I'm sure this has been discussed 1000x but can anyone tell me why they went with ICSI vs IVF?
My clinic says 99.9% of people choose ICSI, but I've reading that there *can* be a higher rate of birth defects and that it's usually for used male factor.
My husband does not have male factor IF, so I'm wondering if we should skip ICSI and just do traditional IVF?
I was really surprised to hear that 99.9% chose ICSI, when it's an additional $2,400 at my clinic... (but I guess when you're dropping $18,000, $2,400 more isn't that insane) : )

DS#1: born Dec 29, 2013
TTC#2 since Sept 2014 - unexplained secondary IF
BFP #2: 11.7.14 M/C: 11.27.14 @ 6w3days
BFP #3: 04.19.2015 M/C 04.27.15 @ 4w3days
BFP #4: 10.05.2015 C/P @ 3w4days
Oct 11, 2015: Cycle 13. Starting Femara (2.5mg). HSG this cycle (all clear) - BFN
Nov 12, 2015: Cyle 14. Femara 5mg + IUI - BFN
Dec 10, 2015: Cycle 15. Femara 5mg + IUI #2 - BFP #5! C/P 4w4d
Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN.
Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016
Moving to IVF March 2016
Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745
U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!!
Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
Re: ICSI vs. IVF
We don't have any MFI but my doc recommended doing half of my eggs with ICSI and half without, just to make sure some of them got fertilized (it was our first attempt at IVF and we didn't know how it would go). ICSI fertilized 6 eggs and non ICSI (aka the sperm and the eggs got mixed together in a dish and had a little fun) fertilized 5. He said that if we have to do another stim round and retrieval we can skip ICSI and just let them fertilize naturally.
I hope this helps answer your question!
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
Blog: ourbinarystar.com
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
**BFP and loss warning**
Since I don't expect many eggs, it makes sense to me to use it.
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!
fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP!
Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)
Me: 42 | DH: 39 | Us: Married since April 2014 | TCC 20 months before IVF
Me: unexplained infertility (AMA?) | DH: No issues
1st IVF cycle with ICSI & PGS | ER 1/21/16 | FET 4/26/16, ectopic
2nd FET 09/20/16 | DS born May 2017
3rd FET 09/14/20