October 2015 Moms

BLW mamas

edited May 2016 in October 2015 Moms
For all the mamas doing Baby Led Weaning: did your pediatrician give you the green light on this? Did they give you resources and talk to you about it? Or did you just pursue it on your own? 

Need to vent for a minute here and give a little back story to see if we're not alone in this one:

At Violet's 4 month check up our pediatrician gave us the green light for starting foods when she turned 6 months. She gave me a purée feeding chart but also mentioned we could do "this newer thing moms are doing called baby led feeding" if we wanted. I assumed she meant baby led weaning and just couldn't remember what it was called. 

Fast forward to V's 6 month check up yesterday. After waiting an hour the nurse practitioner, whom I've never met, walks into our room to do V's check up. Long story short she goes on and on about how baby can choke etc etc and pretty much says everything contradictory to what my BLW book as told me to do!! (For example she tells me I need to be giving her pieces of food no bigger than a pea, BLW book says it needs to be big enough for the child to hold at this age -sticks and triangle shapes- because they don't have a pincer grasp yet so eating can become a frustrating and negative experience) 

The nurse practioner couldn't even recommend resources for me on BLW and was going to just give me the "finger foods chart" that they recommend for 11 months and up to my 7 month old daughter? it was obvious she has never even studied what BLW is, the concept of it, the studies etc. 

SO I was beyond angry and asked for my daughter's actual doctor to give me a call. She calls me this morning and I explain what happened yesterday and how we decided to go the BLW route like she suggested we could if we chose to do so. I told her I read the BLW book and have been following that since I was given no resources from their office. 

The Dr then tells me "as far as baby led 'feeding' we want you to give her mashed bananas and avocados mixed with milk or water and you can give her yogurt. Don't follow the book." WHAT?? Are you serious ??? 

basically she is telling me to just follow their feeding chart and do the 8-10 month section (mashed foods) for my 7 month old ? We are obviously looking for a new pediatrician for more reasons than just this.

Even if a doctor didn't agree with BLW you think they would actually educate themself on the subject so they knew what is consisted of.

Sorry for the rant and I applaud anyone who actually read this whole thing. :sweat_smile: 

eta: how is your LO liking BLW? What are some favorites and dislikes ? Any go-to recipes that have been a hit with the family and baby?

Re: BLW mamas

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    We aren't really following either, BLW or purée. My LO HATES the purée, wants nothing to do with it. I'll give her a little here and there to try but I'll also give her pieces of whatever I'm eating. My cousin is big into the BLW and introduced me to it but I didn't do as much reading as I should have, I kind of just did my own thing haha and it's been going well. As far as my pediatrician, she is wicked old school but always open to new ideas - for example BLW and my using the magic Merlin (which she thought I left LO in all day). I'm petrified to give her big chunks of anything, but regardless I would do what you're comfortable with. You've obviously done your research and know what your LO wants/needs :) 
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    midge519midge519 member
    edited May 2016
    Our pedi told us we could start purées at 4 months. At 6 I told them he eats chunks of whatever were eating and sometimes he gets pieces off other times it's just chewing. They were happy with that. I honestly haven't read on BLW but just do what works. He eats purées when offered but loves finger foods. So my opinion is do what works for you! They are obviously incredibly old school and haven't done their research to give you true recommendations since they didn't know much about BLW 

    ETA: Damien loves to eat everything! I mean everything. If he just ate purées but I'm eating cereal he wants some. I don't think we've had a food he hasn't gotten to try except BBQ Pork Chops
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    @trishee13 okay I'm dying at the thought of you leaving LO in the magic sleep suit all day! Could you imagine going to Target with her in it :joy:  hahaha

