GTKY: Taking from TWW...What are your weekend plans? im off today which is nice. I have to go file something at town hall. After that I plan on a run, then doing some shopping and getting a mani/pedi. Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend to shop for another friends baby shower, and then we're having drinks at my place. Hopefully the rest of the weekend just relaxing.
R/R/CS: FINALLY!!!! Last day in Manila...I work a shorter shift today, then head home. It's a 24 hour travel day on top of work, but I'm glad it's over and to be heading home.
GTKY: What are your weekend plans? Today is our 11 year anniversary, so hopefully grabbing a nice dinner somewhere on Sunday since I'll be too worthless tomorrow after I land. The weather looks kind of iffy, so it'll depend if it ends up getting nice out. I'd like to just relax by the pool and chill. Regardless, we'll be keeping it low key with nothing much on the agenda. Happy long weekend, ladies!
WAYDTGKU: Being cycle day 1... nothing right now. Yippie skippy for the holiday weekend. NOT. But when it is time, we will be doing another monitored cycle w/RE, trigger shot to O and TI. Continue with the PN's... Eat healthier. Meh, and whatever else comes along that **MIGHT** align the stars :-/
R/R/CS: AF decided to show up this morning. I saw it coming but it still makes me super pissed off and I am doing everything I can to not cry cause I am at work. But all bets are off as soon as I walk out the door.
The plus side it is Friday (!!!!) and I can lay in bed and cry and drink wine.
GTKY: Taking from TWW because I'm a tad hungover... What are your weekend plans? Lay in bed and cry and drink wine.. LOL!!! Plus clean, and do laundry and hopefully cook some good food and play some xbox and such.
ETA: Also charting temp and checking CM. Question though for those who currently/have ever taken the trigger shot: Do you use OPK's during this time to try and pick up your surge? I only ask because reading on the forever correct about everything interwebs, that the trigger/hcg can make you pull a + OPK no matter what even if there is not a surge. ( Ha, my first newbie question)
R/R/CS: okay, so ff is giving me cross hairs but I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated. Last time I had cross hairs someone on here told me I didn't ovulate and she was right. So could someone CS for me and help ease my mind?
Gtky: I am going to do my sisters hair and make up for a wedding she is attending. Then I'm going to play d&d. Well not d&d specifically, but a table top rpg.
Husband & I married May 26th, 2012
Me 28 Him 28
TTC #1 since January 1st 2016
Anovulatory with PCOS Clomid 50;100;150;200: No O TSH 3.75 Put on 50mg levothyroxine 1500 MG Metformin 7.5 MG Letrozole: No Follicles 9 MG Letrozole: 21mm Follicle no pregnancy 4 cycles at 9 MG Letrozole, No pregnancy
WAYDTGKU: PNV, BBT (didn't mess it up today woohoo!), sex
R/R/CS: I think I said this somewhere but I'm the only person in my group today and there were already issues so that's fun... However two of my most annoying meetings have been canceled today so that's going for me!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
So excited for this weekend! Tonight I'm finally getting my current two hamsters feet tattooed on my feet. I have my last two hamsters feet on there so these two will complete my foot! Tomorrow we are going to meet DH's parents and go to Outback Steakhouse which we haven't been to in forever because there isn't one within 2 hrs of our house! I'm a vegetarian so the steak part is lost on me but I love their blooming onion! Then Sunday we're having DH's parents, his cousin and his cousin's GF, and his Aunt up to our place to grill. Weather isn't looking great but we'll make the most of it and have fun.
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
R/R/CS: 2 more days of clomid and hopefully o isn't delayed
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? I have some flowers I need to plant this weekend and we'll have dinner with my parents Monday. Other than that just relaxing around home.
@GrabberBlue2010 So sorry for CD1, FX this is your cycle and the stars really do align for you!
@Mythril have fun playing your RPG. DH and I are starting to get into that kind of game but I honestly think my favorite part is going to be painting the figures!
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
R/R/CS: Its friday and i have a 3 day weekend so i am excited about that. work has been so stressful lately, combined with TTC stress I really need a break. but so far today I am feeling good. I finally allowed myself to look up what my projected due date would be if I got KU this cycle. And of course now I am all like super excited for it for like 987 gagillion reasons just like every month...le sigh.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? **TW someone elses pregnancy** Tonight we got a sitter and are going out for my BIL's birthday. But my SIL (BIL's wife) is 9 months pregnant so she could go into labor at anytime. so those plans are kind of tentative. But either way DH and I get a night out so score! I totally plan on drinking! The rest of the weekend we plan to just hang out and attempt potty training my son. I am imagining a lot of accidents and messes. But hopefully by Tuesday he would have at least went on his potty once.
