December 2016 Moms

Everything you didn't want to know about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum: STM to FTM advice


Re: Everything you didn't want to know about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum: STM to FTM advice

  • I used nothing at all my first pregnancy and I didn't get a single new stretch mark. Genetics play a huge part. I did get stretch marks on my thighs as a teenager so I know it's in my Genetics to get them, but I was lucky with my first kiddo and my mom didn't get them through 3 pregnacies.  I gained 40 pounds my first pregnancy by 39 weeks but had pre e swelling, plus an induction, plus emergency c section. I left the hospital 10 pounds heavier than I entered. 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • I'm a FTM, but am already seeing a few stretch marks appear at 20 weeks. I'm prone to them also, thanks puberty. I've used Bio Oil in the past and found that though it doesn't really prevent stretch marks, but it is really good at making them fade/ less noticeable more quickly. It also works well on new scars. 
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  • Someone please tell me that hemorrhoids go away after the baby comes out. I've never had them before and they are freaking me out. Like serious 'roid rage, if yaknowutimean. :(
  • @dmontgo they may get worse before they get better.....but in general they go away within a month or so of birth. 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • @sourlemon At least they'll go away...eventually...wah. Started using some witch hazel wipes, so hopefully that helps.
  • @dmontgo I didn't get them with my first pregnancy but I had them for almost 2 years in college. I wouldn't wish them on my enemy!
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • I'm pretty sure stretch marks are simply genetic but I slathered on Body Boost Stretch mark oil or cocoa butter formula oil every night over my usual lotion just to make myself feel better and it worked for me on my first pregnancy. (That said my mom also did not get stretch marks so it could have been pre-determined)

    That doesn't mean I won't get them this time around, a friend of mine was stretch mark free until her third, so I'm still slathering on the lotion and crossing my fingers.  

    What im not looking forward to is the linea Nigra and extra skin pigmentation I get. It took almost a year to fade last time:( 
  • @dmogmo I didn't have hemorriods until I delivered and holy shit it was shocking! I was honestly afraid I was damaged for life, but after a few weeks all was back to normal. So fear not:) 
  • jenlynne0624jenlynne0624 member
    edited August 2016
    @dmontgo I got one while pregnant with ds and I still have it. It's gotten so much worse since this pregnancy. Ds is two. 
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @jenlynne0624 have you seen a doctor about it? Sometimes they have to be surgically removed...speaking from experience. :( 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • I got some medicated wipes from Target and they really help. I already notice a huge difference. Trying to be mindful of how I sit on the couch so all that pressure isn't constantly pulling down there.

    I've been lucky that I haven't gotten stretch marks yet, but I think it's because I've been gaining weight slowly and drinking a lot of fluid. I've been bad about slapping some butter on me....need to get on that. My mom had a ton of stretch marks with me, but she said she gained a lot of weight. I'm sure I'll get some towards the end, though. 
  • @dmontgo they can show up after birth as well. I didn't actually see any until 8-10 days after L was born.

    Formerly known as Kate08young
    August '18 Siggy April Showers:

    Me: 28 H: 24
    Married: 7/22/14
    Baby L: 8/4/2015  August 2015 Moms
    Baby E: 11/18/2016   December 2016 Moms
    TTC #3 08/2017  BFP 11/27/2017. 
    Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well. 

