DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
Re: Mental health check in 5/23
My biggest challenge this week will be keeping positive at work. I work in a fast paced, on your feet, no excuses kind of place. So even though I am having a harder time getting around, it is still expected that I get patient results out in an acceptable turn around time. And boy let me tell you, managing 8-9 chemistry analyzers at once, or getting trauma blood ready, or the /up down/up down/, motion of scope work is getting to me. I can't believe I have three more months of this to endure.
I have two victories this week. My prenatal chiropractor may have helped relieve my pubic bone pain. I HIGHLY recommend seeing a prenatal chiropractor for any hip, back, pubic pain while pregnant.
My second victory is that my OB is starting me on Zoloft this week to help with anxiety and my growing worry of postpartum depression. It definitely makes me feel relieved that I will have some help soon.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
Any big challenges this week? Motivation...I have none. I have been slacking so hard at work. I have certain things that need to be done (none of which are hard tasks) and I am having to literally force myself to do them. It has not been this bad before.
Share a recent victory! I have been doing really well keeping my heartburn under control and am super excited!
Any big challenges this week? Work wise tomorrow is local elections so it'll be a long night at the newspaper where I work. But we always have pizza on election nights so that's something to look forward to! My personal challenge this week is to not let the things DH and I are going through affect me that much. I want to be positive and not let these things get me down. We're still planning to move back to our home town near family in November and we'll both have better job opportunities there because it's a bigger city. So I just have to hang in there until then!
Share a recent victory! Made it to the third trimester! I'm really happy with that. And the fetal movement I'm feeling is getting so strong it actually hurts. But I'm thankful for it because I'm assuming that means LO is nice and healthy!
Just a quick update regarding the work situation I talked about last week: my bosses aren't really willing to do anything about the guy who was emailing me. But all my male coworkers agreed to take turns walking me to my car at night (I get off around 1ish a.m.). I couldn't be more thankful for them caring enough about me and that situation to make sure I feel safe.
I realize I've been a bit of a downer the past couple weeks. Hopefully next week I have more positive things to talk about!
It's frustrating that your bosses are not going to do anything about the email guy, but really sweet of your male co-workers to walk you to your car!
As for the guy at work who has been harassing you, it makes me really mad that your bosses won't even talk to him. I would just document everything about the whole situation and keep it handy in case this guy really oversteps and needs to be let go. How nice that you have male co-workers walking you out each night. Is there a way you could bring all this to HR? If you physically feel unsafe at work and your bosses aren't willing to do anything, thats not right.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
Any big challenges this week? I think my challenges this week will be the same ones I've had since leaving work. Like @jamiesc58 , I am having such a hard time getting motivated! When I first came home, I was checking at least one or two things off our to do list every day, getting the house ready. But lately I sleep in really late (just got up around 2 today), and then I literally sit on my ass and surf the web all day long. I make lists of all the things that need to be done, but just can't seem to make myself get started. I feel really guilty about it because DH goes to work all day and I am not doing my part. He knows these are the same "symptoms" of depression I frequently deal with and always says "you don't do nothing, you are making a baby!" So sweet. I need to figure out how to break the cycle and snap out of it. It's crazy to have anxiety so you're up all night worrying about everything that needs to be done, and depression which makes you have no energy or motivation to do anything about it. Quite the one-two punch.
Share a recent victory! Umm not feeling too victorious at the moment, give me a few days and if I vacuum or wash the dishes, I will update! Lol
I also wanted to share about my loneliness. I cried myself to sleep last night because I just feel so incredibly lonely most of the time. I see DH at night and weekends, but otherwise have no interaction with other humans most of the time. None of my friends are even engaged or married so I have no mommy resources except SIL who lives far away. My best friend, the only one who lives nearby, has a really horrible chronic migraine condition that means she is incapacitated about 5/7 days a week. And she has not been reaching out even on the days she's feeling okay so we have only seen each other 2 or 3 times since I got pregnant and rarely even talk on the phone.
I desperately wish I had some friends in town. Just someone to go grab a cup of coffee once a month would be wonderful. I have been researching ways to meet other moms, but with my anxiety I don't know that I will be able to make myself reach out. I'm just imagining once baby gets here, the two of us just being little hermit women holed up in our house with the cat all the time!
I also understand the loneliness. DH works long days so we spend only nights and weekends together. He also has a pretty heavy travel schedule right now so it means spending even less time with him. I have had to force myself to try and be social. I recently reached out to a local MOPS group to join. It says they are a Christian/faith-based mommy group but it's not a heavy focus, at least in my chapter. I would recommend looking into one. It's terrifying putting yourself out there but they are the sweetest ladies going through similar situations. I'm looking forward to getting more involved when they reconnect at the end of summer.