R/R/CS: Had a slight temp rise (no shocker from my wine last night). Two more and I have dotted CH, which would be about 4 days early for me, so I think it's the wine. Although, my OPK was fairly dark this am and approaching a positive, which I normally don't get until CD 13 or 14. We shall see! HIO just in case
GTKY: Ah, the weekend. I've been a SAHM with my 3 year old for 2 weeks (since the semester ended) and I'm loving every single second, but it's emotionally and physically draining. Mainly because DH gets home and is tired from work, but I'm also tired from my job and still end up doing most of the cooking/cleaning/childcare. I think I'll talk to him about it tonight. He's super receptive when I bring up concerns like this and problem solves well.
Tomorrow is a clean the house and the yard and the cars day. Then Sunday, DH is going golfing with his dad, so DS and I will go to their house (on a lake) and go on the boat and relax. I may hit up the outlets that are in the next town over and have my MIL watch DS for a little. Then on Monday we do the Memorial Day parade in our town!
@GrabberBlue2010 I'm sorry. What a sucky way to start the weekend @Krys Happy Anniversary!
Month/Cycle: 1/1
CD: 5
WAYDTGKU: Not much - waiting for AF to be over
R/R/CS: Nothing today
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? We have 2 birthday parties on Saturday (both are nieces, one from each side). I have to find a dress for my BILs wedding next Friday. On Monday, we'll be going to Memorial Day observations in the am, then to my parent's house for a cookout. It's kind of bittersweet because my dad was laid off a few months ago and has been desperately searching for a job. He might be getting an offer in Colorado (we're in MA), which means my parents will be moving.
@krys Happy anniversary! Great that you will be coming home just in time for that! It's also our anniversary this holiday weekend (Monday).
Month/Cycle: 7 total, 3 after MC
CD: 4
WAYDTGKU: AF is gone! Temping. CM. We will start HIO EOD at least.
R/R/CS: this is the first cycle that I've been temping (3 days only so far) and each day my temp has risen. I'm waiting for it to drop so FF doesn't think I O right after AF (is that even possible?!).
Woohoo! Friday! 3 day weekend!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? Nothing really for tonight. I'll probably just clean, relax, and Bump. Saturday afternoon/evening, we are going over to DH's cousin's house for a potluck BBQ. Sunday we are celebrating my (step)son's 9th birthday at an arcade/mini golf type place. And Monday is our 3rd wedding anniversary. We don't really have any plans, and it's supposed to be hot, so we may just stay indoors (HIO?!?!) and go out for dinner somewhere.
@Mythril It almost looks like CD 19 could also be O, if CD 17 wasn't. I would wait a few more days, to see what your temp does. I've stopped temping altogether. With PCOS my temps were too unpredictable to even tell me anything aside from, you're not Oing lol.
Month/Cycle: 8/5
CD: 29
WAYDTGKU: PNV + DHEA, Vitamin D, Baby Aspirin
R/R/CS: I had my 5th scan this morning after ending my third consecutive round of Letrozole on Tuesday. I was having little to no follicle growth on 5mg so they upped my dose to 7.5mg. I took that Thursday -Tuesday and low and behold the higher dose worked! I couldn't even believe it. I went in with absolutely zero expectations because I couldn't stand anymore disappointment. Needless to say I was shocked, and felt like crying tears of joy. I had one follicle close to being mature, 16.5mm. The nurse was pleased with that, and said to have sex this Saturday just in case I O over the weekend. Which we both doubt will happen. My lining wasn't thick enough yet, so she wrote me a script for Estrogen which I will take over the weekend. She's wants to give the follicle a little more time to grow, as it's been growing at about 1mm rate a day. And give my lining time to thicken. I'll go back on Monday to see how things look, but she's pretty confident I'll get our first IUI on Tuesday!! I realize it's not guaranteed we will get KU this cycle, but I am just so thrilled I finally responded positively to the Letrozole! I was getting worried we would have to skip right to injectables, which are only covered for 4 rounds by insurance. So this was great news.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? Aside from just being happy all weekend I'm sure, I plan on getting annuals to plant in our deck planters. And just puttering around the house to get it ready for our first ever BBQ next Saturday!
@JediAlly85 Good luck with the potty training. It was so difficult with my son. Pee came easier than poop though. Fx and patience for you this weekend!
@marriedhamstermom - Thank you!!! Same to you! Lucky you with getting tattoos!!! I am itching for another one. Have fun!
@wineo929 - I could use all the company! Wine party! Hoping for a +OPK for you and O soon!!
@runboorun - Thanks, yeah that is NOT how I wanted to start the weekend for sure. But oh well! So many fun activities for you this weekend!! Have a blast!
@grabberblue2010 Sorry about CD1 Having to hold in that emotion all day sucks, I've cried more than once in the bathroom at work. Drink all of the wine this weekend!
@marriedhamstermom The tattoos sound adorable! And enjoy dinner. I'm jealous!
@jedially85 Glad you're feeling a little better today. And enjoy your night out! I'm sure you need it, especially with the potty training endeavor you have coming up!