  • @Kate08Young Thank you for the good news lol

  • @sourlemon I honestly forget it's normally there. It's not painful or itchy or anything. It only hurts sometimes and stops when I use the cream. Idk. I have an ob appointment this week so I'll ask. 
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @jenlynne0624 oh ok. I was told it's not typically an issue for surgery unless they are very painful, bleed a lot, or get infected. So if it's just hanging out probably nothing to be too worried about. 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • not to change the subject - but if you see a cute headband for a good price, consider stocking up.
    About 3 months post-partum, all the hair that would have fallen out during the time I was pregnant shed off at once. It left me with new little hairs growing in like fringe everywhere. They of course are still growing out from my first and look ridiculous. Not excited to embark on this again...
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
  • not to change the subject - but if you see a cute headband for a good price, consider stocking up.
    About 3 months post-partum, all the hair that would have fallen out during the time I was pregnant shed off at once. It left me with new little hairs growing in like fringe everywhere. They of course are still growing out from my first and look ridiculous. Not excited to embark on this again...
    Ugh, ^this!! I went to get my hair done a few months post-partum and was asked more than once if I'd damaged my hair somehow. Once I explained I was currently pp they understood and tried to help me work with it but not much to be done with all those fine, new baby hairs until they grow out 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • This might go under stupid question Sunday... But I figure STMs would know the answer best. After being pregnant/breastfeeding, do you nipples go back to the size they were? I feel like mine have become freakishly huge and I need reassurance. FX
  • Yes to the hair regrowth. Those m efers made me look ridiculous sticking straight up off of my head. Right at the temples. I lost enough hair doen five barbies I swear. 
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @BabyRobbinsAdventure mine went back to normal, particularly in terms of areola color and size (since I know you alls wants to know the deets on m'ladies). But it might take a while depending on breastfeeding and just what your body decides to do. 

    I was super lucky with stretch marks my first go around. I have some on my thighs from puberty, but nothing from the pregnancy. I'm just guessing it's the one fortunate skin thing I get since I have pregnancy acne and broken capillaries galore. 

    And hair loss postpartum. Nobody told me. I couldn't figure out why I had so many wispy hairs all over. Ah motherhood!
    December '16 BMB

    Baby #1                                                            

    ~BFP 03/22/14 EDD 12/05/14~                       
    ~Baby Z born 11/28/14~
    Baby #2
    ~04/19/16 EDD 12/26/16~
    BabyFetus Ticker

  • @dmontgo The roids will go away after birth, eventually. I got them post birth with both DDs, and I had c-sections. Nothing like having to take care of your scar and your butt. 

    @BabyRobbinsAdventure My nipples never went back to how they were pre-pregnancy. They did go down a lot, but they don't really get 'soft' anymore after breastfeeding 2 babes. They are just constantly ready to feed a baby. In fact, my milk never went away after DD 2, and she is 5! Needless to say, I cannot wear those thin bras unless I want everyone to see my nipples through my clothes. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • When you are approaching your due date, the methods used to estimate baby size (weight) are REALLY inaccurate. The baby is just too relatively big and scrunched up in there to get perspective for that. I had read this before going into a 36 week ultrasound and the tech told me I had an 8lb baby at that time. Yikes... was I gonna have a 10lber in a month?! I said something along the lines of "aren't these measurements really tough to get accurate at this stage... like even +/- 2lbs?" and she was like no. Your baby's 8 lbs right now. She was young. Anyways... 3 weeks later DS was born 6lbs 5oz.

    I just say this because if your told your baby is big before birth and you're like ...crap that thing's not coming out of my body no way, just know that they don't really know. And ultrasound techs don't get the opportunity to compare their estimates with birth weights generally so they may not realize how off they are.
    They can also be a great judgement depending on how you have been measuring before then. If you are measuring ahead/big the entire time - you are more likely to have a closer to the prediction size baby - while if you have been small the entire time, then take it with a huge grain of salt.

    Formerly known as Kate08young
    August '18 Siggy April Showers:

    Me: 28 H: 24
    Married: 7/22/14
    Baby L: 8/4/2015  August 2015 Moms
    Baby E: 11/18/2016   December 2016 Moms
    TTC #3 08/2017  BFP 11/27/2017. 
    Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well. 

  • When you are approaching your due date, the methods used to estimate baby size (weight) are REALLY inaccurate. The baby is just too relatively big and scrunched up in there to get perspective for that. I had read this before going into a 36 week ultrasound and the tech told me I had an 8lb baby at that time. Yikes... was I gonna have a 10lber in a month?! I said something along the lines of "aren't these measurements really tough to get accurate at this stage... like even +/- 2lbs?" and she was like no. Your baby's 8 lbs right now. She was young. Anyways... 3 weeks later DS was born 6lbs 5oz.