    @trishee13 @midge519 thank you for the thoughts and advice ladies! I really do love our BMB! 
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    We mentioned that we are loosely following blw mixed with some purees to Finley's doctor and she seemed cool with it. Said give her everything but honey. The only real suggestion she really had was a lot more ground beef since she's ebf and I stopped iron supplements when she became super constipated. For my own sanity I tend to give her things she can smash rather than the stick shapes because she's got 6 teeth and keeps biting off pieces that are way too big. She hasn't choked, I just know she will because I'm crazy!
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    AiramJAiramJ member
    edited May 2016
    I am doing a mix. I have purées for him, smooth as well as chunky ones and I give him solids. I give him soft broccoli, baked fries, the other day a piece of beef steak. He just sucked on the piece of meat but sort of chews the veg. He doesn't have any teeth yet. He also loves banana. I mashed it up to start with but now give him the whole thing. He mostly squashes it in his hands, some of it he mashes in his mouth and the rest he feed to the dogs :-) 
    i was totally against BLF or whatever it's called, basically didn't want to give him anything that is not purified. But I figured if stuff is soft enough for him to break down and its not too dry, then why not let him try. I never leave him unattended and am always ready in case he does choke, which hasn't happened so far. I haven't been to a doctor appointment in months and months, so there is no one monitoring it. I think it's up to you what and how you want to feed your baby. You know her best.

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    chein1chein1 member
    I am so nervous to try BLW but I really want to! DD1 was not a put all the things in her mouth kinda girl so we didn't even try puffs until 9 months much less chunks of food. She was perfectly content with purées, however this babe is all about putting everything in her mouth. She eats purées, but I also know she'd love finger foods. I tried giving her steamed broccoli and she enjoyed it but my anxiety was through the roof so I took it away. I don't know how to get over it especially considering my husband works until 7-8 every night so he's never home for our dinner routine. I'd feel safer knowing somewhere else was there to help LO if need be. I'm just crazy, and my poor girl can't eat what she wants because of it haha!
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    edited May 2016
    @AiramJ oh my goodness he is too cute!!  :love: 

    @chein1 reading this in my BLW cookbook made me SO much more confident !! 

    “Although they are sometimes confused, choking is not the same as gagging; choking happens when “something completely or partially blocks the airway (way past where the gag reflex is triggered). A total blockage is very rare (and requires standard first-aid measures) but babies can usually cough up something that is partially blocking their airway very well by themselves, provided they are sitting upright or leaning forward. Choking is no more likely with baby-led weaning than with spoon-feeding, provided simple, basic safety rules are followed." 

    Excerpt From: Gill Rapley & Tracey Murkett. “The Baby-Led Weaning Cookbook.” iBooks. 

    I think you'd be surprised how well your babe would do ... I know I sure was !! But DH and I definitely stress utilizing all the safety precautions the book offers (& explain them whenever we are at someone else's house). I make sure to watch her like a hawk lol :smile: 
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    I truly feel people need to stop
    letting their peds have so much say in what baby is doing, check their fricken weight, head and length and make suggestions but don't tell me where my child should be sleeping, how she should be sleeping, for how long or what she needs to be eating. Urg so annoying. you do you mommy sounds like your on the right track. 
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    Hahahah @danniellemichellexox .. My doctor was like "oh that sounds okay as long as you, ya know, let her out to move around during the day" I'm like oh I hadn't really thought of that
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    bakea5bakea5 member
    I've been doing a mix of "normal" baby food and regular food for my 7mo old.  She seems to enjoy both equally.  I did find these teething wafers and rice rusks that dissolve as she gums it down and she absolutely loves them.  I kinda did those first to get her used to eating and then branched off.  I do get stumped sometimes on different foods for her to try, she doesn't quite have the gist of picking up little pieces yet. She's gagged a few times and it is stressful..but so far she's been able to spit out whatever gagged her.  
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    ravenbird007ravenbird007 member
    edited June 2016
    Since 4 months, Violet (hehe) has been eating purees. At 6 months, I started BLW after I talked to the ped and she gave me the green light "Just no honey, or straight milk until 1 year). She was still mostly breastfed, but I'd give her bites of whatever I was eating at every meal, as well as puree for dinner. At 7 months, I started giving her one container of puree (the gerber kind) at breakfast, and lunch, then a beechnut jar of meat and a gerber container of veggies for dinner, with breastfeeding sprinkled throughout the day. Now at 8 months, she eats about half of the puree container, then demands my food since I eat after her, and breastfeeds in between meals. She loves everything, even mildly spicy food, and loves snacking on rigid veggies (raw broccoli, celery, etc.). 
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