July 2016 Moms

Complaining - 16 weeks still no ultrasound

So annoyed. I know it is typical to have your first ultrasound between 18 and 20 weeks but I was told I would have one today. I have yet to get my eyes on this peanut. I was so excited! And then I get to my appointment and they don't do it. They aren't sure why the other doctor scheduled it. Ugh! I am sick of just going in and having them ask "how are you feeling?" Like, how do you know everything is ok? By asking me how I feel? Boooo! So disappointing.

Re: Complaining - 16 weeks still no ultrasound

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    Ummm....switch doctors? I know that a lot of insurances will only cover so many ultrasounds. Mine covers two (a dating one, and one around 20 weeks). With my first pregnancy, I ended up having FIVE. I only had to pay for the first two (because I had to hit my deductible), but the other three I was never charged because they were requested by my doctor just to check things out, like my fluid levels and such. This pregnancy, so far, I have only had one, but I have also only had one appointment so far (at 11w3d). 

    Did you ask them WHY they weren't going to do one?
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    MamaBishMamaBish member
    edited January 2016
    It's actually quite common to not have a scan until the A/S.

    Eta: I now see that you already know this.... Sorry!
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    I've had 3 and I'm 17 weeks... Doctor preference ? Did you opt out of NT scan ? Here's hoping you get one soon!
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    I had a choice between NT scan at 12 weeks or the genetic blood test...for me the NT scan was the cheaper option so that's what I went with...were you not offered these tests?
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    I have never heard of your first u/s being around 18 and 20 weeks. I have already had three at I will be 17 weeks on Wednesday. I would of thought that you would of had an u/s around 8-12 weeks for dating, maybe an NT scan and your a/s. I'm not sure if I will get another after my a/s. 
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
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    That totally stinks! Even though I know it can be common I definitely would have switched practices if I couldn't have the initial dating u/s even though I didn't need it for dating. At this point though it probably doesn't make sense to switch. By the time you found somewhere new and got in you'd probably be close to the 20 week anatomy scan you'll have with your current doc.

    Have you at least heard the HB on a Doppler? That's part of all my appointments.
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
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    TTC #1 since September 2015
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    That seems crazy to me. I am 15 weeks and have already had 2 and I have another next week at 16 weeks. How do they know things are progressing in there??

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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    A lot of it likely depends upon your insurance. Find out how many u/s are covered and if you are covered, switch OBs. If you are very anxious, you could pay OOP if it is worthwhile and affordable for you.

    I have had an u/s every week from weeks 5 to 12. Now every other week. I WISH I didn't have to but unfortunately we have had so many losses and I am very high risk. Normally, I would say that the grass is always greener on the other side… But I do think that you should probably be able to get a look at your baby pretty soon since you haven't up to now.
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    My doctor does a dating ultrasound between 8-10 weeks. Then A/S around 20 weeks. I have friends though that only got 1 the whole time. I know the issue here is the doctors in your practice messing things up, I would switch! I have seen 4 of the 15 doctors in the group I go to and I have loved all of them.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Ditto on the pp's regarding switching doctors. I know my insurance only covers a dating scan and an anatomy scan, but my doctor has offered to do a scan at my next appt to determine sex 'just for fun' and said he won't charge for it (he's pretty awesome, but since I am paying for an elective ultrasound for my husband's birthday prior to my next appt I will probably opt out).

    As I already mentioned, paying for an elective ultrasound is an option, but make sure you do your research to be sure it's the right option for you. These are normally done at stand alone storefronts, and whether they are done by certified techs is often up to state law. They will not be able to advise or diagnose you if they see anything concerning, but will normally pass along the information and pictures to your doctor. The place I am going to on Sunday is offering a deal on their sex scans, $45. They charge around $100 normally.

