June 2016 Moms

**Thursday Ticker Change**

How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 

How are you feeling? Any rants/raves? 

Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? 

GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad?
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: **Thursday Ticker Change**

  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 29 weeks!  Baby is an acorn squash or a small cabbage, if any of my apps are to be believed anymore...

    How are you feeling? Any rants/raves?  I have insane heartburn... it's like I could breathe fire after drinking water.  And we put the crib together last night, so it's all kind of hitting me that this is really happening!

    Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? Appointment on Monday.  I'm pretty sure it's just the routinely checked stuff and nothing special; but it's the first "show up every 2 weeks" appointment, so it just feels like we're nearing the end!

    GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad? I'm surprised at how NOT pregnant I feel sometimes.  I always assumed that it was grossly uncomfortable from day 1, but in reality, there are certain times that I forget that I'm pregnant.  I'm also surprised at how horrendous heartburn can be!  And all stomach issues, for that matter.  It's not just morning sickness!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How many weeks /size: 30! Size of a platypus minis the tail.;)

    Feeling,.rants/raves: oh so sore. Had to cancel my chiropractor appointment twice and I'm so ready to go! But passed my GD test, so that's good!

    Dr Appointment/news: don't go back for 2 more weeks, then we'll go to two week appointments 

    GTKY : this is my 4th so... but I think the just overall feeling of tired is something I'll never get used to
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  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 
    30wks. I think baby is a cantaloupe?

    How are you feeling? Any rants/raves? 
    I'm doing ok today, after a slight emotional breakdown yesterday. One of the guys in my husband's squadron came home and all the thinking about homecomings sent me into a bit of a spiral, but I'm doing better today. Physically, I'm tired and easily winded.

    Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? 
    Appt Monday, also my first of the every other week appts.

    GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad? 
    I've been surprised by how normal I feel as well. I was lucky to not have many symptoms,  so I've actually been really enjoying it.  I'm also pleasantly surprised by how much it's brought my husband and I together.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  •  @Kballew10 all the yes about water and heartburn. Drinking a glass of water is pretty much the worst thing I can think of doing in terms of starting a flare up. I take my zantac 150 with milk. 

     @meggyme sorry to hear you've been having a tough time, glad you're doing a little better. Hang in there, we're here to listen anytime!

     @sdnybrk1 hooray for no GD!

    How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 32 weeks, and I've stopped even looking to see how big that is. Let's just say: it's probably pretty big. 

    How are you feeling? Any rants/raves? How I'm feeling is a day-to-day thing. Some days I've got more energy, and I get shit done. Other days, I feel like it's all I can do to waddle around and do the bare minimum. I'm pleased to say I am feeling good today. :) 

    Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? Chiro appointment on Monday, then my next OB appointment the following Monday. Things have been smooth with those. I will be getting my TDap vax at the next appointment.

    GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad? I guess it surprised me how much harder this pregnancy has been than my first. I think it makes a difference having a 3 year old to care for while gestating. Fewer opportunities to nap.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Happy Thursday ladies!

    How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 30 weeks, which means holy cow only 10 weeks left. Baby is a cucumber, that sounds like one big cucumber

    How are you feeling? Any rants/raves? Pretty good some days, other days I can't sleep can't sit, have a contraction every time I stand... normal pregnancy stuff. I'll rave to starting my Hypnobabies training this weekend. No idea how that is going to go, but I'm willing to give it a try!

    Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? Appointment on Tuesday for standard check. All of our appointments are already scheduled from here on out, it's a little intimidating. Need to schedule my hospital tour for sometime after the next two appointments hopefully

    GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad? Again with sometimes forgetting that I'm pregnant, but also how quickly baby's kicks went from magical and made me stop everything to feel them to pretty standard and a little grumbly whenever I'm attempting to work and he catches me right in the ribs
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby?
    30 weeks! So pretty big! Ha! 

    How are you feeling? Any rants/raves? 
    Basically the same as @parsonsperson  ! Some days I'm working out, decluttering the house, washing down floorboards! Other days I just sit on the couch and have my husband retrieve food for me because I'm just tired and hungry. It goes from like rock star to worthless haha. 

    Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? 
    I had an appt yesterday. I did the GD test, no results as of yet. Now I start going every 2 weeks which I'm nervous about with work because my midwife doesn't have late hours so I'll be missing a few hours of work every other week. Not that I enjoy my work that much, just hate using sick time that I then can't use for maternity time. 

    GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad?
    I would agree with others about having days where I forget/can't tell I'm pregnant. Today is one of them. Also, I never knew how tired pregnancy makes you. Some days I can barely keep my eyes open even though I slept for 9-10 hours. 
    Married July 2014
    DD born June 2016
    Second due August 2020 (team green!)
  • @parsonsperson you nap with the 3 year old...that's my secret, anyway lol
  • @parsonsperson - I took the liberty of looking up your fruit/veggie and.... it looks like TB gives up by then too because it just says "a squash", which is quite possibly even less helpful than the crap veggies they've used for previous weeks.  Apparently somebody at TB really loves them some root veggies since I think you've now officially gone through every type of squash in existence.  Don't worry, next week, you're a Durian, which is foreign to me, but looks like a spikey mess.  I might follow your lead and start ignoring the sizes...

    @art&leaadye - I agree with the kicks not being cute anymore.  Now they are  uncomfortable, if not just painful.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @parsonsperson  & @Kballew10 I was curious about the Durian and had to look it up. This is what I've learned:
    They smell awful but supposedly taste good :neutral: 
    Top recipes for them include cheesecake and icecream... so maybe it does apply to pregnant people?
    They are banned on public transportation in Singapore. How dangerous can a fruit be?!
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
  • @parsonsperson  & @Kballew10 I was curious about the Durian and had to look it up. This is what I've learned:
    They smell awful but supposedly taste good :neutral: 
    Top recipes for them include cheesecake and icecream... so maybe it does apply to pregnant people?
    They are banned on public transportation in Singapore. How dangerous can a fruit be?!
    By the look of them, you could do some major damage to somebody by just throwing it at their face!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 
    30+1, the size of a summer cantaloupe 

    How are you feeling? Any rants/raves? 
    I've been starting to get pretty fatigued again the past week.  I think the third tri is starting to catch up to me. Raves: My shower is Saturday and I'm pumped. I can't wait to see everyone and celebrate our new little one. 

    Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? 
    I have my 30 week ultrasound on Monday and I can't wait.  I'm nervous to see if my placenta has moved.  It was low lying at the 20 week, but they were hopeful it would move.  I can't wait to see our little girl again <3

    GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad?
    The fatigue and the acne.  I'm normally an energetic person and the first trimester kicked my butt.  Thank goodness for my kind husband who took over cooking and lots of house chores because I couldn't move after I'd get home from work.  The acne also surprised me.  I've never had an issue with acne in my life and now my face is constantly breaking out, mostly on my forehead.  I finally found the Belli products and that has helped, but its still a battle.  I'm looking forward to my clear complexion again! 
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 32 weeks 2 days..size of little blue scooters(the ones we had in elementary school)

    How are you feeling? Any rants/raves? Feeling hormonal ragey today..do not mess with me people!

    Doctor appointment news or upcoming appointments? Next Friday another appointment, yay..although I'm so ready for another ultrasound but gotta wait til my GBS test for that

    GTKY: (Stolen - as always)  What is the most surprising thing about pregnancy so far - good or bad? The movements oh the movements..it feels so weird when my stomach starts rolling around like an alien is in there. family always asks me what it feels like and to this day I still cant describe it.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @arteduc8 I also had a low lying placenta early on and it resolved itself. I hope yours does too.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • @sdnybrk1 I know I should do that, and some days, I do. Other days...the Netflix just calls to me, though. Or TB. :) It really is a good tip, though--given that I'm not sure how much longer she'll take regular naps for. It's already getting a little spotty.

     @Kballew10 This: "Don't worry, next week, you're a Durian, which is foreign to me, but looks like a spikey mess," made me spit out my soup I laughed so hard. I can't wait for next week now. Go Team Durian!

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