Pregnant after IF

*1st Tri Check-In Week of March 14th!*

PiperellaPiperella member
edited March 2016 in Pregnant after IF
This is a weekly check-in for those in their 1st trimester: weeks 1 through the end of week 13. I know we've all gone through a lot to get to this point so congratulations and best of luck to all of you over the next several months!

Please post a little about yourself, your EDD (if it’s not listed below), any upcoming appointments, symptoms, etc. Feel free to also share your IF journey, I know many of us can relate. 

QOTW: Although we have had some brick walls blocking our way to our path to having children, we can now all celebrate the fact that we have made it over the wall!  However, some of us may already be parents, of the fur, scale, or feather variety.  Tell us about your furry family members and share a story about your fur children.  Include pictures if you wish!

ETA:  I am currently at a work conference and vacation at WDW, so I may be a bit delayed at adding new members to the list! 

Congrats to all of the Mommies & Daddies to be:
@piperella EDD 10/2/16
@MrsB627 EDD 10/4/16
@Selena2016 EDD 10/6/16
@erinscaren EDD 10/16/16
@kennelchick EDD 10/18/16
@Morningstar80 EDD 10/18/16
@mrszoess  EDD 10/19/16
@laur2444 EDD 10/19/2016
@bluegal1 EDD 10/21/16
@jaqcap17 EDD 10/27/16
@twomommiestobe EDD 10/28/16
@AandDM2014 EDD 11/4/16
@tvh1982 EDD 11/9/16
@ZoeFer EDD 11/15/16
@alqizwik EDD 11/18/16

Re: *1st Tri Check-In Week of March 14th!*

  • Hey 1st tri ladies! Happy Monday! I have an upcoming appointment on Friday morning for my second U/S. I'm really hoping there will be a strong heartbeat and good growth from last week. Luckily I don't have too many symptoms yet: I get real hungry (not all that new for me, but it is more urgent the past few days) and finally my breasts are sore!! Yeah, not something most celebrate, but I have relatively small-ish breasts (B cup) and am looking forward to being able to wear boobie shirts and dresses!!

    QOTW: I still don't feel I've made it over the wall, but I do have a fur baby to keep me company. She loves her snuggles, and doesn't mind when I choose to use the heating pad after my PIO injection and then get up from the couch.

    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Thanks @Piperella for adding me !
    Hello all, I had my first U/S today. I cannot believe they did an U/S this early (not even 5w yet). My last beta on Sunday was 2500 and they wanted me to come back this morning and have my U/S. Doctor was able to see a small sac and he said that it is in the right place and everything looks good so far. So we decided to tell our parents, I wanted to wait till we hear the heartbeat but could not wait anymore. We sent them the U/S image saying `Hey Grandma and Grandpa` on it. They were ecstatic ! Especially moms :) They cannot stop texting us the whole day. It has started to feel real, although I do not have any symptoms at all. I hope everyone is doing well.
    QOTW: We do not have any pets :(
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  • I'm sorry I didn't consider those without pets, @ZoeFer!  Please forgive me!  I'll come up with a better QOTW next week, I promise!
  • No, do not worry. it is not a problem at all @Piperella ! Enjoy your conference/vacation. 
  • Hello all!! Well I officially graduated from the RE!! Went today and was even measuring a day ahead! Got to listen to the heartbeat, which was amazing! It's so crazy how in a matter of 2 weeks it actually looks like a baby now!!! So exciting! I'm nervous though, because now my appointment at the regular OB isn't until April 6th, and the RE told me to stop my progesterone in oil! 

    QOTW: we have 2 dogs....a Yorkie (Bella) and a goldendoodle (beau). Bella is going to be 9 and beau will be 6, and let me tell you, the little one runs the house lol we are slightly nervous about Bella is going to be with the baby, because the only encounters she has had with babies have been questionable lol she is very jealous and protective of me. Hopefully she will figure it out!!! 
  • @laur2444 Oh my goodness Bella is a cutie!!!!!!!!! Hopefully she'll be okay with baby. I think they have books about how to introduce pets to new babies, I suggest you see if your local library has one! And congrats on graduating!! I'm sure it'll be scary not going to your RE anymore, especially since it won't be nearly as often with your OB!
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Thank you @AandDM2014!! She's lucky she's so cute since she's such a pain!! Lol and yes I am definitely going to look into some books and we are considering bringing them both to this "doggy boot camp" that a few people we know have brought their dogs to. They go for a 2 week stretch and get trained, so we figure a brush up lesson couldn't hurt!!
  • I'm 9 weeks today! Today I had my phone intake appointment with my new OBGYN, and tomorrow I have my first appointment with her. I'm excited to meet her tomorrow and see what our plan is for the next seven months. I'm a little sad she isn't going to do an ultrasound since I had one two weeks ago. I want to see my snowflake again!