@wineo929 It's so nice that your DH is receptive to those types of things. I think mine starts to feel like i'm just constantly telling him what he's doing wrong...working on that. Your day at the lake sounds awesome though! Enjoy!
@mrsdaddario Yay!! That's GREAT news!! FX that everything goes according to plan from here!
Month/Cycle: 2/2 TTCAL
CD: 13
WAYDTGKU: PNV, tracking cm, temping, FINALLY HIO
R/R/CS: I was able to rally the troops and HIO last night. It was 10:30 already and way past my bedtime, but i noticed possibly fertile cm so it had to happen. I'm really glad we did though because this morning i had a temp that was higher than all my others so i *might* have ovulated last night. I guess we'll see over the next couple days. I'm still in the honeymoon phase with temping and everything fascinates me!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? No real plans for the weekend, other than a couple get togethers. But today is my last day of work until NEXT friday! DH and I decided to take a few days off after memorial day and go on a mini vacay. We live in Florida and are driving over to the west coast beaches for a couple days to relax. I'm so so so excited.
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married 2010 TTC since Nov. 2015 BFP#1: 2/8/16 MC: 3/19/16 BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
R/R/CS: For those that asked yesterday (sorry I got busy and didn't have time to come back for comments last night) I'm doing the BBM workouts. Its an online program. The lady leading the workouts is a super cool lady who just had a baby and wants to lose 60lbs. She has a different workout every day and they are under 20 minutes so I can do them during DS naptime. I'm really sore from them so I know they are effective even though they are short. It's a 90 day challenge and today is day 3.... Eek. The best part about it is, its free!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? Study study study... Boards in less than three weeks.
Month/Cycle: 8/8 (2 cycles NTNP, 1 cycle anovulatory,
4 cycles with good timing)
CD: 7
WAYDTGKTFU: Just waiting for
FW. So boring!
R/R/CS: Really glad it’s Friday. I just want to enjoy the weekend.
GTKY: What are your
weekend plans? I’m looking forward to this weekend because there is nothing
planned. I think DH and I are just going
to finish up our gardening that we started last weekend. This is our last weekend until end of July where
we don’t have obligations that will take up the majority of our weekends so I
just want to lay low.
@GrabberBlue2010 Sorry you're having a hard one today - hang in there, and then drink all of the wine!
@leekat14 That is something I REALLY need to do. I have been putting off getting flowers for the front yard for weeks and I really need to do it. It seems like every time I actually have time to do it, it's storming out.
@kristinh88 Yay for good planning - getting married on a holiday weekend = getting your anniversary off every year. Hope you have a great one as well!
R/R/CS: Nothing much today! Horrible cramps had me up for an hour in the middle of the night last night.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
Well..relaxation...crossfit, saturday morning market, dinner with friends and margaritas, sunsets, boat day, more crossfit, cookout with friends, guac off = AMAZING!
Hope everyone has a great weekend as well!
TTC #1 - December 2015 Me:31 H:31 DX: MFI - 1% Morph 12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future) 3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
@JediAlly85 I feel ya girl! CD1 and already looked up every potential date possible....the hope always kills me!!!
@wineo929 I love all the wine as well! What is your favorite? I am planning on buying a yummy bottle as soon as I get off work today, as well as grabbing some rose for our boat trip sunday!!
TTC #1 - December 2015 Me:31 H:31 DX: MFI - 1% Morph 12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future) 3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
WAYDTGKU: I'll start OPKs tomorrow, not temping this cycle.
R/R/CS: We got home from vacation late last night, even though we're both still off work until Tuesday. We had a great time, but there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed!
GTKY: As little as possible. I need to unpack and do some laundry, and we might take the puppy to the dog park tomorrow. Other than that, I really have no plans.
Me: 26, H: 28
Married since 2012
TTC #1 since July 2015 **TW**
Laparoscopy and Endometriosis dx February 2016
HSG and SA all clear! September 2016 Testing with RE October 2016 BFP 11/5/2016 ~ EDD 7/19/2016
**question** Am I like, the only one who is not drinking at all while TTC? I was thinking that at my age (which isn't old old, all things considered: I'm 34 and change) I needed to do all things in my favor to help...but man...this shit flat out sucks. I ditched the caffeine too, so between the two, I'm pretty stabby. I'm feeling like as long as I don't go crazy, a few drinks a week should be more than fine, right?
**question** Am I like, the only one who is not drinking at all while TTC? I was thinking that at my age (which isn't old old, all things considered: I'm 34 and change) I needed to do all things in my favor to help...but man...this shit flat out sucks. I ditched the caffeine too, so between the two, I'm pretty stabby. I'm feeling like as long as I don't go crazy, a few drinks a week should be more than fine, right?
Please tell me yes.
I know a lot of people go by the rule "Drink until its pink", meaning you can drink until you have a BFP. I also go by that rule. I plan on going by that rule a lot this weekend. I may be in the parking lot of the liquor store right now.