    I'm sorry, I understand how frustrating the wait can be. Let us know how everything goes.
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    Ditto to what @BostonBaby1 said. I've had so many ultrasounds at this point they all run together. It sounds like a luxury but it's not all that great. But I do think if your insurance covers more, you should look into a new doctor.
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    I wasn't going to get one until 20 weeks, it's becoming pretty standard. I also knew my my last and missed period was so I knew how far along I was. I remember thinking how weird it was that they were just going to go off of what I was saying, I'm not a doctor. Your insurance might not cover early ultra sounds or the place your going only does the one. The only reason I got an u/s was because I went with the harmony test. I would have been in your shoes and waiting 20 weeks just to see anything. Have they at least let you listen to the heartbeat? Also, don't think that you have to stay with that practice. I'm still 50/50 on mine and if they don't make me feel all warm and fuzzy about my choices for a birth plan I will switch Drs. And not feel bad at all.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

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    My doctor does a 8-10 week dating and a 13 week NT. I guess it's up to the doctor though. I wasn't sure if I really wanted the NT but they kind of pushed it and said everyone does it.
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    My doctor does a 8-10 week dating and a 13 week NT. I guess it's up to the doctor though. I wasn't sure if I really wanted the NT but they kind of pushed it and said everyone does it.
    Your doctor is a big ole fibber. ;)

    Me: 30, DH: 31

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    MsBeachNJMsBeachNJ member
    edited January 2016
    I would be anxious too. I got an 8 week one for viability, a 12 week one (I opted for the NT scan as it was covered by insurance) i wasn't supposed to get another until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks but at my 16 week appointment they couldn't find the heartbeat using the Doppler (anterior placenta) so they did a quick ultrasound then to make sure everything was ok. I'd echo previous posters, if you were earlier along but at this point you already waited the 16 weeks, your 18 week scan is close!!
    TTM - EDD 4/23 - Team Green <3 
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    @thebigoaktree I think they mean most everyone at their office. I believe that because they don't make it sound optional.
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    @thebigoaktree I think they mean most everyone at their office. I believe that because they don't make it sound optional.
    Ahhh, makes sense now. Context.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

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    Man am I ever glad I'm having twins. I went in for a cough today and got a quick routine ultrasound and pics too. I've probably had like...six so far. Maybe seven. I've lost track. I'm 18 weeks tomorrow.
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    Thanks ladies. Just so frustrating. I had so much trouble getting pregnant I have no more patience left. i am beyond frustrated. Unfortunately my options are limited by who delivers in the hospital my insurance will cover. I already have a high deductible and going out of network is insane. But they never gave me an option. I would pay for an additional scan if that was the problem. And really, what does the doctor know about how my insurance will bill me!! Argh. Sorry. Needed to vent/complain. And then I talk to my mom who makes me feel even worse!! It has just been a bad day. Tomorrow will be better...
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    I'm 16 weeks, not high risk, and I've had 5 ultrasounds. I had one to confirm pregnancy at 8 weeks, one around 11, 2 NT scans at the hospital (baby wasn't cooperating for the first one), and then one more last week. The only reason I had one the last time was because the ultrasound room was open so they asked if I wanted a quick ultrasound. I'm glad my OB does a lot, but I'm definitely learning that this isn't the norm.

    I feel for all of you that wait a long time between them. It's reassuring to see the little guy.

    I guess, if nothing else, you can take comfort in the fact that they're not doing ultrasounds because they're not concerned.
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    Thanks ladies. Just so frustrating. I had so much trouble getting pregnant I have no more patience left. i am beyond frustrated. Unfortunately my options are limited by who delivers in the hospital my insurance will cover. I already have a high deductible and going out of network is insane. But they never gave me an option. I would pay for an additional scan if that was the problem. And really, what does the doctor know about how my insurance will bill me!! Argh. Sorry. Needed to vent/complain. And then I talk to my mom who makes me feel even worse!! It has just been a bad day. Tomorrow will be better...

    Could you go to one of those places for a 3D scan? You'd pay out of pocket, and I'm not sure how early you can go, but may be worth it.
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    I am 18 weeks tomorrow. I've only had one at 12 weeks. My anatomy scan is scheduled for next Thursday (19weeks). That will probably be he only ones I get unless the dr requests a growth scan like she did for DD. 
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     And really, what does the doctor know about how my insurance will bill me!! 
    Your doctor should know. When I went in, they told me exactly how much it will cost to have a normal vaginal birth, but without any kind of induction or pain meds. I am paying towards that every 3 months. They should tell you before you get a scan or test if it will be covered or not.

