September 2016 Moms

Monday Bitchfest

.... Just because I had a crappy weekend and I feel the need to whine about it!  
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Re: Monday Bitchfest

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    Let's start with Saturday:  Kids are awake at 630 because they thought it would be awesome to use their new alarm clocks on a weekend.  I manage to get more sleep until 830 and woke up to a huge juice mess in the floor.  I didn't lose my mind as I saw reminisce of them trying to clean up their mess.  Started laundry, got one load done before my washer stopped working.  WTF!?  It's only 2 years old and luckily I got the extended warranty but they can't send anyone out until Tuesday to look at it.  (DH managed to get it working again a couple hours later)  Mop downstairs and spilled an entire bucket of mop water when trying to go from the kitchen to the dining room.. (que melt down!)  Go to the county fair and walk for what seems like ever and enjoy some deep fried Oreos only to come home with extreme back pain and have the worst heartburn of my life that night. 

    Sunday was much better until last night when our dog throws up in our bed, get the sheets in the washer to discover it's trying to act up again but works nonetheless.  Attempt to sleep downstairs on the couch so I can make sure the dog goes out when he needs to.  He paced the entire 5 1/2 hours I was trying to sleep.  I'm tired and work is just overrated!

    Sorry it's so long but damn, I just want to catch a break.  

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    @CRich15, I'm sorry you had such crappy things happen over the weekend. Take some deep breaths & lock yourself in the bedroom for a nap! 

    For me, my back is killing me. I cannot fathom four + more weeks of work before baby gets here. I'm hanging on by a thread. 
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    I mentioned this in the randoms thread But H had to go out of town this morning and didn't tell me until yesterday morning. Not cool DH, not cool. 

    I guess he thought I was caught up on his schedule but not at all 

    DD #1 3/26/13
    Mo/Mo twins MMC 3/31/14  o:)
    DD #2 3/31/15
    DD #3 8/25/16
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    I am looking at my insurance on the Anthem website. It is a disaster trying to navigate. Pregnancy is pretty common so you think information on the benefits would be easier to find!

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    We had our baby shower this weekend and my sister in law wrote us a four page letter for us to read in private. Later that night my husband and I are going through everything and we hear my sister in law say to her mother, "what are you doing?" on the couch behind us. My MIL had gone through our private letters and read the one his sister wrote not only without asking, but also BEFORE we had a chance to read it ourselves. Her response? "I can read it if I want."

    Also, she mentioned no less than three times in one day how SHE only gained 18 pounds while pregnant. 

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    Someone please help me regain my cool before I lose my shit on my in laws.

    two weeks ago, FIL decided to go into a fit of rage at DH over something stupid. Basically, DH was sent on a spur of the moment business trip and was not available to cut his uncles grass while he was on vacation like he promised. His uncle was understandably upset. However, there was no reason for FIL to be so angry over something that doesn't concern him at all. Over a week later, he still won't answer DH's calls. Now, apparently, MIL is angry too. Why? Who the f*@$ knows. 

    So now DH is in a funk, and has been for the lst week. FIL is a known grudge holder who missed the first few years of his granddaughters life over a grudge he had with my SIL. I think DH is worried the same will happen here. We are both worried they will take this grudge out on our child, because they act like children themselves.

    Ladies, I am not good at biting my tongue and I really want to give it to them from both barrels. DH does not deserve to be treated like this, and have his family turn against him over UNCUT FUC*ING GRASS. I am hoping by getting it out in MB, I will not pick up the phone and say something I will regret later.
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    @mjpatzwa whaaaaaaat. I would be livid. How completely disrespectful. I need to hear more! What did your SIL say after that?
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    @mjpatzwa I can't believe your MIL went through your stuff like that. So rude. 
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    Oh man! All legit gripes! Hope it turns in to a nice week for all of you ladies :) 
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    Sounds like the theme this week is inlaws haven't spoken to DH or I in several months nor have they made any effort to see the kids. This morning, my FIL (who makes an effort at least) pokes his head in DH's office to tell him that if we need them to then they would be willing to babysit our other kids when I go into labor. Thanks FIL for finally offering to see your grandchildren but since you waited until two weeks before I'm due we've already had to make other arrangements. So does he ask to see them just because he misses them? Of course not. 
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    @mjpatzwa Oh hell no, I would be LIVID, I would have ripped it right out her hands. Not cool. 

