - pending...

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    ABombard12ABombard12 member
    edited September 2016
    @ljhans we had these for the LONGEST time. I keep some toys up on the changing table to give him and MOVE quick ha The toys have helped and he only gets those specific toys when he is on the table...we sing also with Scout (the dog toy that stays up on the table and he only has him on the table) and he laughs at me because yes I sing too with funny faces... (this all lasts about 5 seconds and im at least half way done with the diaper at least:))
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    Batman-like-screams, red face, whole body tensed and arching. Throwing himself. Laying on the ground. Yep this has been a thing since about 10-11 months. I try not to react but my SO and I often get a baby head to the face from my little guys frustration. Its usually because he wants my coffee, doesn't want to go in the car seat, or desperately wants to play with the one floor vent that he knows doesn't screw in.

    Since we moved from the changing table to the floor there's been less screaming and more instances of naked baby making a break for it... But its working somewhat for the time being.

    My mom can just look at him and say "that's not appropriate." and he settles down. She has some kind of magic that I just don't have. 
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    My LO is a poop machine and every single diaper change he moves all over and multiple times a day I get poop all over his changing pad cover!!! I quit using it now and just put the pad on the floor and try to changing him as fast as possible while he fiddles with my iPhone! LOL Then I just wipe the plastic changing pad down and it's easy to clean. 
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    jen83mnjen83mn member
    edited September 2016
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one! It was like the day after he turned 1 he started with the tantrums. My once super happy, laid back baby is no more! :( Now if he doesn't get what he wants, he bursts out wailing, arches his back, and flails around so it's hard to even hold on to him. He does it once or twice a day now ... not cool!

    He also became a picky eater at the same time. He used to eat everything! Now the only thing I can get him to eat is yogurt, bananas, and applesauce. Pancake, nope. Fish, nope. Beef, nope. All things he used to love! And if he doesn't like what you put in front of him, he just starts whining!

    STMs - Any ideas for the best way to handle this? I am clueless! Usually I just try to distract him with something else, but it's so not fun!
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    The diaper change has been an issue for months. You'd think I was beating him. I started using the changing pad on his dresser instead of the bed since he doesn't roll and try to run away naked! I get a few tantrums when I take something he wants away but try to give him something else to play with. It works sometimes but not always. I then resort to the mature thing and mimic him. That usually gets a laugh and the tantrum disappears. I may not get an A+ in parenting but life is easier this way. Tickling him works too. 
    Missed Miscarriage 3/27 D&C 3/29/2012
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    vibarra27vibarra27 member
    edited September 2016
    @ljhans im ther with you! Diaper, bath time and getting them dressed for the day is a drag. What once took me 3-5 minutes to get them dressed and ready for the day now takes me 10min. Hate it! These days i give them anything i usually dont just like @yellow1daisy mentioned. My phone, the thermometer, pack of wipes their baby nail clippers, bottle of lotion or baby powder. I usually use them all in justvone change because they crawl away ASAP.

    @ABombard12 i used to do the same with the toys but they no longer get entertained with them when being changed. 

    @mamadeez poor you. Mine barely started almost 2 weeks ago & it drives me loca! Its calmed down a bit. I tell them " thats enough settle down." & they give me a "what a bitch" look lol. And grandmas arent they the best? My mom has something over my kids too. I think its a grandma thing.

    @LoveLee8 im so happy mine arent poop machines! Its the hardest part of my day with them, changing them. Maybe it feels worse than it is because both of them give me a hard time. The other day one of my boys pooped through his clothes( which he hasnt done in a while) and decided to roll over and crawl away while im in the middle of wiping him and he got some on my bed and since i reached over to bring him back to me it got on my shirt. :smirk:

    @jen83mn my boys, well i should say Alan because he started first & does it more recently started the day after his bday as well. He mainly did it @ bed time & now he'll do it when he doesnt want me to put him down...

    With DD as well as with the boys just speaking to them in a firm voice helps sometimes. " no we dont do that" or " you need to stop." when it gets bad i leave them in the crib and let them throw their tantrum and get over it on their own when they push and hit me away.

     Once DD was about 2 that she understood more, i would mimic her. & throw myself the same way. I would yell what she was yelling. If she stomped her feet so would i. I was showing her how she was acting and how foolish it looked, it worked every single time. She would laugh and stop doing it.. She just turned 6 3 weeks ago & when shes being a complainer or a whiner i whine and complain in a pouty little voice and make the faces shes making and it still makes her laugh, she apologizes and gets her act together.

    You'll figure something out eventually. :wink:
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one with a kid   throwing tantrums over diaper changes. You'd think she would eventually figure out that it's going to happen regardless and get used to it, but nope. Sometimes she'll even start crying when we walk past the changing table just in case. 

