December 2015 Moms

My poor husband

we've been in a "I only want mommy phase" since about Sunday.  LO is 8 weeks old.  Every time I hand her off to shower or do anything she SCREAMS! It's so bad she gets herself so worked up that she spits up like crazy! My poor husband can't do anything :( and I can tell he's really trying.  It's making him super upset and it's stressful for me because I'm the only one that can do anything for her.  It's rendering but mommy needs a break too!  Has anyone else had this?  How long does it last? I'm going a little crazy! (Plus we have immunizations today!) 

Re: My poor husband

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    When DS did it I just thought it was because DH was always gone but we powered thru it. Keep at it every day. They will find their groove. It took until about 9-10 weeks old when DS went thru a HUGE leap and his personality came out more, he is less fussy, more chatty, more interested in everything around him. 
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    I started a thread called "crying for DH" because we were having this exact same problem. Its awful! With persistence and time it seems to have gotten better. Take a look at the thread, I was given some good advice. My pediatrician said it is completely normal, is a phase, and definitely nothing personal.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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