Krys said:
**question** Am I like, the only one who is not drinking at all while TTC? I was thinking that at my age (which isn't old old, all things considered: I'm 34 and change) I needed to do all things in my favor to help...but man...this shit flat out sucks. I ditched the caffeine too, so between the two, I'm pretty stabby. I'm feeling like as long as I don't go crazy, a few drinks a week should be more than fine, right?
Please tell me yes.
I really cannot imagine changing my life completely for something that could take months/year (hopefully not). I guess if there is a known fertility problem, it's a whole different story, but I feel like getting rid of caffeine completely and not drinking would make me feel like a prisoner! Even after you turn that test the baby isn't sharing blood supply for a little bit (not sure on exactly time-frame), so even if you indulged the night before, it isn't an issue! Enjoy your life, once you are pregnant it's all out the window for a while
Hopefully it is a quick journey for you!
TTC #1 - December 2015 Me:31 H:31 DX: MFI - 1% Morph 12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future) 3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
@krys The entire time I have been TTC so about 7/8 months I have abstained from alcohol. Last 3 months or so I completly gave up caffeine too. I know I didnt have to but it just felt better to me and I read that those things can affect fertility. Right everything does right? lol Well obviously I am not pregnant and going to an RE next month so this cycle along with dropping all the bbt, cm, cp crap I have decided to allow myself to have my coffee again and tonight I am totally going drinking. I probably will still abstain during proposed FW time and TWW but for now I am just trying to enjoy myself. But with my DS I completely abstained while TTC so I understand the sentiment of it.
@krys I've gone to drinking decaf coffee so I'm off the caffeine, and i TRY to not drink every time i'd like to. But I definitely let myself have a beer or a glass of wine a couple days during the week. There's really not a lot of reason to abstain I don't think. I just reel it in a little bit because it makes me feel like that's at least something i can control.
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married 2010 TTC since Nov. 2015 BFP#1: 2/8/16 MC: 3/19/16 BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
R/R/CS: We hired a new girl at work and I'm super jazzed about it.
GTKY: Taking from TWW...What are your weekend plans? We're going to the zoo tomorrow, then binge watching Grey's Anatomy, then Sunday we're going to my friends house for a BBQ.
**question** Am I like, the only one who is not drinking at all while TTC? I was thinking that at my age (which isn't old old, all things considered: I'm 34 and change) I needed to do all things in my favor to help...but man...this shit flat out sucks. I ditched the caffeine too, so between the two, I'm pretty stabby. I'm feeling like as long as I don't go crazy, a few drinks a week should be more than fine, right?
Please tell me yes.
I started my TTC journey not drinking (except when AF was here), but I've given up on that for the most part. I'm still not drinking a ton, but if I want a drink or two, I do.
WAYDTGKU: Peeing on OPKs every five seconds trying to catch my LH surge.
R/R/CS: My CM looks pretty weak this month. I'm annoyed.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? Pretty nice little holiday weekend ahead! We are going to take it easy tonight, and then tomorrow we are going for a run in the morning and I have boot camp at 10, and then we're going out to my friend's house on the beach for barbecuing and shenanigans. Then Sunday we are going to go over to another friend's house to hang out at their pool. Monday we might go to my parents' house for more pool-ing, depending on the weather. I also need to finish a little painting project on my deck furniture at some point.
@krys based on my post yesterday in WTO, I'm team drink til it's pink I've also been TTC for 8 cycles and would be crazy without it.
@zoey1019, I'll drink anything red really. My favorite used to be Pinot noir, but I've recently moved to Merlot. Edited to ask: What's your brand of choice?
@Mythril It looks like you *could* have O'd, but I don't quite believe the CH. Do you usually turn an OPK?
@jatwal128 I stayed up past my bedtime too last night to HIO. Definitely worth it, especially since I didn't have to work today so I got to sleep in anyway
@Krys I don't drink at all, but not because I'm TTC, just because I don't like any alcoholic drink I've ever tried. If I did like to drink, I would probably drink until it's pink or at least until I O. I haven't ever read any studies showing that it affects your fertility
Month/Cycle: 9/10
CD: 14
R/R/CS: I think I still have fertile CM today so it looks like I'm still WTO. I just want to go over to the TWW!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? Other than HIO? Grocery shopping today and church on Sunday. Other than that, just hanging out I guess. We did stuff out during the week instead, so this is our relaxing time.
Re: WTO Friday!
Month/Cycle: 6
CD: 6
R/R/CS: I remembered to temp again hooray!
GTKY: Taking from TWW...What are your weekend plans?
im off today which is nice. I have to go file something at town hall. After that I plan on a run, then doing some shopping and getting a mani/pedi. Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend to shop for another friends baby shower, and then we're having drinks at my place. Hopefully the rest of the weekend just relaxing.