    She gets these very sad little fish lips and huge tears start rolling down her cheeks and then she starts howling like her little heart is breaking. 

    I've tried all sorts of toys and while those help keep her hands out of her poop, they don't do anything to stop the tantrum. I've found that making animal noises works the best for us. 
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    vibarra27 said:
    @ljhans im ther with you! Diaper, bath time and getting them dressed for the day is a drag. What once took me 3-5 minutes to get them dressed and ready for the day now takes me 10min. Hate it! These days i give them anything i usually dont just like @yellow1daisy mentioned. My phone, the thermometer, pack of wipes their baby nail clippers, bottle of lotion or baby powder. I usually use them all in justvone change because they crawl away ASAP.

    @ABombard12 i used to do the same with the toys but they no longer get entertained with them when being changed. 

    @mamadeez poor you. Mine barely started almost 2 weeks ago & it drives me loca! Its calmed down a bit. I tell them " thats enough settle down." & they give me a "what a bitch" look lol. And grandmas arent they the best? My mom has something over my kids too. I think its a grandma thing.

    @LoveLee8 im so happy mine arent poop machines! Its the hardest part of my day with them, changing them. Maybe it feels worse than it is because both of them give me a hard time. The other day one of my boys pooped through his clothes( which he hasnt done in a while) and decided to roll over and crawl away while im in the middle of wiping him and he got some on my bed and since i reached over to bring him back to me it got on my shirt. :smirk:

    @jen83mn my boys, well i should say Alan because he started first & does it more recently started the day after his bday as well. He mainly did it @ bed time & now he'll do it when he doesnt want me to put him down...

    With DD as well as with the boys just speaking to them in a firm voice helps sometimes. " no we dont do that" or " you need to stop." when it gets bad i leave them in the crib and let them throw their tantrum and get over it on their own when they push and hit me away.

     Once DD was about 2 that she understood more, i would mimic her. & throw myself the same way. I would yell what she was yelling. If she stomped her feet so would i. I was showing her how she was acting and how foolish it looked, it worked every single time. She would laugh and stop doing it.. She just turned 6 3 weeks ago & when shes being a complainer or a whiner i whine and complain in a pouty little voice and make the faces shes making and it still makes her laugh, she apologizes and gets her act together.

    You'll figure something out eventually. :wink:
    When I was in high school, I babysat a 6-year-old girl who would throw tantrums all the time. I did the same mimicking thing and it worked every time! I may have to try it with LO, but I'm trying the ignore the behavior thing first. We'll see what works!
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    Diaper change tantrums are getting worse. He was doing okay but he's back to acting like I am sticking needles in his toes!! Good God!!! 
    Missed Miscarriage 3/27 D&C 3/29/2012
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    We've just hit the biting and hitting when frustrated and/or biting hard. 

    Toddlers are crazy!
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    amp61470 said:
    The diaper change has been an issue for months. You'd think I was beating him. I started using the changing pad on his dresser instead of the bed since he doesn't roll and try to run away naked! I get a few tantrums when I take something he wants away but try to give him something else to play with. It works sometimes but not always. I then resort to the mature thing and mimic him. That usually gets a laugh and the tantrum disappears. I may not get an A+ in parenting but life is easier this way. Tickling him works too. 
    Lol i tell you mimicing works lol
     & the tickes of course! Does he fuss because of the actual diaper change or becauae youre keeping him down? My boys get pissed cus i hold them down and dont let them up. Thats what gets them upset.

    @missliz53 i so agree. You would think they would be used to it & get it over with.  DD was soo much easier than my boys with diaper changes. & imma have to try the animal sounds :wink:

    @jen83mn yes the ignoring works well too. I just found with DD @ the age of 2 the tantrums stopped much faster if i mocked her. & DD has recently become a complainer and whiner! "Why do we have to eat that" "why do we have to go there" " i dont like this" "i didnt want my hair like this" "i dont like this food" i dont like this toy." im just like "OMG you're such a debby downer! You complain about everything." & i proceed to complain/whine and she gets it lol

    @kmcshane0211 omg! Ive only been bit by them once each on purpose other times have been accidents. Thats so crazy! Yes kids in general are crazy Lol
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    I should've added he has started throwing things when he's pissed. Food, his bottle, a toy... Whatever is handy. If I put food down but it isn't why he is fussing he throws it. He threw his play tablet and said NO to my brother in law the other day. It's not often that he does this stuff but I was expecting it from my extra chilled out baby. Take something away from him like my phone or keys and the back arches and the tears come, just like they do when I change him. The changing attitude has been going on for months though so I am used to that. He's a sweetie 99% of the time but wow he is mad he is a little monster! 
    Missed Miscarriage 3/27 D&C 3/29/2012
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    Roo decided to take off and throw her (thankfully new) diaper at me because I put her in her play pen... Sigh...
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