Pregnant after IF


TerraMae80TerraMae80 member
edited January 2016 in Pregnant after IF
This is a weekly check-in for those in their 1st trimester: weeks 1 through the end of week 13. I know we've all gone through a lot to get to this point so congratulations and best of luck to all of you over the next several months!

Please post a little about yourself, your EDD (if it’s not listed below), any upcoming appointments, symptoms, etc. Feel free to also share your IF journey, I know many of us can relate. 

QOTW: How do you relieve your stress? 

Congrats to all of the Mommies to be:
@mechelita44 EDD 7/20/16
@kbear28 EDD 7/24/16
@TerraMae80 EDD 8/4/16
@ShayLatrice EDD 8/4/16
@riveridgional EDD 8/6/16
@poeface EDD 8/8/16
@BrightenMySky 8/18/16
@katie121209 EDD 8/19/16
@rshatsky EDD 8/24/16
@emsmama15 EDD 8/29/16
@duchessofravity EDD 9/1/16
@cassiebmalek EDD 9/8/16
@vnegron87 EDD 9/8/16
@chrissym126 EDD 9/8/16
@rabeckap EDD ??????
@ehanssmann EDD ??????
@Annacygirl EDD ??????
BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
2003- M/C twins
2006 - ectopic
2014- Son born in May via IVF
2015 - BFP number two via FET

Re: *1st Tri Check-In 1/18* NEW LEADER NEEDED IN TWO WEEKS!

  • Morning Ladies! I'm sorry I'm a day late. I was out of work yesterday for MLK day and my comp at home was being wonky. 

    I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was insane! Had my sister's bridal shower and then wedding party all on Sat. Even though I didn't drink I felt like crap the next day. Went to bed at like 11 pm. UGH was not fun, then chasing a toddler around and then ended up with a damn migraine. What fun! 

    I'm almost 12 weeks! I can't believe it. Next Tuesday is my free cell DNA blood draw and a week or so after that I will have the results and know the sex of my baby! INSANE! I can't wait! 

    How do I relieve my stress, and I seriously have some hormonal stress, I read. I know, I read a lot, but it so helps or I vent to a friend. Lately I feel like I am about to lose it and I know it's the hormones. I especially want to lose it at work. OMG this guy always blows his nose and sounds like a blow horn, I swear I want to scream at him. Little things are really starting to piss me off. LOL Sorry for the rant. LOLwhew. 
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
    2003- M/C twins
    2006 - ectopic
    2014- Son born in May via IVF
    2015 - BFP number two via FET

  • Hi ladies! Just wanted to wish you all the best throughout the rest of your first trimesters! I am officially in my second trimester eeeeeeeeee! Can't even believe that our little nugget will be here 6 months from now! We see the doctor next week for our first second trimester appointment :smile: Crazy how time flies! 

    QOTW: I am definitely superrrrrr hormonal / cranky / moody lately... which certainly leads to some stress. Reading and episodes of New Girl have helped put a smile on my face. Also, we started to plan the nursery so that has distracted me from this whole being laid off soon thing. And (cheesy, I know) my husband has been so amazing and so supportive lately which has been a huge stress-reliever for me :blush: 

    @TerraMae80 I can't wait to hear if you are having a little boy or girl!!! YAY!

    See all of you over in second trimester land soon!

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  • @mechelita44 YAY for the second trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how fast this is going by!!!!
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
    2003- M/C twins
    2006 - ectopic
    2014- Son born in May via IVF
    2015 - BFP number two via FET

  • @mechelita44 awesome! 2nd Trimester on the way for you.

    @TerraMae80 i didn't realize you can find out so soon. Excited to hear what it is :-)

    My SIL had her gender reveal this weekend...she's expecting a little boy in May, so happy for her!

    My partner and i got to hear our little ones heartbeat for the first time today. It was such an out of this world experience, I almost started crying. I wish I would have thought to record it because it sounded sooo soothing. Maybe next visit. My RE says that she'll be discharging me next week if all continues to go well. Almost 7 weeks down for us.

    QOTD: Still trying to figure this one out completely, but lately I've gotten into the adult coloring books (with markers, colored pencils stressed me out lol)
    ME: 28  Wife: 28
    Together since June 2005 - Married May 2015 - TTC since July 2015
    Dx: PCOS and Donor Sperm

    **Trigger Warning**
    08/2015 at home IUI = BFN
    IUI #1 - 11/2015 - 50MG Clomid + 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI #2 - 12/2015 - 100MG Clomid + 150MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFP (Miscarried @ 13w3d)
    IUI #3 - 07/2016 - 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI #4 - 08/2016 - 100MG Clomid + Ovidrel = ???

  • @mechelita44 Congrats on making it to your 2nd trimester!

    @vnegron87 How exciting that you heard the heartbeat! It truly is amazing, isn't it!?

    I'm 11w3d, and I'm definitely starting to have a little bump now, which does surprise me since it seems too early for that (this is my first). I caved and went shopping for maternity pants over the weekend. I took my mom along and she's definitely a bad influence! I bought so much more than I was planning to (like shirts, I wasn't planning on buying any of those)! Oh well, during our time TTC, I didn't really allow myself to buy clothes, so it was kinda nice to get some retail therapy in!

    We have our NT screening u/s and b/w scheduled for next Monday. I'm excited and nervous all in one about it. My fetal doppler started to cause me stress since I still wasn't able to find the heartbeat as of Sunday. I decided to put it away since I went from not being concerned at all to starting to feel something was wrong. It's definitely made me a little more nervous about Monday's ultrasound, but I'm trying to focus on my physical changes, like my growing belly despite no weight gain.