    I also found out last night that my very good friend  (who has three kids naturally, one without trying) is having another baby. I'm torn between being excited about being pregnant together, and this other emotion I can't name, but seems to be manifesting as, "seriously? Really?" I am very happy for her, I've just waited so long for this and tried out hard and im overly emotional. Here I am terrified that something will go wrong with this pregnancy,  everyday that I don't feel completely nauseated or like shit I'm worried something is wrong. Here is fertile Myrtle here, so nonchalant about it all. I'm rambling, I need to stop. 

    QOTW: I have three dogs, my first babies. Ellie is a lab/pit mix and is the doggie love of my life. She's 10 and has been with me longer that my husband. Calvin is our 7 year old dalmatian  and Timber is a 7 year old min pin mix. Right now I'm working on retraining them about personal space and how to go to their bed and stay there when told. 
  • @kennelchick, Awe! They just love their momma so much that they want to smother you! Good luck getting them to stay on their own beds! Ha! Ellie looks like if you tell her to go lay on her bed she'll give you a look like "lady, I dgaf if you want me on my bed, you're more comfy". And then not move at all.
    As for your friend, I totally understand the "seriously really" feeling you're having. Like it's YOUR turn to be the pregnant one, she already had three turns! I'm thankful that, in my family, there is realistically only one other person who could be pregnant anytime soon, and she does IVF too so I won't feel too bad if we're pregnant at the same time.
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • @AandDM2014 you are absolutely right about Ellie. She does exactly what she wants and when hubbs tells her to do something she gives him the , "idgaf" look every time. It's her signature look!
  • Hi all!  Hope everyone is doing well!  This week is kicking my butt!  I work seven 12 hour shifts in a row and that's tough enough when you feel stellar, let alone when you're 9 weeks pregnant AND we had a time change.  Still not complaining, but I am eager to get these last 2 shifts done!

    Love love love all the fur baby pics! @kennelchick your Ellie and my Brooklyn look like sisters!  

    I have 2 fur babies on Earth and one waiting for me at the rainbow bridge.  Mya is my 11 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever, she is a mama's girl and has been with my longer than DH.  Brooklyn is our 5 year old yellow lab/pit mix, we got her together about a year after we started dating.  She's pretty, but none too bright!  Both girls are rescues and I love them to pieces.  My Bailey boy was my German Shephard who was with me for 10 years.  He made the move from NY to NC with me after college, and he was the only sole I knew for awhile after we moved.  I lost him 4 years ago this month, but we will be reunited someday!! :)

    P.S. I changed my sn for privacy reasons.

  • @ecb3588 ooh, 7 12 hour shifts and 9 weeks pregnant does not sound like any fun! I can't imagine being awake for 12 hours straight, let alone working during them. Kudos to you!
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Sorry I've been MIA! I've been having some rough sickness every night! I'm 11 weeks, 1 day today! My 12 week checkup is next Thursday! 

    For my fur babies... I have Daphe (Calico) Jem (Gray and White) and Hailey (Tuxedo). Daphne is my shadow and Hailey as well. Daphne is my Craigslist cat who I rescued after Hurrican Sandy and is more like a dog! Hailey was because a friend found her outside and I couldn't let that face go to a shelter! Jem has anxiety but she's been coming out a lot more! I took her from my sister because she was afraid of the dog and I didn't want to see her back in the shelter!
    DS born 2016
  • @MrsB627 Cute kitties!!!!!!!!!
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Hi ladies!

    I love all the furbabies and reading about how you all are doing.

    Ive had a tough day yesterday, but happy to be close to my family. They are taking good care of me.

    I do have a furbaby, Nusse the cat, whom I found on the internet two years ago. I thought Mr Rabbit could use a friend and thought he wouldn't hump a cat...boy was I wrong! 
    Unfortunately he (the rabbit) passed away this summer after being my first pet in Norway and being with me 8,5 years!
    The cat loves to cuddle, and the closer to the face the better :smile: 


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • Oh @tvh1982!!!!!!!!! That kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love kitty faces, especially sleepy snuggly kitty faces!!! (if you could hear how high my voice is while thinking that, lol!) Sorry to hear about your bunny :( 
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Congrats @Piperella! That's wonderful news that everything is negative!
  • @Piperella Yay! Congrats!!

