June 2015 Moms

Teething Poll - How many teeth does LO have now? In your reply at what age/month did they get them?

bwow615bwow615 member
edited July 2016 in June 2015 Moms
LO only has his two bottom teeth, they popped up right around 7 months.  He has been super irritable, I am hoping we are close to his top ones popping through soon! Like, today would be great ;)

Teething Poll - How many teeth does LO have now? In your reply at what age/month did they get them? 46 votes

1 Tooth
0% 0 votes
2 Teeth
6% 3 votes
3 Teeth
2% 1 vote
4 Teeth
6% 3 votes
84% 39 votes

Re: Teething Poll - How many teeth does LO have now? In your reply at what age/month did they get them?

  • Lo has her first 8 teeth.  She got the middle lowers at 6.5 months, and then between 8.5 and 10 months she got the other two bottoms and 4 tops.  Those 6 weeks...WERE THE WORST.  DD was never really bothered when her lowers came in but the uppers definitely disrupted her sleep and required Tylenol at night.  She was able to survive the day and naps without it, but needed it to go to sleep and sometimes in the middle of the night as well.


    She has had a rough two nights here now and is drooling a lot again...and is a bit cranky during the days...so we are suspecting molars.  I have to try to feel around in her mouth tonight, hopefully without her biting my hand off.  She's been an early teether so we wouldn't be surprised if the molars or incisors are on their way in.  God willing she will get everything but the 2 year molars in quick succession so this doesn't stretch out over the entire year.  I'm spoiled and I like sleeping through the night!

  • LO has 8 (top 4 and bottom 4 all in front).  So next we're waiting for the molars to make their appearance. :open_mouth:
    The first two sprouted around 6 months, then since then a couple more every 2 months about.

    I wouldn't have minded it if she was a late bloomer when it came to teeth coming in, since those little things hurt when she bites!
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  • LO has her 8 front teeth and working on those never ending molars! Her 2 bottom teeth came in around 6 months and her top 2 came in around 9-10 months. Her next 4 came in about a week apart. 
  • Lo's teeth are coming in at the "wrong times". she has her top front 4 and her bottom front 2 those all came in when they were supposed to. She got one of her bottom molars around 1 and just this week she's popped one molar up top. She's 13 months tomorrow
  • Bottom 2 at 8.5 months, top 2 at 10 months and the next 2 top came around 11 months. That's all we have right now. 
  • Two bottom teeth came around 11 months. Top one came around 13 months. The other top one is there but not broke through yet. 
  • One twin has an entire mouth full. Top and bottom front 4, plus 4 molars. So 12 total. They literally all popped in a week right around a year I think? I'm terrible, I don't really know.
    My other twin is still rocking 5 teeth. It's crazy how different they are when it comes to these things.
  • Mine had 8 teeth by 9 months, and nothing since then. We've been suspecting molars for a month+ now but still none that I can tell. 
  • A mouth full here too. Molars came in and doc noticed today that incisors are coming in. He got his bottom 2 at 4 months and it's been non-stop teething since then. Plus ear infections. Curious to see what his personality will be when he has tubes put in next week and finally stops teething. He's pretty happy generally so will he be REALLY happy? 
  • 2 teeth, the first at 10 months the day before her sedated ABR which was supposed to check for hearing loss, so that was a lost cause since teething causes fluid and hearing loss.  The second came in right after her 1st birthday and there seems to be one up top getting ready to pop through at 14 months. 
  • I could see Aubreys bottom 2 coming through 2 days before her birthday. They still aren't all the way in yet and she was 13 months on the 17th. Still waiting for the rest of them! 
  • We had 0 at 10 months and now we have 9! 1 molar just came in. He will be 14 months on Sun.
  • beemaya83beemaya83 member
    edited July 2016
    9 total which includes 1 molar! He got teeth at 5.5, 7, 9 months and the molar at 1years

    ETA: that molar tooth took a couple of weeks to fully break through. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • Just waiting on one canine, so 15. She started at 3 months



  • 8 teeth over here  :*
  • My daughter has 8 as well.
  • My daughter has 8 as well.
    Just found a molar...make that 9.
  •  My son has four teeth. The first one hit one week before his birthday. First we got the two vampire teeth on top, then the two front bottom. 
    Coffee Bean Born 6/13/15.
    2nd round exp 8/20/18.
  • 14 months, this kid has all but maybe 4 teeth (top molars). She has been toothy since 8 months (top two came in first).
  • edited August 2016
     I finally got a peek and he has 3-4 molars coming in (3 are peeking through and the fourth is bulging). 

    I thought I saw a canine, too, but it was cracker bits. :neutral:
  • I THINK we're getting canines before molars here. 
  • I THINK we're getting canines before molars here. 
    Check for crackers? :wink:
  • Pretty sure I win for awkward order, two front bottom teeth and two molars up top.  No front teeth at all up there.
  • Check for crackers? :wink:
    Double checked, no crackers! I did find part of the molar on the top left poking through today. 
  • We've got at least one molar coming through as well. Poor girl (and parents), it has definitely affected her sleep and sunny disposition. Plus getting over an ear infection too.
  • So many babies with so many teeth, we are still sitting with two bottom teeth.  He is 14 months today.
  • LO'S first two teeth sprouted up at 11 months and nothing since. DH was an early bloomer and got his first two at 5 months and I was behind and all my teeth came in at 18 months. So, I'm hoping that DS will just be more like mama and have a mouthful by Christmas!

    Me: 31
         DH: 34
    Married 11/09/2013

    LO#1: LMP 09/14/2014  BFP 10/15/2014  EDD 06/24/2015  DS Born 06/14/2015
    LO#2: LMP 09/18/2016  BFP 10/19/2016  EDD 06/27/2017 DD Born 06/27/2017
    LO#3: LMP 05/16/2018  BFP 06/18/2018  EDD 02/20/2019

  • @swiebe 14 months in 2 days and only the bottom 2 also. It does look like her top 4 are about to come in though. 
  • @caitlincunn it seems like our LO's are pretty similar based on some of the things you post and they are so close to each others birthdays :)
  • 7.  I only have three bottom teeth before the canines start, and it appears she may have the same thing.  4 on top, 3 on bottom.  Strange.
  • it's really important to check what chemicals are there in tooth paste, more over for babies. i found an awsome site that has great information about it. check out https://www.safecare4u.com/
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