February 2016 Moms

Titus Adam's Debut

I was scheduled for an induction and woke up eager to get things started naturally in hopes to avoid meds. So hubby and I DTD. Immediately after, I started contracting (around 7am). I did some things around the house and noticed the contractions were picking up. They quickly got to 3-4 minutes apart and I headed to the hospital. Since I was scheduled for an induction later that day, they already had a bed made up and ready for me. After being assessed, they determined that I was 2-3 cm and decided to give me the Foley Bulb to help get things moving. Within a half hour, the bulb fell out (which it does around 4cm). They let me labor for an hour and checked on my progress. I was still 4cm but had almost completely thinned out. I asked for the epidural at this point (and I'm glad I did!). About an hour after the epidural was in place, I felt a small puddle form under me. My water broke. 15 minutes after that, I felt a gush of fluid and had my hubby check to see if it was clear or green. He said it was quite bloody. I started to feel a ton of pressure immediately after that and decided I should call the nurse. She checked and told me, "Okay, let's have a baby!". I pushed twice and his head was out. One more small push and Titus was here.  From my water breaking to push time was less than 30 minutes. I was very grateful to have the hour before to rest with that epidural. Altogether, it was the best birth experience I've had (3rd one). 

Now we are enjoying snuggling our little man. His big sisters are so proud and just adore him

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