I'm a FTM and my DS is my whole world, but being a mom is challenging at times and these things have made my life easier...
1. Amazon prime trial, cancel before it renews and you get free two day shipping on all kinds of things you need fast like...teethers
2. Bibs for drool
3. Keeping pumping supplies in fridge instead of washing after every use while at work saves a lot of time
4. Keeping a file folder with all of his papers handy
5. Pre made freezer meals and crockpot meals
6. Putting burb cloths over jump a roo seat and other seats to catch whatever comes out of his mouth
7. Warming up a spot in the crib before putting him down
8. Giving him frozen chunks of milk in mesh food feeder for teething pain
9. Organic coconut oil for dry skin due to drool and winter weather
10. Vicks plug ins for small stuffy noses instead of medicine
11. Slight incline in crib for reflux
12. Wubanub giraffe binky to make it easier for him to find and hold
13. Giving DH two small household tasks to complete every night so I don't get overwhelmed
14. Eating oatmeal and drinking lots of water for milk supply
15. Using 3oz mason jars to store milk, reusable and don't ever leak like bags
16. Small freezer thermometer to ensure frozen milk keeps
17. Waking DS at the same time every day so he gets used to a schedule and I learn his
18. Back up lovey
20. Showering with DS in a bouncy chair in the bathroom to stay clean and keep him from getting congested. Mmm steam.
What are your tricks?
Re: Mom Hacks: make life easier
2. Drool bandanas
3. Rinsing blow-out diaper clothes in sink with Dawn dish soap, then hanging to dry, then not throwing in wash until laundry day.
4. Crockpot meals and meal planning: I plan out meals for two weeks so we only need to grocery shop every two weeks, and I throw meals in the crockpot before bed so they're ready by morning, then put them in Tupperware in the fridge to reheat for dinner that night (we're away from home for 10 hours, so this makes it easier).
5. Dohm White Noise Machine: This has been a lifesaver. Muffles the noise from the dog barking or us in the kitchen down the hall. It's an actual fan motor inside, so it doesn't have that electronic noise, which I love.
6. Cube shelves and totes from IKEA: We put everything in these: Toys, books, blankets, bibs, clothes. So versatile!
7. Amazon Prime and online shopping: Finally got a Prime membership this year and I know I've already earned back the money I spent on it in savings. Can't beat delivery in 2 days right to your door! Also, Target.com online shopping with my RedCard for free shipping and 5% off.
8. Costco diapers: So much cheaper, and we actually like them better than Pampers Swaddlers!
9. Pump membranes: Finally replaced mine after 4.5 months after seeing my supply drop and wondering why. Supply is back up and even better since replacing my membranes. Easy fix!
I plan out all of my weekly meals before I go grocery shopping
I love my morning baby schedule. I'm so glad I made one up. I'm working on the rest of the day now.
I stopped pumping mostly and have her caretakers give her pre-made formula when I'm working. I breastfeed the rest of the time.
For the stroller that is in the back of my SUV, I unlatch it before I pull it out of my trunk. The action of pulling it out of my trunk, opens it. I used to take it out of my trunk closed, then open it behind my car.
I'm such a scheduled person myself, I didn't even realize how out of sorts I felt following her lead all day. I'm working on a schedule for the rest of the day now.
@JenLovesDesign I also do baby yoga and my DS loves it! He squeals with excitement