    For stress relief, I'd probably have to say my barre class or belting out songs in my car (I'm a TERRIBLE singer).

    Married to DH 10/6/12
    TTC since 5/14
    Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
    Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
    Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
    First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
    6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
    TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
    TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
    BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
    TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
    TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

    Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
    Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
    One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

    "Great Things are Happening"
  • @vnegron87 I've seen those books at the store. I want to try them out, they look relaxing! 

    Yeah I was a little shocked when my doc mentioned this blood test, I guess it's fairly new, it wasn't mentioned with my last pregnancy and that was only two years ago. 

    @riveridgional How exciting about the scan!!! And omg I sing in my car too, lately it's been the T. Swift album and Adele. 

    Don't stress over that doppler, those things are so tricky! The little baby is so small and moving around a lot it's hard to track them. 
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
    2003- M/C twins
    2006 - ectopic
    2014- Son born in May via IVF
    2015 - BFP number two via FET

  • One more thing, anyone feeling little flutters? I swear I am feeling it big time today, but I keep thinking maybe it's gas LOL But I can't help but get exciting thinking it's the little baby. 

    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
    2003- M/C twins
    2006 - ectopic
    2014- Son born in May via IVF
    2015 - BFP number two via FET

  • We have been at Disney the past few days and thankfully my morning sickness stopped last week. It's a little boring sitting out some of the rides but definitely worth it.
    So my big stress is this stupid Zika virus. We're going on a cruise in 3 weeks and we are cancelling our excursions to be safe. Stupid mosquitos!
    Hope everyone else is having a good week!!
  • @katie121209 We went to Disney right when I found out I was PG and it was so terrible sitting out on the rides, especially Space Mountain since they redid it for Star Wars. I almost cried! 
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
    2003- M/C twins
    2006 - ectopic
    2014- Son born in May via IVF
    2015 - BFP number two via FET

  • HI All!  I'm 8w2d today and feeling pretty good.  Still with occasional heartburn, but better than last week when I was popping Pepcid every day.  I'm still tired (going to bed as soon as I hit post).  And my boobs hurt BAD!  But other than that, I'm feeling strangely good!  So different than my first pregnancy.  I have a OB nurse intake next week and a second RE ultrasound and then I'll be seeing my OB the following week.  I'm really looking forward to my ultrasound just to make sure all is well in there.   A couple weeks after that, we'll be doing NT scan and free cell DNA testing.  Lots of appointments to look forward to in the next month or so! :) 
    I've been doing some meditation, acupuncture, and coloring.  I weaned off Zoloft when I found out I was pregnant, and I'm feeling strangely peaceful - even with the prospect of twins rocking my world!  :)  
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
  • I'll be 7w tomorrow and we had our first u/s yesterday. Things look great and the doctor is very excited for us. If all looks good at next week's appointment I will graduate from the RE. As far as symptoms: all day nausea, on and off headache, sore boobs but not as bad as a couple of weeks ago, and lots of I am hungry but I don't know what I want to eat.
  • @katie121209 I am with you on the Zika virus! My husband and I have been trying to plan a vacation for April and were thinking about St. John. Might need to look into our other more local option or head over to Europe!
  • @mechelita44 I'm trying not to jump on the freak out bandwagon. We would lose all our money if we cancelled and I've been really looking forward to this trip. It was initially planned as a party cruise before starting IVF but with our miracle I still plan to have a good time. I'll still have fun even if we stay on the boat the whole time. Good luck with your planning!
  • Love reading all these updates!  I have to run to acupuncture (maybe that's part of my answer to QOTW), but will try to post a longer check in later today.
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • @ShayLatrice LOOK AT THEM!!! How how precious! Congratulations!!!! I think I started getting wayyyyy hungry around week 9-10 too and it's tapered off, a little bit LOL. 
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
    2003- M/C twins
    2006 - ectopic
    2014- Son born in May via IVF
    2015 - BFP number two via FET

  • @katie121209, I was in Puerto Rico the day before the CDC warning came out, and I was a wreck when we saw the news that day. I don't think I was bitten, I doused myself in DEET, and talked to my RE's office and my OB's office is working with the CDC on protocols, but every time I read something about Zika virus, I feel panicky. If apparating like Harry Potter was real, I would've done it! Staying on the boat sounds like a really smart choice. I hope you have fun anyway!
  • @katie121209 In case you didn't know, the Bombshell perfume by Victorias Secret works to repel mosquitos. Many fisherman down here use it. I'd probably still be more inclined to use actual mosquito repellent or double them up, but I figured I'd mention it in case you have an aversion (pregnancy-induced or not) to the smell of traditional repellent.
    Married to DH 10/6/12
    TTC since 5/14
    Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
    Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
    Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
    First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
    6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
    TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
    TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
    BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
    TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
    TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

    Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
    Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
    One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

    "Great Things are Happening"
  • SO I had my 13 week checkup today and heard the baby's heart beat. It's at 160. I didn't have my NIPT blood draw though. This was to discuss the option, not do the blood draw. So, now I'm like, do I schedule or just wait until my next scan? Hubby says schedule it if it's covered. I hate waiting for results with serious tests. 

    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     (Loss Mentioned and Child Mentioned)
    2003- M/C twins
    2006 - ectopic
    2014- Son born in May via IVF
    2015 - BFP number two via FET

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