    I just say this because if your told your baby is big before birth and you're like ...crap that thing's not coming out of my body no way, just know that they don't really know. And ultrasound techs don't get the opportunity to compare their estimates with birth weights generally so they may not realize how off they are.
    Yes to this! At 36 weeks with DD, I was told she was little over 10 1/2 lbs. 3 weeks later, she was born at 8lb6oz.
  • I was also told I'd have around a 9-10 pound baby... he came out 6.15.
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm glad you're sharing this info!  I just had another appointment today and baby girl is measuring about a week ahead. I asked a few questions about my due date changing and they basically said what you all are saying. That they'll continue to monitor and have discussions based on measurements after 38 weeks. 
  • Even in the delivery room the doctor was saying I needed to get a C-section because (among other things) judging by my baby's head it was a 9lbs baby.  Turns out he was a 7lbs baby with an enormous noggin:)
  • aframe77 said:
    Even in the delivery room the doctor was saying I needed to get a C-section because (among other things) judging by my baby's head it was a 9lbs baby.  Turns out he was a 7lbs baby with an enormous noggin:)
    they told me at my anatomy scan that the baby has a big head, but then the tech said that during delivery every head is big haha 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Invest in an electric shaver if you don't already have one. When the belly gets bigger it'll make your life so much easier, especially if you still want to groom your nether regions. 
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Finally thought of something to add to this, that I think hasn't already been discussed. Just a word of caution for those of us delivering at smaller hospitals (mine serves 3 counties, in a town of around 15,000). If you're planning on getting a epidural but wanting to wait out the pain as long as you can you may have to wait multiple hours after deciding you actually want the pain meds. I did not realize when I had my daughter and those were the longest 4 hours, ever....
  • Midwives are generally really skilled at palpating (feeling a baby though your stomach) and guessing the birth weight. 2 of the 5 midwives I've seen in my years guessed my babies birth weight with in just a few ounces... 7.7 (she said 7.5) and 8.10 (she said 8.8) all the the others have guessed at least in the same pound. I ask every time to see how close they are. That's a heck of a lot better than what ultrasounds compute as the weight late in pregnancy.

    My best friend was told she needed an induction (that failed and turned into a c-section) because her baby was going to be over 9lbs... He was under 6 lbs! She was horrified and so angry! He probably had weeks still to "cook" and and she had to go through the stress of an induction her body wasn't ready for! Not ok. 

    Due December 27th with baby #7

  • Midwives are generally really skilled at palpating (feeling a baby though your stomach) and guessing the birth weight. 2 of the 5 midwives I've seen in my years guessed my babies birth weight with in just a few ounces... 7.7 (she said 7.5) and 8.10 (she said 8.8) all the the others have guessed at least in the same pound. I ask every time to see how close they are. That's a heck of a lot better than what ultrasounds compute as the weight late in pregnancy.

    My best friend was told she needed an induction (that failed and turned into a c-section) because her baby was going to be over 9lbs... He was under 6 lbs! She was horrified and so angry! He probably had weeks still to "cook" and and she had to go through the stress of an induction her body wasn't ready for! Not ok. 
    wut. not to mention a woman can birth a 9lb baby naturally no problem in many cases. The weight doesn't necessarily mean the head will be huge. Squishy baby fat is no problem.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
  • SmashJamSmashJam member
    edited August 2016
    The induction for over 9lbs does seem nugget was 9lbs 5oz and we were just fine...although his head is big haha
  • Agreed, it's good to not rely on weight estimates from ultrasounds. And even though my almost 9 lb daughter was short, her head was over the 100th percentile for her gestational age. She was all head! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • @ziggythompson I'm totally trying this tonight!
    or something similar.
    Makes 3rd tri life more manageable and takes so much strain of hips/back/abs. You can wear it the other way afterward as a postpartum wrap too.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Mother of an April '15 baby
    Due December 16
  • @slartybartfast
    So glad you posted this. I'm so lost on these - I like that this has space for a cold pack...I currently ice my lower back every night. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I ordered mine last week. It initially said delivery on 9/15, but now says 9/12 but is currently in transit in my town... so.... tomorrow??? I'll be ecstatic if it arrives this weekend because I'm traveling next Monday - Thursday for career fair recruiting and have a feeling I'm going to want it. 

    Pregnancy Ticker 

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