CD: 5
R/R/CS: FINALLY!!!! Last day in Manila...I work a shorter shift today, then head home. It's a 24 hour travel day on top of work, but I'm glad it's over and to be heading home.
GTKY: What are your weekend plans? Today is our 11 year anniversary, so hopefully grabbing a nice dinner somewhere on Sunday since I'll be too worthless tomorrow after I land. The weather looks kind of iffy, so it'll depend if it ends up getting nice out. I'd like to just relax by the pool and chill. Regardless, we'll be keeping it low key with nothing much on the agenda. Happy long weekend, ladies!
Met: 2003
Married: 2005
TTC #1: May 2016
CD: 1
WAYDTGKU: Being cycle day 1... nothing right now. Yippie skippy for the holiday weekend. NOT.
But when it is time, we will be doing another monitored cycle w/RE, trigger shot to O and TI. Continue with the PN's... Eat healthier. Meh, and whatever else comes along that **MIGHT** align the stars :-/
AF decided to show up this morning. I saw it coming but it still makes me super pissed off and I am doing everything I can to not cry cause I am at work. But all bets are off as soon as I walk out the door.
The plus side it is Friday (!!!!) and I can lay in bed and cry and drink wine.
GTKY: Taking from TWW because I'm a tad hungover... What are your weekend plans?
Lay in bed and cry and drink wine.. LOL!!! Plus clean, and do laundry and hopefully cook some good food and play some xbox and such.
ETA: Also charting temp and checking CM.
Question though for those who currently/have ever taken the trigger shot: Do you use OPK's during this time to try and pick up your surge? I only ask because reading on the forever correct about everything interwebs, that the trigger/hcg can make you pull a + OPK no matter what even if there is not a surge. ( Ha, my first newbie question)
Me: 31 / DH: 37
Married: November 2015
TTC #1 Since March 2014
MC: New Years Eve 2014
Mommy to 4 furbabies
CD: 27
WAYDTGKTFU: Clomid 150mg cd 5-9
R/R/CS: okay, so ff is giving me cross hairs but I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated. Last time I had cross hairs someone on here told me I didn't ovulate and she was right. So could someone CS for me and help ease my mind?
Gtky: I am going to do my sisters hair and make up for a wedding she is attending. Then I'm going to play d&d. Well not d&d specifically, but a table top rpg.
Clomid 50;100;150;200: No O
TSH 3.75 Put on 50mg levothyroxine
1500 MG Metformin
7.5 MG Letrozole: No Follicles
9 MG Letrozole: 21mm Follicle no pregnancy
4 cycles at 9 MG Letrozole, No pregnancy
Me: 31 / DH: 37
Married: November 2015
TTC #1 Since March 2014
MC: New Years Eve 2014
Mommy to 4 furbabies
CD: 10
WAYDTGKU: PNV, BBT (didn't mess it up today woohoo!), sex
R/R/CS: I think I said this somewhere but I'm the only person in my group today and there were already issues so that's fun... However two of my most annoying meetings have been canceled today so that's going for me!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
So excited for this weekend! Tonight I'm finally getting my current two hamsters feet tattooed on my feet. I have my last two hamsters feet on there so these two will complete my foot! Tomorrow we are going to meet DH's parents and go to Outback Steakhouse which we haven't been to in forever because there isn't one within 2 hrs of our house! I'm a vegetarian so the steak part is lost on me but I love their blooming onion! Then Sunday we're having DH's parents, his cousin and his cousin's GF, and his Aunt up to our place to grill. Weather isn't looking great but we'll make the most of it and have fun.
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
@krys Happy Anniversary!!!! Wow 11 years!
CD: 9
R/R/CS: long weekend for me so I get time to myself and time with H. FF tells me FW begins Sunday, I suppose I'll use my opks, I have them so why not!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
Planting flowers and doing some cleaning. Dinner and a play tonight and family over on Sunday night. Hopefully hitting the pool, it's going to be HOT
CD: 8
R/R/CS: 2 more days of clomid and hopefully o isn't delayed
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? I have some flowers I need to plant this weekend and we'll have dinner with my parents Monday. Other than that just relaxing around home.
@krys happy anniversary!
DS 4/2009
m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
DD 12/2013
mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks
Twin girls! 8/26/2017
@GrabberBlue2010 So sorry for CD1, FX this is your cycle and the stars really do align for you!
@Mythril have fun playing your RPG. DH and I are starting to get into that kind of game but I honestly think my favorite part is going to be painting the figures!
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
Month/Cycle: 7/8
CD: 7
WAYDTGKU: I hate this question.
R/R/CS: Its friday and i have a 3 day weekend so i am excited about that. work has been so stressful lately, combined with TTC stress I really need a break. but so far today I am feeling good. I finally allowed myself to look up what my projected due date would be if I got KU this cycle. And of course now I am all like super excited for it for like 987 gagillion reasons just like every month...le sigh.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
**TW someone elses pregnancy**
Tonight we got a sitter and are going out for my BIL's birthday. But my SIL (BIL's wife) is 9 months pregnant so she could go into labor at anytime. so those plans are kind of tentative. But either way DH and I get a night out so score! I totally plan on drinking! The rest of the weekend we plan to just hang out and attempt potty training my son. I am imagining a lot of accidents and messes. But hopefully by Tuesday he would have at least went on his potty once.
