June 2016 Moms

Placenta Previa check in?

HighFive16HighFive16 member
edited April 2016 in June 2016 Moms
I am 29 weeks tomorrow and will have a scan but as of last week my placenta has moved no where only down. Am grade 4. I guess there is still time for it to move but it is causing so much stress at the moment because there is the fear of a bleed and uncertainty at birth. 
I think we are cautiously booking my c section for 37 weeks at my 32 week appt but there will be another scan after that to double check if it has moved. No heavy bleeding but have had spotting earlier with more at the weekend. 

So anyone else wanna share their experiences with PP so far?
How far along? When is your next check up? Have you had any issues so far with it?  When are you deciding on a C Section or has your doctor spoken about it as yet. 
Anything else? 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Placenta Previa check in?

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    I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeing stressed about all the uncertainty - my only advice is to try to stay calm (easier said than done) since PP is out of your control :( I hope you get positive results when you go for your next ultrasound!
    I don't personally have PP, but I was told after my 20 week ultrasound that I have a low-lying placenta. I'm scheduled for another ultrasound in a couple of weeks (33 weeks) to see if the placenta has moved. My understanding is that if the ultrasound indicates that I have developed PP, then I'll need to discuss the possibility of bed rest and booking a C-section with my midwife. Hope this helps!
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    Good luck in your next scan too! 
    I definitely need to accept that i have no control over it and what will happen will. It's annoying me more that I have so many restrictions and have so far to go. 

    Thank you for replying !

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Just wanted to send my support. I had a low-lying placenta last pregnancy that didn't move until 34 weeks. I was going to be scheduled for 38 weeks. When I dilated, I started bleeding anyway so ran to the hospital. Just follow the restrictions for peace of mind and take care of yourself in the meantime.

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    HighFive16HighFive16 member
    edited April 2016
    Thank you! sorarose said:
    Just wanted to send my support. I had a low-lying placenta last pregnancy that didn't move until 34 weeks. I was going to be scheduled for 38 weeks. When I dilated, I started bleeding anyway so ran to the hospital. Just follow the restrictions for peace of mind and take care of yourself in the meantime.


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    I'm sorry to hear that, but there is still a chance! ::hugs:: I was going through the same anxiety until Friday, when I found mine had moved (I'm 29w today). It's just luck really. The important part is the little one, regardless of how he/she comes out.
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    Sorry mama! I also have PP discovered at 20w. Had a check at 28w with no movement. Checking again next week. I'm 30w now. If no movement we will schedule a c section for 39w. My dr said that the placenta could still move before 39w so we will continue to check and if it does then we will move forward with a vaginal delivery. She said she likes to schedule them at that point so I would have time to mentally prepare for that type of delivery and also a very different recovery. I've not had any spotting since the initial discovery at 20w and was without symptoms for several weeks. In the last few weeks though I have had some low right pains/cramping related to PP. Crossing my fingers and saying prayers that things shift for you! 
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    I was told I had marginal previa at my 20 week scan as well.  I wasn't too worried as I had it with my last and it migrated away from cervix.
    however I just went in for a follow up ultrasound(30 weeks) and it was still marginal. So they did a transvaginal uS and the tech thought it looked borderline marginal/partial.  
    Will find out more once I talk to my midwives but tech explained that most likely I will be transferred to a high risk OB and c-section. Hopefully next follow up u/s will show that's it's moved but I doubt it at this point:( 
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    I was told I had marginal previa at my 20 week scan as well.  I wasn't too worried as I had it with my last and it migrated away from cervix.
    however I just went in for a follow up ultrasound(30 weeks) and it was still marginal. So they did a transvaginal uS and the tech thought it looked borderline marginal/partial.  
    Will find out more once I talk to my midwives but tech explained that most likely I will be transferred to a high risk OB and c-section. Hopefully next follow up u/s will show that's it's moved but I doubt it at this point:( 
    @marriedtoadutchman I am sorry you too are going through this. I had my follow up scan as well and mine is still completely covering so have been referred to the high risk teams too because there is very little chance for a complete previa for it to move at this stage. It is looking like steroids for safety and a c-section at 36/ 37 weeks for me. 
    I did hear before that if it is marginal, that you have a good chance still. When do they re scan you? It could still move! We have time. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    I was told I had marginal previa at my 20 week scan as well.  I wasn't too worried as I had it with my last and it migrated away from cervix.
    however I just went in for a follow up ultrasound(30 weeks) and it was still marginal. So they did a transvaginal uS and the tech thought it looked borderline marginal/partial.  
    Will find out more once I talk to my midwives but tech explained that most likely I will be transferred to a high risk OB and c-section. Hopefully next follow up u/s will show that's it's moved but I doubt it at this point:( 
    @marriedtoadutchman I am sorry you too are going through this. I had my follow up scan as well and mine is still completely covering so have been referred to the high risk teams too because there is very little chance for a complete previa for it to move at this stage. It is looking like steroids for safety and a c-section at 36/ 37 weeks for me. 
    I did hear before that if it is marginal, that you have a good chance still. When do they re scan you? It could still move! We have time. 
    When is your next u/s?

    im not sure the tech said in 4 weeks time but j guess that will depend on what the OB or midwife suggest. 

