let me start out by saying that this baby is 100% wanted. I was absolutely thrilled when I found out we were expecting a sibling for my son.
however, since about 6 weeks along, I have felt so detached from this pregnancy. I'm so sick and nauseous and so extremely fatigued that I have a hard time focusing on anything else.
I try to get myself excited by thinking about holding a baby in my arms and smelling that newborn smell, etc, but it's so far off that I cannot fathom feeling anything but sick and tired. I keep telling myself that this feeling won't last forever and that once I'm feeling better the excitement will come, but my little pep talks aren't helping.
please tell me that there are others out there that feel this way. I hope I don't sound ungrateful for this pregnancy, but I am desperate to feel normal again.
Re: anyone else struggling to connect?
I'm taking care of myself, and doing the things I'm supposed to in order to give this the best chance at a healthy pregnancy, but I feel nothing/no emotion for what is growing inside me. I don't even like to think about it at all. I know that sounds pretty cold but I just don't feel those things that other women describe during pregnancy and I can't seem to force it, so I don't. As long as I do my best to stay healthy and give this whole process the best chance at going well, I'm not going to beat myself up over not feeling emotional about it. One thing I've learned so far is that this process is different for everyone and although I am learning a lot from this community, especially the STMs, I'm not going to try to measure myself against anyone else b/c everyone's feelings about this situation are different. My feelings just happen to be flat and that's Ok with me. I'm sure it will be different once the baby is on the outside, should we be lucky enough to have a successful pregnancy but yeah, right now, everyone (we've told both sets of parents and each of our siblings) seems more excited about it than I am. I loved my life the way it was, and I'm not the greatest at handling big changes well so that's probably why I'm not real emotional/excited about being pregnant. Not sure if my perspective is helpful at all since it sounds like you are having some unpleasant symptoms that are influencing the way you feel but you're certainly not alone. Not everyone feels like pregnancy is sunshine and love and rainbows and that's ok. (It's also ok to think it is, IMO!)
It was a huge relief to hear their heartbeats and see that they are doing okay, but I wouldn't say it made me feel connected to them at all.
i will say that before getting pregnant, I really didn't want to know the sex until my baby was born. Now I want to find out ASAP just because I'm hoping it will make this all seem a little more real.
I'm thrilled to be lucky enough to get pregnant (accidentally). I did want a second little one in my near future, but this really snuck up on me and it's taking me a little bit to figure out my feelings about it all. I'm going to be over the moon, but right now I'm just not connecting.
I'm also only about 7 weeks if my estimates are correct, and I don't have a first apt until the end of the month so it's just not real yet to me.
It it will come. Positive vibes your way. It's normal not to connect right away, even when baby is born, don't feel bad about it, it's a lot to process when your brain is going a million miles per second.
Eta: SO was telling me tonight how amazing it is and how excited he is for LO#2, that it may be a boy! Etc, the smile on his face..... Made me bawl because I don't feel what he's feeling.
Fwiw, I don't feel very connected this time either but I partially attribute it to being too busy to notice I'm pregnant. It won't become real until I feel the baby move.
Don't let yourself feel bad for your genuine emotions. We all have our own path.
EDD for #1: 3/19/17
TTC Since: Nov. 2015
Clomid + Ovidrel, Round I: BFN
Clomid + Ovidrel, Round II: BFN
Clomid+Ovidrel, Round III: BFP! 7/5/16
Like any other relationship, let your feelings evolve. The more you experience with this baby, ultrasounds, movement, doing life together for 9 intense months, the more your feelings will grow naturally. Right now you are in the awkward getting to know you phase:)
BFP#1 1/21/14 ended in loss DNC 3/5/14
BFP#2 7/2014 Baby Girl born 4/15/15
BFP#3 2/10/2016 natural mc 2/27/2016
BFP#4 6/25/2016 Due 3/2/2017
This is a very wanted baby for us, too, but I'm not feeling particularly connected at this point but I'm not really worried about it.
At this moment, since I haven't heard a heartbeat or seen an ultrasound, it's like it's just an elaborate game of pretend that involves my boobs hurting and depriving myself of delicious adult beverages. But, as time goes on and we get some ultrasounds and feel some movement and then start noticing movement with discernible personality behind it, that's when it will get more real.
I wouldn't worry at all about not feeling connected to this baby right now. As long as you're able to keep doing the things you should be doing for a healthy pregnancy, don't stress about it.
Married: June 2011
TTC since Feb 2016
BFP#1: 7/7/16 MMC: 8/16/16
BFP#2: 5/8/17 - CP
BFP#3: 6/27/17 EDD: 3/10/18
Me: 26 Hubs: 28
Married: 6/6/15
Baby Girl: 3/22/2017
I didn't feel that immediate bond with my son when he was born. I loved him and was terrified for him, of course, but I was surprised. I was like, "This is the bond everyone is talking about? Because it feels more like anxiety." Turns out being awake for 48+ hours and 24 hours of labor isn't exactly conducive to the feels, lol. Sure enough, after sleep and quiet time, it gradually built. I guess the moral of the story is, when your body is in survival mode emotions just take the back seat. Thats okay! Take care of yourself, continue to dream if you want, and give yourself permission to feel your feelongs, even if they are not what you think they "should" be.
This post reminds me if one of thr ladies from What to Expect When You're Expecting (the movie). She tried so hard to get pregnanr, and when she finally does she is so miserable. She thinks she should be experiencing something magical, but instead it just sucks all the time. She didn't glow. She didn't feel cute in her mayernity clothes, just fat. She was overshadowed by her fil's pregnant wife all the time. She was miserable and felt guilty about it. But then, after he son was born and she was gazing at him, she said, "I found it. My glow!"
I also detached myself emotionally everytime I swiped red because that was a protection method I guess.
Anyway, like the other girls said, time and ultrasounds REALLY help
I know I should feel lucky because so many women have a difficult time conceiving but why does this have to be such a terrible process? /whiney rant
I agree with @longliveregina I didn't even feel the instant love right when she was born. It took a few hours of skin to skin for me to realize this was actually my kid, and when I finally did realize it, that's when my entire life changed and I knew I would do anything for that precious baby.
Right now, this baby is just a concept to me. I'm looking forward to experiencing the next stages of pregnancy and hopefully taking home a little baby at the end of all this, but until then, life is just a waiting game. I'm doing my best to provide a safe place for this tadpole, but am I talking to it and professing my love to it? Nope. Not yet, at least. And that's totally ok.
Me: 29, DH: 34
BFP#1 1/21/14 ended in loss DNC 3/5/14
BFP#2 7/2014 Baby Girl born 4/15/15
BFP#3 2/10/2016 natural mc 2/27/2016
BFP#4 6/25/2016 Due 3/2/2017
Me 26, Hubs 32
Married 7.14.12
DS 10.29.13
BFP 06.20.16