TTC#1 - March 2013
BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14
TTC#2 November 2015
Dx: Secondary IF June 2016
Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN
Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018
"She believed she could so she did..."
Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19
Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!
Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN
Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-
Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal
Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever
Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1
But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET
IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19
ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!
Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1
FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844
DD born 6/15/20
haha thanks, @Sandwichlover
Happy anniversary, @Krys!
I'm sorry for CD 1 @GrabberBlue2010. I'd come join you if I could
@Daisy621 and @leekat14, let me know if you want to come plant at my house too!
Enjoy the new tattoo, @marriedhamstermom! I love them!! Pictures later?
I'm a terrible CS, @Mythril. Sorry!
Month/Cycle: 7/8
CD: 11
WAYDTGKU: temping, started OPKs this am, EPO
R/R/CS: Had a slight temp rise (no shocker from my wine last night). Two more and I have dotted CH, which would be about 4 days early for me, so I think it's the wine. Although, my OPK was fairly dark this am and approaching a positive, which I normally don't get until CD 13 or 14. We shall see! HIO just in case
GTKY: Ah, the weekend. I've been a SAHM with my 3 year old for 2 weeks (since the semester ended) and I'm loving every single second, but it's emotionally and physically draining. Mainly because DH gets home and is tired from work, but I'm also tired from my job and still end up doing most of the cooking/cleaning/childcare. I think I'll talk to him about it tonight. He's super receptive when I bring up concerns like this and problem solves well.
Tomorrow is a clean the house and the yard and the cars day. Then Sunday, DH is going golfing with his dad, so DS and I will go to their house (on a lake) and go on the boat and relax. I may hit up the outlets that are in the next town over and have my MIL watch DS for a little. Then on Monday we do the Memorial Day parade in our town!
@Krys Happy Anniversary!
Month/Cycle: 1/1
CD: 5
WAYDTGKU: Not much - waiting for AF to be over
R/R/CS: Nothing today
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? We have 2 birthday parties on Saturday (both are nieces, one from each side). I have to find a dress for my BILs wedding next Friday. On Monday, we'll be going to Memorial Day observations in the am, then to my parent's house for a cookout. It's kind of bittersweet because my dad was laid off a few months ago and has been desperately searching for a job. He might be getting an offer in Colorado (we're in MA), which means my parents will be moving.
Samantha - 4/5/2017
Month/Cycle: 7 total, 3 after MC
Married: 5/30/2013
DSS #1: 5/25/2007
DSS #2: 1/22/2011
DS #3: 7/8/2012
BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
DS #4: 4/21/17
Month/Cycle: 8/5
CD: 29
WAYDTGKU: PNV + DHEA, Vitamin D, Baby Aspirin
R/R/CS: I had my 5th scan this morning after ending my third consecutive round of Letrozole on Tuesday. I was having little to no follicle growth on 5mg so they upped my dose to 7.5mg. I took that Thursday -Tuesday and low and behold the higher dose worked! I couldn't even believe it. I went in with absolutely zero expectations because I couldn't stand anymore disappointment. Needless to say I was shocked, and felt like crying tears of joy. I had one follicle close to being mature, 16.5mm. The nurse was pleased with that, and said to have sex this Saturday just in case I O over the weekend. Which we both doubt will happen. My lining wasn't thick enough yet, so she wrote me a script for Estrogen which I will take over the weekend. She's wants to give the follicle a little more time to grow, as it's been growing at about 1mm rate a day. And give my lining time to thicken. I'll go back on Monday to see how things look, but she's pretty confident I'll get our first IUI on Tuesday!! I realize it's not guaranteed we will get KU this cycle, but I am just so thrilled I finally responded positively to the Letrozole! I was getting worried we would have to skip right to injectables, which are only covered for 4 rounds by insurance. So this was great news.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
Aside from just being happy all weekend I'm sure, I plan on getting annuals to plant in our deck planters. And just puttering around the house to get it ready for our first ever BBQ next Saturday!
Married: 5/30/2013
DSS #1: 5/25/2007
DSS #2: 1/22/2011
DS #3: 7/8/2012
BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
DS #4: 4/21/17
@wineo929 - I could use all the company! Wine party! Hoping for a +OPK for you and O soon!!
@runboorun - Thanks, yeah that is NOT how I wanted to start the weekend for sure. But oh well!
So many fun activities for you this weekend!! Have a blast!
Me: 31 / DH: 37
Married: November 2015
TTC #1 Since March 2014
MC: New Years Eve 2014
Mommy to 4 furbabies
@krys Happy Anniversary! And safe travels!