    Are you on bedrest? We have three little boys so the though of bed rest makes my heart ache for my boys but I know it will be best for baby.

    im hoping it's more marginal then previa. But tech said to start preparing for a c-section
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    aimz2377aimz2377 member
    edited April 2016
    Hi ladies! My edd is 7/5, but with 2 previous sections, I was only going to 39 weeks to begin with. Now with news of my partial not moving at my last u/s, I can be early/mid-June. I figured since there is a check-in here, I'd like to be a part of it, if you don't mind. I never thought it wouldn't move when we were told at 18 weeks. At my 26 week u/s, I was kind of in shock to be told it hadn't moved at all and I could deliver at 36w. I have now been placed on pelvic rest and to make sure I'm not lifting much. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will still move up by my next u/s. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Hi @aimz2377, for sure you are welcome here and in this thread! The more the merrier because it is stressful having this unknown over our heads. When is your next u/s? 


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Thank you @HighFive16 ! it does add so much stress onto the whole pregnancy. I never knew of all the complications that can come along with it. My next scan is scheduled for June 3rd and that's when the delivery date will be decided.  
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Good luck with it and hopefully you will get good news on the day! FX for you. (and all of us!) 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    I just want to reiterate that the news does suck and it's incredibly frustrating when the placenta isn't moving, but no matter what happens, it is all going to work out. I'm a person who hates the unknown, so around 28 weeks last time, I made my peace with the c-section I was supposed to have because it was easier that way. When I found out it had actually moved at 34 weeks I initially had a very hard time with it because I'd psyched myself up for the c-section! No matter what happens, you all have beautiful babies at the end of the road! 

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    Was anybody with a midwife? I'm currently with a midwife but u/s tech mentioned that my care may be transferred to a high risk OB since there hasn't been any change and I'm 30 weeks. 
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    No, but my regular OB is referring me to an MFM (Maternal-fetal medicine specialist) for a second opinion and to work out when they think it is best to deliver. 
    @marriedtoadutchman there is still time for all of this to move out of the way! I hope it does for you. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Thanks @HighFive16 ! I just got a call from my midwife saying my care will be transferred. She also warned me that Bc of our distance to the hospital a lot of OBs like to have you hospitalized at 32 weeks till delivery
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    Thanks @HighFive16 ! I just got a call from my midwife saying my care will be transferred. She also warned me that Bc of our distance to the hospital a lot of OBs like to have you hospitalized at 32 weeks till delivery
    Oh wow! That is tough. I hope that doesn't happen for you. My OB said that as long as I don't bleed heavily or have any major issues, that I wouldn't need any hospital time before delivery. But then, I am close to our hospital. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    Yeah I have cried a few tears today
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    It's not showing everything I just wrote?! Anyways I can see why they want that as we live about 30-40 minutes away from the hospital. 
    But yeah the thought of spending 5+ weeks in the hospital??
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    Oh wow, 32 weeks! I'm sorry that you'll have to do that, but always better to be safe. Maybe they'll end up changing it once the time is closer. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    How is everyone doing? When is everyone's next scan? Do any of you have c-sections dates set?

    I am still waiting for my care to be transferred and to be honest I'm getting frustrated. I was told last Tuesday that I would be transferred and to expect to be hospitalized at 32 weeks. Well I haven't heard anything since and I'm coming close to 32 weeks. I have called the midwives twice and they just say they faxed the transfer. Would be nice to have some answers and not feel in limbo. 
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    Argh!! @marriedtoadutchman I would be getting super antsy to not know! I hope someone gets back to you soon. 

    My section is scheduled for 6/28 but that is only if my placenta moves. I won't know for sure until my next check, which isn't until 6/3.  But I just got my GD results back and I passed the 1 hour, so that was something I could stop worrying about. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @aimz2377 how many weeks will you be on 6/28? 
    I know I'm getting antsy. It's been previously mentioned that they like to admit Bc of the distance to the hospital and I'm 32 weeks by LMP on Monday. It would be nice to start making arrangements if that's the case.  Just frustraing
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    @marriedtoadutchman  did you get any idea on what will happen for you and if you will be admitted? 

    I was told by my doc last week that if it doesn't bleed I should be fine with just my current restrictions. I know there is a distance thing for you, but it is an extreme measure to admit. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    @HighFive16 I have my first appt on Monday with the high risk OB. First an u/s then the appt. so hopefully I will know more then. My midwife again said yesterday to prepare to be hospitalized soon. I'm trying not to stress too much about it until after Monday. Who knows maybe it will have migrated away by Monday ;) 
    how are you doing?
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    Hi ladies! Just checking in with you all. I had my last u/s today and my previa has been cleared. How is everyone else? Any movement?
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    glad yours was cleared! I went for an u/s at 33 weeks and it had moved a bit away, but then went at 34 weeks and when they moved baby's head up my placenta actually partially covered my cervix so I was hospitalized on the spot(also was spotting brown). Had my baby boy via c/s at 36 weeks and 6 days. All went went and we are home getting lots of rest and cuddles :)
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    Congratulations @marriedtoadutchman!!! I went back to check the announcement thread and didn't see you in there. I'm so happy that you delivered safely and you're home and doing well! Hope you have an easy recovery!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I still have to add it there;) too busy getting in all the cuddles I can get :) 
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