Pregnant after IF

3rd Tri Check-in Week of March 21

This is a weekly check in for the lucky ones who have made it to the 3rd trimester!!! If you are in week 28 or past, feel free to join in on the weekly fun.

If you're just joining us, please post a mini synopsis in your first post with your EDD, how many beans, if you know the sex(es) and how you have been feeling in 3rd tri along with any appointment updates.

QOTW: If you had a fairy godmother and could get any 3 wishes you want right now, what would those be?

3rd Tri ladies and their bundles:
@mrsloriw EDD 3/11/16 Team Pink
@CTinNV EDD 3/25/16 Team Blue
@efhoping2010 EDD 4/09/2016 with twin boys
@krbjoy EDD 4/25/16 with a little lady
@KidShrink EDD 05/03/16 with a little boy
@AdorkablePixie EDD 05/23/16 with a little boy
@NB817 EDD 05/28/16 with a little boy

Re: 3rd Tri Check-in Week of March 21

  • 34 weeks for me tomorrow! The end is near (right?)! It's been pretty busy on our end: childbirthing without fear class last Wednesday (given by doulas as a place that I go to for pelvic physio and prenatal yoga), more chiro treatments for my hips and lower back, and tour of the hospital on Sunday. The childbirthing class was great. I felt it gave us more natural pain management tools than the 'regular' prenatal courses which are offered by the region/public health where we live. Chiro treatments finally seem to be helping, and I'm now sleeping with a wedge under my belly (because the weight of my belly pulling down was creating some of the issues) and a snoogle (because I still need something between my legs). It makes the multiple middle of the night bathroom trips a little tricky, but it's all for a good cause. The hospital tour was fine. I'm giving birth at a small hospital less than 5 min from our home because all has been well with my pregnancy and I'm not high risk for anything. It was nice to see where it'll all happen, and I'm glad they tend to discharge early (about 24 hrs after you've given birth, so generally 1 night, if all is well and you had a vaginal birth, you stay longer for a c-section). We've decided to pay the extra for a private room (our insurance covers the cost for semi-private) because there's no way I want to share such a tight space with another family, no matter for how short of a time that'll be. 

    1) Have my healthy little boy in my arms ASAP. But before that, as he's not done cooking:
    2) No more hip/lower back pain. 
    3) Be on mat leave starting right this minute, and get to go on a little holiday (preferably in some sort of exotic location...Hawaii would be great) with DH. I need a vacation and some quality time with DH before baby comes here would be SO great. Unfortunately, not going to happen though because of how we worked out my leave and his vacation and the few weeks leave he'll be taking. We're very much looking forward to our trip to Florida with LO at Christmas. 
  • 28w1d so I am officially in Third trimester. Wohoo. Feels like a great achievement lol. Due date June 12 with a baby girl. First appointment of the third trimester is tomorrow and I expect it will be routine stuff. 

    My wish list:
    1. All the furnishing in my new home be done instantly so that I don't have to spend every weekend roaming the furniture stores/ Home Depot and what not :)

    2. My work place will change its policy and give bonus leave to all pregnant ladies in their third trimester lol. Not going to happen I know but it doesn't hurt to dream :)

    3. No more Heartburn please.
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  • Hello, ladies, and welcome @Binnie505 !

    Today I am 39w3d, and I cannot believe I am still pregnant. My next OB appointment is tomorrow, and I feel like this little man is never going to come. DH and I are on the edge of our seats waiting for my labor to begin. My last day of work is this Friday, March 25th (my official due date).


    1. For my sweet little man and me to make it through labor happy and healthy
    2. To win an all-expenses paid trip to one of those awesome family-friendly resorts (that we'd take once the baby is at least 1 or so)
    3. For the baby to be a good sleeper and breastfeeder :)

    Me: 35 DOR - AMH 1.1 FSH 5.6

    DH: 39

    09/01/10 - First pregnancy - my sweet son was born 

    04/25/14 - Miscarriage at 9 weeks - Turner Syndrome 

    08/01/14 - Miscarriage at 8 weeks - Trisomy 9 

    October 2014 - Unsuccessful IUI 

    November 2014 - IUI month skipped due to cyst 

    December 2014 - Unsuccessful IUI 

    January/February 2015 - Failed IVF (standard long protocol) - 7 eggs, 6 mature, 4 fertilized (ICSI), 0 made it to blast, 0 for testing 

    March/April 2015 - Microflare IVF protocol with HGH - 6 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fertilized (ICSI), 2 blasts for biopsy! 

