January 2016 Moms

Back in the hospital

LO was admitted today because she hasn't eaten since last night. She had spent three days in the NICU because she wouldn't eat and never passed any stool. Fortunately the issue in the NICU was a meconium plug and once they got her to pass that she started eating and digesting just fine, but yesterday she had a 7 hour stretch of no eating and then stopped eating completely late last night. She's been eating bottled breast milk since I had such painful nipples for a few days and we tried formula in case there was something in my milk she was reacting too but no improvement. She's not crying and her stomach is distended so definitely something going on but they aren't sure what yet. The doctors have said it's likely something benign since she did so well over the weekend but this is scary and exhausting. Plus my older too are so thrown by DH and I being gone so much, it's just crazy stressful. 

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