Baby #2: Emmeline Grey - August 2016
Baby #3: BFP 9/7/18 | EDD 05/24/19
Baby #2: Emmeline Grey - August 2016
Baby #3: BFP 9/7/18 | EDD 05/24/19
@car0liine I can definitely relate to a lot of what you're talking about. On the days I'm home with DS, it can be really hard to get motivated to do anything above the minimum. I've found that having at least one outing is really helpful. We'll go to the park, library and/or store. It helps me so much to get out of the house and see other people. I'm not great about reaching out to friends, but just seeing other people helps to keep me from feeling totally isolated.
My weekend was pretty good. I worked for a bit on Saturday, then went shopping with DS and DH. I found the mobile and sheets for LO's crib and the knobs for the dresser I'm redoing, all were on great sales, so it was a successful trip! Sundays are my favorite day because we have a nice family routine - swim lessons and out to brunch, and it's really comforting for me to have that predictability. We also ended up going out to dinner and running into friends which was really nice.
One big challenge is DH really wants me to go with him to a work outing tomorrow night. None of our usual family members are available to babysit so he wants his dad/stepmom to watch DS. I know they'll be fine, but they don't know his routine well, and it just makes me anxious. I keep hoping for them to cancel, which is awful since DH just wants to have a nice night out with me.
A recent victory... Hmm probably the fact that I'm not totally shooting down DH's plan for tomorrow - even though I really want to
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
@Bookhousegirl I also find that if I can get myself out of the house, even just to run some errands, it helps immensely.
@JournoGrl23 My OB has me on Zoloft and it has been a huge help. For whatever reason though, my depression seems to be getting stronger lately. So my husband and I have decided I should talk to the doctor about increasing my dosage during my appointment this Friday. I wouldn't except that I'm at a point where I'm not taking care of myself and my baby. I can't make myself do simple things like take a shower, brush my teeth, eat, drink. Several times this week DH well come home from work and I won't have had anything to eat or drink all day.
Geeze just typing that makes me realize how bad it's gotten. It's embarrassing to admit, especially to people who don't have depression or don't understand it. Just sounds like I'm gross and lazy. Really how the doctor takes me seriously. And I should probably look into therapy again so I can have a regular check in with a professional who can recognize when it's getting out of hand.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
other groups you can check out:
stroller strides (or another workout mommy group)
babywearers group (tons of meet ups)
MOMS club
City Moms Blog Network - look up your area/largest nearby city and they usually have a listing of mommy groups in the area. They also host lots of events and seminars where you can mingle with other moms.
Baby #2: Emmeline Grey - August 2016
Baby #3: BFP 9/7/18 | EDD 05/24/19
@Car0liiine I'm so sorry you're feeling lonely and depressed. I'm not a SAHM so I can't fully relate, but I do get really lonely as well. I do get to spend 8-10 hours at work a day where I get social interaction with coworkers, but I don't have any friends in this city. DH and I rarely see each other and working nights has made it to where I haven't met anyone in the almost five years I've lived here. I definitely think finding a mom group like everyone else has suggested is a good idea. I hope you find one you really like and meet some new friends you can relate too.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18
I had been on zoloft prior to this pregnancy, but went off just before we started trying because I wanted to be off any meds. I had been doing really well and then, bam, at 20 weeks my anxiety and depression just skyrocketed and I was totally defeated by it for quite some time. I went back on zoloft, which apparently is the only safe depression med out there. I was starting to get a handle on things and then we found out at 26 weeks that my umbilical blood flow was not good. This lead to me getting steroid shots to prep the baby's lungs, getting an amnio to check some other issues, and being monitored 3 times per week because if the blood flow started to reverse they would have to take the baby out immediately. It has been a roller coaster of a pregnancy so far and I am a FTM!
How was your weekend? We have continued to get good news (the blood flow in the umbilical arteries has improved and the amnio results were all normal). I was so happy to get to go to a cousin's wedding in MKE this weekend, because a week or two ago I thought we would have already delivered a baby and would be stationed in the NICU. I am still dealing with anxiety, but it is much improved and it was really fun to dress up:)
Any big challenges this week. Just trying to take the best care of myself as possible and try not to worry.
Share a recent victory! I have now made it to 29W 2D. This is huge. I am finally feeling excited about this pregnancy again.
@cepricco I'm so glad you've made it to 29 weeks and are now getting some good news. I'm sorry you've had a rough pregnancy so far, but I hope the good news continues for you and your baby.
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero placenta surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18 BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18