    For me, my insurance covered the NT scan. At first my H didn't want to do it (he doesn't want any kind of false positive anxiety) but I did. It was an easy way for me tell him, if we don't opt in, we will only see baby at 20 weeks. Easy persuasion (though I don't suggest using any kind of tests just for a u/s, just like I don't think you should get a harmony or other genetic test just to find out the sex). If there's a positive or false positive, I will deal with it until I get a better idea of what's going on. When I wanted to test for toxoplasmosis the dr told me my insurance won't cover it entirely and they called me with a price of what I would probably pay OOP. Your doctor should know these things/find out these things for you if you ask, as they're the ones that have all the codes.

    Also my provider does 3d/4d u/s at their office if I wanted additional. 
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    It's normal to have only one or two. A lot of places don't do any extras because it's just not necessary. Sometimes you just get doctors who, because they have the machine right there, like to take several looks as they go along because they can. I know the OB who does my back up care and surgery likes to use the older u/s machine they have in one of the rooms just to hear the heartbeat instead of the doppler. Which I find odd. But it just depends where you go. My midwife has some patients who opt not to get any. I go in Friday for my surgical consult and that might end up with my first look at baby. Might not. But if not, we won't do one until right before and after surgery. And then nothing until the anatomy scan.
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    I've had an ultrasound at all three appointments so far. The first one was in a room dedicated to ultrasounds. The other two were with my ob and she wheels in a cart with the machine hooked to it. I wasn't expecting additional ultrasounds. I think she just likes to take a look.

    I have a friend who is due in May and she's only had one, her a/s, and that's all she's getting. It must just vary by Doctor.
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    I'm also a little over 16 weeks and I haven't had an ultrasound. I only get one at 20 weeks unless there are any issues. It sucks to not see baby, but I still hear the heartbeat at each visit, so I know we're okay.
    I was with a different provider last pregnancy and had 2 plus an elective. We decided we weren't going to spend the money on an elective one this time around.
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    I agree with the others it's normal unless you did extra testing as some of us did or if you are high risk. I also encourage doing an elective ultrasound if you really can't wait :)
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    ^this. I only got one at my genetics apt because the doctor was nice and I'm pretty sure felt bad for me.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

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    It stinks that some doctors really only do one u/s and that it is the anatomy scan. I got a dating u/s, but my cycles were very wonky due to breastfeeding DD. I didn't get one at an NT scan because I elected to do DNA testing instead of the scan (I didn't want to hear 1 in 20 or odds like that). But since my OB doesn't have a machine in office, I don't get random extra u/s. Last time I ended up getting a home Doppler to ease my mind. It really helped until I could feel daily movements. 
    TTC Since January 2012 Me:37 DH:34      DX July 2013: Unexplained Infertility      New DX Dec 2013: DOR
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    Um...what? BFP 11/2/15!?! EDD 7/4/16
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    I got a dating ultrasound at a little over 9 weeks. I'll have the A/S at a little over 20 weeks, next month. I get to hear the heartbeat during my monthly appointments though so I can't really complain too much.
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    I do think it's normal for some doctors (and/or crunchy midwife practices) to do far fewer ultrasounds. I'm 16 weeks, and I haven't had an u/s yet, either. I thought I was getting a NT scan when I visited the genetic counselor, but the geneticist said no to NT because I was having a Panorama test. Panorama is more accurate than NT, so she didn't want to bother with a scan. I was so sad--I really wanted to see the baby!

    But now my doc wants to order a series of ultrasounds to look at the baby's head, because I was recently in Mexico and the Caribbean. And I miss the good old days when there was less to worry about. Grass. Greener. *sigh*
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    For my first pregnancy I only had the 20 week one. It's pretty standard to only have 1 or 2. I don't even remember them offering the nt scan with my first.

    with my second I had the 12 week nt scan and then the 20 week.

    this time I've had two done through insurance so far and will have another one around 18-20 weeks, but that's only because I was considered high risk at first since I got pregnant while having an IUD so they had to take a look for medical purposes. 

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