@grabberblue2010 Sorry about CD1
@marriedhamstermom The tattoos sound adorable! And enjoy dinner. I'm jealous!
@jedially85 Glad you're feeling a little better today. And enjoy your night out! I'm sure you need it, especially with the potty training endeavor you have coming up!
@wineo929 It's so nice that your DH is receptive to those types of things. I think mine starts to feel like i'm just constantly telling him what he's doing wrong...working on that. Your day at the lake sounds awesome though! Enjoy!
@kirstinh88 Happy early anniversary!
@mrsdaddario Yay!! That's GREAT news!! FX that everything goes according to plan from here!
Month/Cycle: 2/2 TTCAL
CD: 13
WAYDTGKU: PNV, tracking cm, temping, FINALLY HIO
R/R/CS: I was able to rally the troops and HIO last night. It was 10:30 already and way past my bedtime, but i noticed possibly fertile cm so it had to happen. I'm really glad we did though because this morning i had a temp that was higher than all my others so i *might* have ovulated last night. I guess we'll see over the next couple days. I'm still in the honeymoon phase with temping and everything fascinates me!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? No real plans for the weekend, other than a couple get togethers. But today is my last day of work until NEXT friday! DH and I decided to take a few days off after memorial day and go on a mini vacay. We live in Florida and are driving over to the west coast beaches for a couple days to relax. I'm so so so excited.
Married 2010
TTC since Nov. 2015
BFP#1: 2/8/16
MC: 3/19/16
BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
mommy to the cutest rescue mutt ever.
my chart
@krys Happy anniversary!!
@jedially85 Good luck with the potty training!!
Month/Cycle: 8/8
CD: 13
WAYDTGKU: Same things I've been doing.
R/R/CS: For those that asked yesterday (sorry I got busy and didn't have time to come back for comments last night) I'm doing the BBM workouts. Its an online program. The lady leading the workouts is a super cool lady who just had a baby and wants to lose 60lbs. She has a different workout every day and they are under 20 minutes so I can do them during DS naptime. I'm really sore from them so I know they are effective even though they are short. It's a 90 day challenge and today is day 3.... Eek. The best part about it is, its free!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? Study study study... Boards in less than three weeks.
Back later for comments.
Month/Cycle: 8/8 (2 cycles NTNP, 1 cycle anovulatory, 4 cycles with good timing)
CD: 7
WAYDTGKTFU: Just waiting for FW. So boring!
R/R/CS: Really glad it’s Friday. I just want to enjoy the weekend.
GTKY: What are your weekend plans? I’m looking forward to this weekend because there is nothing planned. I think DH and I are just going to finish up our gardening that we started last weekend. This is our last weekend until end of July where we don’t have obligations that will take up the majority of our weekends so I just want to lay low.
ME: 28 | DH: 31
DATING SINCE: 09/20/08
MARRIED: 10/26/15
TTC#1 - March 2013
BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14
TTC#2 November 2015
Dx: Secondary IF June 2016
Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN
Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018
"She believed she could so she did..."
Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19
Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!
Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN
Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-
Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal
Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever
Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1
But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET
IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19
ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!
Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1
FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844
DD born 6/15/20
@SandwichLover your weekend sounds like fun!
@Krys There’s nothing like finally heading home after a trip. It’s a good feeling.
@grabberblue2010 Sorry about CD 1 and sorry that you’re having a tough TTC day. Feel better. *hugs
ME: 28 | DH: 31
DATING SINCE: 09/20/08
MARRIED: 10/26/15
@leekat14 That is something I REALLY need to do. I have been putting off getting flowers for the front yard for weeks and I really need to do it. It seems like every time I actually have time to do it, it's storming out.
@kristinh88 Yay for good planning - getting married on a holiday weekend = getting your anniversary off every year. Hope you have a great one as well!
Met: 2003
Married: 2005
TTC #1: May 2016
CD: 1
WAYDTGKU: Drinking = nothing hahah
R/R/CS: Nothing much today! Horrible cramps had me up for an hour in the middle of the night last night.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
Well..relaxation...crossfit, saturday morning market, dinner with friends and margaritas, sunsets, boat day, more crossfit, cookout with friends, guac off = AMAZING!
Hope everyone has a great weekend as well!
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
@JediAlly85 I feel ya girl! CD1 and already looked up every potential date possible....the hope always kills me!!!
@wineo929 I love all the wine as well! What is your favorite? I am planning on buying a yummy bottle as soon as I get off work today, as well as grabbing some rose for our boat trip sunday!!
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
CD: 19
WAYDTGKU: I'll start OPKs tomorrow, not temping this cycle.
R/R/CS: We got home from vacation late last night, even though we're both still off work until Tuesday. We had a great time, but there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed!
GTKY: As little as possible. I need to unpack and do some laundry, and we might take the puppy to the dog park tomorrow. Other than that, I really have no plans.