    Had a lovely conversation with my grandmother tonight... not. Horrible woman. Honestly, I love her in an obligatory "you're family" sort of way, but she's an awful person. On my sister's first birthday after our father (her son) passed away, she told my mom that she didn't think my sister or me missed my father because we were perfectly content spending his money... I was 12 and my sister was 9. So yeah, she accused CHILDREN of being gold diggers, basically. 
    She still choked that my mother and I won't change the date for the baby shower to accommodate my aunt and cousin (the cousin who is absolutely her favourite in the family). I had to reiterate that we did try to make sure they could come, but THEY decided to change their dates, and now things are booked. She kept pushing and saying it was "rude" to consider friend schedules over family, so I said "Actually, I find it infinitely ruder that someone would ask another person to move an event to suit themselves better, because it shows they don't take into consideration the planning or expense that goes into planning a party". That stopped that conversation. Then she finishes off with this gem, because she always has to get the last word in. "I heard you have diabetes now. That's too bad, maybe if you weren't so fat before you got pregnant it wouldn't have been a problem. Oh, the swimming is on the Olympics, I have to go dear, love you, bye."... Cue rage attack. I may have thrown my phone across the room. 
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    Literally contemplating on leaving my husband just so I don't have to deal with my in laws. Our oldest is 14 months and it's just gone too far. I just want to be far far away from them. Ugh 
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    @yellowrose314 Ugh I'm sorry, that is just not right. Maybe you can limit the time you see/speak to her - that is not something you need to be around!! Keep your chin up!!!! 
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    @jbscmama Oh it's happened. Up until our wedding, I hadn't seen or spoken to her in 4 years because of awful things she's said and done. But we invited her partially because my mom said we had to (she was paying for the wedding) and partially because I never would have heard the end of it from my aunts/uncles/cousins on that side of the family I still talk to. Then after the wedding, she didn't make an effort to talk or see me, and didn't talk to her until after she found out through the grapevine that I was pregnant; I didn't have any intention of telling her because by that point I was done. She's actually been pretty good up until this point, just shows me she hasn't changed. People blow it off because "she's old, she has no filter". Well she didn't have a filter 20 years ago either, she's just a nasty person. 
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    @yellowrose314 ahhhh I know it's never cut and dry when it comes to family......that is a tough situation. P.s.died laughing about you taping your hubby rapping! 
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    @yellowrose314, how horrible!   Grandmothers are supposed to be so sweet!   Though your story did remind me of a time that me and my two sisters were staying with my grandfather, and one sister tattled on the other sister for calling her fat.  My grandpa, without missing a beat, was like, "frankly, all three of you are too fat and could stand to lose some weight."   :/. What is it with old people and fat?  
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    @Ssoccerball Weird hey? I asked my other grandmother about it (who I adore), and she said back in those days there wasn't the rate of obesity that we have today because fast food wasn't as prevalent or relied upon, which makes sense I guess. 
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    I updated the os on my laptop and now it's basically useless. Everything takes too long, websites won't load, applications won't open. I'm so upset because we don't have the money to replace it. I guess I'll be spending all my afternoon tomorrow at the Apple Store hoping the Genius Bar can restore it to what it was 
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    I had an inkling of a sore throat yesterday which my OB wrote off as no big deal. Fast forward to now, painful swallowing, pain in ear and tender scalp  :s

    Now debating do I go to work or call in sick.  And feeling annoyed that she didn't take me more seriously. 
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    @yellowrose314 what an absolute asshat. I'm in awe of your mom being the one insisting you invited her to your wedding, she (your mom) sounds like a wonderfully patient woman. I can't imagine your grandma was easy to have as a MIL either back when you and your sister were little. And I've seen you HDBD pictures, you look gorgeous lady and having GD is NONE of your doing. Hopefully once the shower is done you can keep your distance from her again. 
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    @yellowrose314 your grandma sounds like a dick. Sorry to hear she is giving you such a hard time 
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    @yellowrose314 - Yikes!  She sounds incredibly immature for being so old, hahaha. I've had to get used to my husband's grandmother not having a filter since mine is your quintessential, super sweet, never said a mean word about any of us, grandmother. GMIL speaks her mind.. and very rarely has something nice to say.
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    My in laws have been getting on my nerves, but it sounds like y'all have your hands full!! My husband insists in talking on speaker for EVERYTHING and yesterday his grandma made ANOTHER remark about how "big" I'm getting and how "huge" the baby must be.  I gave double air middle fingers from my perch at my sewing machine and my husband got this pissy look on his face.  Excuse me, I have enough to deal with, how round I am isn't the only indicator of a pregnancy!! She should focus on her son, my FIL who is borderline obese, his paunch is way bigger than mine, and mine has a tiny human living in it.  My husband returned from a four week work trip Friday and is doing his annoying "helpless" routine where, because since he's been gone he suddenly doesn't remember how to do anything on his own, including closing cabinet doors, feeding the dog, operating ANYTHING.  
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    First world problem bitch: Keurig coffee. Ugh. It's all we have at work and I'm angry that I didn't have the energy to stop on the way to work today so now I'm stuck with crappy "coffee".
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

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    My MIL was pissing me off yesterday. She sent me a text message to check in and see how I was feeling which was nice. I stated I was tired and sick of being pregnant and ready to have these babies out of me already. To which she replied well we bought or plane tickets based on the date you told us you were having your c-section and it would be a huge inconvenience to have to change things. 
    I wanted to say I don't really care if you feel the need to change your plane tickets if the babies come before the 24th. You are not needed here for the birth anyway. But I didn't I just ignored her text. 
    I am really to the point to where I want to punch everyone in the face. 
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    ashtasht member
    My coworker is driving me nuts and I seriously wish she would just quit. The program will be left in her hands when I leave and it's going to fall apart which is sad and terrifying at the same time. She's testing my last nerve and I may or may not have snapped on her last week resulting in her needing to take a personal day 
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    RG1RG1 member
    My MIL was pissing me off yesterday. She sent me a text message to check in and see how I was feeling which was nice. I stated I was tired and sick of being pregnant and ready to have these babies out of me already. To which she replied well we bought or plane tickets based on the date you told us you were having your c-section and it would be a huge inconvenience to have to change things. 
    I wanted to say I don't really care if you feel the need to change your plane tickets if the babies come before the 24th. You are not needed here for the birth anyway. But I didn't I just ignored her text. 
    I am really to the point to where I want to punch everyone in the face. 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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