July 2016 Moms

Symphysis pubis dysfunction at 16 weeks?

I've been having extreme pain in my pubic area for the past 2 weeks and it's getting worse. It hurts when I walk, when I stand up, when I roll over in bed. Lifting my left leg hurts the most. I called my doctor today and she said it 100% sounds like SPD although that usually starts later in pregnancy. I am only about 16 weeks.. Wondering if anyone else was diagnosed with SPD this early in pregnancy and what you did for relief? (I was told to buy a maternity support belt)


Re: Symphysis pubis dysfunction at 16 weeks?

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    TiffanyRickFTiffanyRickF member
    edited January 2016
    Hey, I posted about this a few weeks ago. I had SPD with my first pregnancy (11/2011) it hurt to walk... Get dressed... Especially roll over in bed. It gets worse as you get more pregnant because the relaxin hormone increases. Hubby had to help me alot, sometimes I would be walking and my hip would slip causing extreme brief pain. I ended up opting for a csection because my dr warned me that with SPD there is a risk of permanant damage during vaginal birth. I wore a hip band to put pressure on my hips.

    I started getting early signs again with this pregnancy as well... (I am 16w5d) I bought a band at Buy Buy Baby, for $17 and i wear it at night. It helps tremendously! Good luck it will be fine. Keep your legs elevated if you have a desk job (if helped alot).
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    I haven't been diagnosed but pretty sure I have the same. I had it last pregnancy too. I'm not too much help because I have just been grining and bearing it. It sucks it has started so early!
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    I had it really early last pregnancy. It would come on suddenly and I couldn't even walk. I don't really have any advice but it does get better!
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