Testing with RE October 2016
BFP 11/5/2016 ~ EDD 7/19/2016
Please tell me yes.
Met: 2003
Married: 2005
TTC #1: May 2016
Met: 2003
Married: 2005
TTC #1: May 2016
Please tell me yes.
I really cannot imagine changing my life completely for something that could take months/year (hopefully not). I guess if there is a known fertility problem, it's a whole different story, but I feel like getting rid of caffeine completely and not drinking would make me feel like a prisoner! Even after you turn that test the baby isn't sharing blood supply for a little bit (not sure on exactly time-frame), so even if you indulged the night before, it isn't an issue! Enjoy your life, once you are pregnant it's all out the window for a while
Hopefully it is a quick journey for you!
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
TTC#1 - March 2013
BFP 8/9/13 - EDD 4/14/14 - DS born 4/23/14
TTC#2 November 2015
Dx: Secondary IF June 2016
Medicated IUI cycle#1- Clomid+IUI -1/15/17 -BFN
Break Mid 2017 - Resumed TTC December 2018
"She believed she could so she did..."
Medicated IUI cycle#2- Femara 5mg+IUI 12/22/18 - BFP 1/4/19 - MMC 2/1/19
Saline Sono 3/15/19 - All Clear!
Medicated IUI cycle#3- Femara 7.5mg+IUI 3/28/19-BFN
Medicated IUI cycle#4- Femara 5mg+Gonal F 50iu+IUI 4/27/19- BFP 5/11/19 - MMC 6/12/19 - D&C 6/14/19-
Incomplete M/C Repeat D&C - 7/3/19 -Testing concluded baby was genetically normal
Dx: Unexplained RPL July 2019 - Tested + as carrier for Usher Syndrome & Familial Mediterranean Fever
Saline Sono 8/7/19 - Mostly Clear! All systems go for IVF#1
But will need a repeat Saline Sono between ER and FET
IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol - 8/17/19
ER#1 8/27/19 - 12R, 6F, 4 biopsied+frozen! (3d5blasts + 1d6blast)- 2 PGS normal embabies!
Saline Sono 9/13/19 - All Clear! Onto FET Prep#1
FET#1 - 4AA -10/4/19 - BFP 10/14/19 - EDD - 6/21/20 -Beta#1-10dp5dt- 379 Beta#2-12dp5dt- 1007 Beta#3-14dp5dt- 2844
DD born 6/15/20
Married 2010
TTC since Nov. 2015
BFP#1: 2/8/16
MC: 3/19/16
BFP#2: 9/3/16 EDD: 5/17/17
mommy to the cutest rescue mutt ever.
my chart
DS 4/2009
m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
DD 12/2013
mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks
Twin girls! 8/26/2017
CD: 14
R/R/CS: We hired a new girl at work and I'm super jazzed about it.
GTKY: Taking from TWW...What are your weekend plans?
We're going to the zoo tomorrow, then binge watching Grey's Anatomy, then Sunday we're going to my friends house for a BBQ.
Married: 04/05/15
TTC since: 02/16/16
Married: 5/30/2013
DSS #1: 5/25/2007
DSS #2: 1/22/2011
DS #3: 7/8/2012
BFP: 3/14/2016 ~ MC: 3/19/2016
DS #4: 4/21/17
CD: 16
WAYDTGKU: Peeing on OPKs every five seconds trying to catch my LH surge.
R/R/CS: My CM looks pretty weak this month. I'm annoyed.
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans? Pretty nice little holiday weekend ahead! We are going to take it easy tonight, and then tomorrow we are going for a run in the morning and I have boot camp at 10, and then we're going out to my friend's house on the beach for barbecuing and shenanigans. Then Sunday we are going to go over to another friend's house to hang out at their pool. Monday we might go to my parents' house for more pool-ing, depending on the weather. I also need to finish a little painting project on my deck furniture at some point.
Started TTC #1 November 2015
BFP 6/10/2016 - EDD 2/22/2017
@zoey1019, I'll drink anything red really. My favorite used to be Pinot noir, but I've recently moved to Merlot. Edited to ask: What's your brand of choice?
Currently my favorite:
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
@jatwal128 I stayed up past my bedtime too last night to HIO. Definitely worth it, especially since I didn't have to work today so I got to sleep in anyway
@Krys I don't drink at all, but not because I'm TTC, just because I don't like any alcoholic drink I've ever tried. If I did like to drink, I would probably drink until it's pink or at least until I O. I haven't ever read any studies showing that it affects your fertility
Month/Cycle: 9/10
CD: 14
R/R/CS: I think I still have fertile CM today so it looks like I'm still WTO. I just want to go over to the TWW!
GTKY: Taking from TWW... What are your weekend plans?
Other than HIO? Grocery shopping today and church on Sunday. Other than that, just hanging out I guess. We did stuff out during the week instead, so this is our relaxing time.