    May/June 2015 - Microflare IVF protocol with HGH - 9 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fertilized (ICSI), 3 blasts for biopsy!

    06/18/15 -  Two healthy embies based on PGS testing by Natera!

    June/July 2015 - FET cycle with estradiol & PIO shots, a Neupogen treatment, and accupuncture

    07/08/2015 - Transferred one lovely embie 

    07/17/2015 - Beta #1 136

    07/20/2015 - Beta #2 529 -- BFP!!!

  • Welcome @Binnie505 ! And glad you're still with is @CTinNV , although I can get your impatience! Thank god I have a lot to keep me busy for the next few weeks, but I swear this kid better be on time! Would you end up discussing an induction date tomorrow? I'm sure that's totally not what you had planned! 
  • Hi ladies! Hope you are all well. I am exhausted and sleep deprived because I gave birth to our baby girl, Brooke Summer, on 3/15/16! She was 9lb and 21.5 in long and I delivered her vaginally with a few tears/stitches.  As a FTM I'm finding it overwhelming but I'm also so happy she is healthy and I love her so much!! 

    Good luck to the rest of you ladies, I'll be thinking of you! :)

  • OMG @mrsloriw she's gorgeous!!! I love the cheeks! Congratulations mama, and I hope you start feeling a little less exhausted soon! 
  • @Binnie505 Welcome to the third trimester. The final stretch! WOOHOO!!

    @mrsloriw Congratulations. Boy, is she precious!!!

    @CTinNV I am sure he will come when he is ready. Hopefully he won't go too far over his due date, if at all! Try to keep busy, if you can.

    @KidShrink I don't blame you for wanting the private room! Not having a private room where I am from is almost unheard of. I'd definitely want my privacy!

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • 31 Weeks this week, 9 weeks left! I can't believe it. Time is just flying by! I had a regular OB appointment yesterday, measuring right on track. I lost a pound from the last time, but weight fluctuates so I am not worried about it and the midwife I met with is the nutritionist and she didn't seem concerned about my weight gain (or lack thereof) so I am not worried either! I had a growth scan and it says baby boy weighs around 3lbs 14oz! :)


    1. All expenses paid vacation to an all inclusive resort at a nice, tropical location. I'm not picky as to where. lol

    2. To have a nice plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs appear right infront of me. (I might be hungry.)

    3. For all our furniture and things to magically appear in our new house on Friday so we don't have to move anything.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • Congratulations @mrsloriw. She is absolutely adorable. Enjoy the new phase of life :)
  • Congratulations, @mrsloriw ! Brooke is gorgeous, and I am so happy for you! <3

    @adorkablepixie and @kidshrink , I'm trying to pass the days without losing my mind. My next OB appointment is Monday (I'll be three days overdue) and we'll likely induce on Wednesday, March 30 (40w5d) if I make it that far.

    Me: 35 DOR - AMH 1.1 FSH 5.6

    DH: 39

    09/01/10 - First pregnancy - my sweet son was born 

    04/25/14 - Miscarriage at 9 weeks - Turner Syndrome 

    08/01/14 - Miscarriage at 8 weeks - Trisomy 9 

    October 2014 - Unsuccessful IUI 

    November 2014 - IUI month skipped due to cyst 

    December 2014 - Unsuccessful IUI 

    January/February 2015 - Failed IVF (standard long protocol) - 7 eggs, 6 mature, 4 fertilized (ICSI), 0 made it to blast, 0 for testing 

    March/April 2015 - Microflare IVF protocol with HGH - 6 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fertilized (ICSI), 2 blasts for biopsy! 

    May/June 2015 - Microflare IVF protocol with HGH - 9 eggs, 6 mature, 5 fertilized (ICSI), 3 blasts for biopsy!

    06/18/15 -  Two healthy embies based on PGS testing by Natera!

    June/July 2015 - FET cycle with estradiol & PIO shots, a Neupogen treatment, and accupuncture

    07/08/2015 - Transferred one lovely embie 

    07/17/2015 - Beta #1 136

    07/20/2015 - Beta #2 529 -- BFP!!!

  • @CTinNV Gah! I'd be going nuts at this point!

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • Oh me too! My pelvic physio has told me that she highly recommends acupuncture for induction and that no one she knows who has done it hasn't gone into labour within 24hrs of the treatment. I'm very strongly considering booking an appointment for my due date, just in case (because no, I'm not patient at all...and would love to avoid a medical induction if at all possible). Keep us posted @CTinNV !
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