    I had my second RE u/s this morning. LO measured at 6w4d and had a visible heartbeat of 109! Yay!! I also took the plunge and went to my regular hospital for pregnancy confirmation for them and to get early pregnancy blood work done. (My insurance, Kaiser, covers nothing for infertility so I've been going through an outside clinic that has no affiliation with Kaiser, so Kaiser has no idea what I've been doing) I got my first OB appointment scheduled for April 4th!

    I hope everyone else had a lovely week and has some fun plans this weekend, except of course for the bleeding from @tvh1982. That is never lovely.
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Great news @piperella! so wonderful all is well, and yay for a little boy :)

    Awesome you saw a heartbeat @aanddm2014, love it! (And a pluss for  confusing the system!)

    AFM. Same bleeding again today as on Wednesday. As fast as it came, as fast as it stopped. Just have to keep believing and hope on a good result next week. (And hopefully see a heartbeat on a 'unofficially' us on Monday. 

    We'll be us buddies on the 4th @aanddm2014 as I too have my official you're 'regular' pregnant us and you are covered for any extra costs :smile: 


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • @tvh1982 I'm sorry to hear you're having more bleeding today. I know it can be quite common in the first trimester, but that doesn't help make it easier to go through. I'm gonna be hoping so hard for the best for you on Monday. If there is a heartbeat you should definitely be able to see it by then. I measure two days ahead of where you are now and I could clearly see it beating away. I can't wait to see your babe (if you decide to post the ultrasound pic)! That's pretty weird that we both have our first regular OB appointments on the same day (though yours is going to be hours and hours before mine)!
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Congrats @Piperella!!!!!!!
    @tvh1982 will be thinking about you and praying for you all weekend. Hope everything ends up okay!!!
  • Hello! I'm new to the board but spent a lot of time on TB back in the TTGP days and then on 3T during our IVF cycles. I've taken a break in the last couple of years.

    My siggy has our history. We are 6w2d with a due date of November 10. First RE ultrasound is scheduled for Monday and I can't wait to hear the heartbeat! Then my OB appt isn't until April 28.

    No fur babies for us, but yours all look adorable!
    Pregnancy Ticker

    TTC #1 since June 2012
    Me (28) - DOR (AFC <10, undetectable AMH, >10 FSH), homozygous E429A MTHFR
    DH (29) - MFI low count and morphology

    September 2013 IUI#1 - Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    October 2013 IUI#2 - Letrozole + Menopur + Trigger + IUI = BFN

    Nov 2013 IVF/ICSI #1 - Protocol: BCP prep, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (12 days), ganirelex
    Results: 5 retrieved / mature, 4 fertilized, 1 arrested and 3 complex abnormal after day 3 PGS = Cancelled after ER
    Jan/Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #2 - Protocol: Estrogen priming, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (11 days), microdose lupron
    Results: Cancelled after 11 days of stims due to low response and E2 levels
    Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #3 - Protocol: No prep, low dose Menopur (6 days), ganirelex, Bravelle booster with trigger
    Results: 1 retrieved / 0 mature = Cancelled after ER

    Officially moving on to embryo adoption! We used and love Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park
    October 2014 FET #1 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
    December 2014 FET #2 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
    March 2015 FET #3 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
    May 2015 FET #4 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, lost 2 to thaw, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
    October 2015 FET #5 - Natural cycle, lost 1 from match #3 and 1 from clinic backup to thaw, transferred 1 backup, BFN
    February 2016 FET #6 - Natural cycle, transferred 1 from match #4, B FREAKING P!
    Beta 1 = 162, Beta 2 = 316, doubling just over 48 hours


  • mskeenanmskeenan member
    edited March 2016
    Hi ladies ! I hope it's ok if I join in. I'm super early in my pregnancy . Based on an IVF due date calculator online my due date should be 11/20/2016. I have my first ultrasound on the 23rd . My first beta numbers were great ! 

    I have one fur baby right now . A tuxedo cat named dolce . He's a huge jerk but I love him ! He loves waking me up throughout the night . I consider it prep for waking up with a baby :) he also loves to play fetch like a dog with random things . 

    **BFP and loss warning**

    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    Us: Married Valentine's Day, 2015
    DH: No issues.
    Me: PCOS, unexplained infertility (whatever that means!!)
    June 2015 Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    July 2015:  Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    August 2015: IUI: BFP. Chemical pregnancy :(
    October 2015: IUI: BFN
    January 2016: Egg retrieval: 10 frozen embryos!
    March 2016: FET Cycle- 2 embryos transferred!: BFP !
  • Welcome @mskeenan! Congrats on your recent success!! I bet the 23rd can't come soon enough! How far along should you be by then? Your kitty is lovely!
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Hi @stbmrsmiller and @mskeenan! Lovely to meet you two lovely ladies on here!


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

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