July 2016 Moms

Super sensitive nips

trucksntutustrucksntutus member
edited January 2016 in July 2016 Moms
I've researched a little bit on the internet about this topic; I've heard things coined as "lightning crotch"  but what I'm experiencing is what I'd  call lightning boobs? Off and on throughout the day I've experienced light jolts of lightning or super sensitive nips to the point where they almost burn, but then it goes away. Kind of like the stinging you'd get if you sneeze from RLP. One min it's there, the next it's gone. Any other ladies experience this? From what I gathered it's related to your boobs getting ready for milk production. Any insight? :)
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Re: Super sensitive nips

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    I've had breast reduction surgery so I get these pretty frequently. My nerves were reconnecting from the surgery and they got worse with my first pregnancy. I would say it's totally normal.
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    Mine are really sensitive, but it's more of an all day thing. When I get cold, they tend to burn for awhile.
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    I've had lightning boobs. Totally normal.
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    Yeah it's definitely felt like my nipples were on fire some days. I'd say it's normal
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    All of the above lightening or stab crotch, stabs in the stomach and nips on fire pregnancy is beautiful
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    Yep all of this. I don't understand how my nips can both be on fire and insanely itchy at the same time
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    Thankfully I dont have the itchy nipples, but I do have the fire nipples. Also, my areola are now shedding.
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    Omg....I'm not nutty...I'm thinking it was the cold weather making them chapped or itchy but lightning nips are the perfect name cause that's pretty much my symptom too :D
    whitehall, pa
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    Yes! @ the chapped nipples! Lol it's so horrible but I feel like they're becoming the opposite of sensitive. They were a couple of weeks ago but now I think theyre getting used to me scratching them 24/7 & that's why they're less sensitive. I try to put facial moisturizer on them after a shower.
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    kayham12kayham12 member
    edited January 2016
    I had this last time and I thought I was crazy. It's just one of those pregnancy things. Maybe get some lanolin for them if you think they are chapped.
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    This is definitely normal, and I remember it happening to me even more after giving birth and the beginning stages of breastfeeding.
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    I get brief side boob lightening pain.
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    I've had nipple pain for about 6 weeks...generally if I catch a breeze or a chill. I have started putting Vaseline on them and wearing nipple pads so they don't rub against the bra fabric. It seems to have made a difference...=-


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    Oh gosh I would have never thought I would need nipple pads this early! lol! Today seems to be much better, no lightning pain today. :) But I have started putting lotion on to soothe them. :)
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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    I'm not getting the lighting but, my goodness, are they sensitive! I hope they relax before BFing.
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    thebigoaktreethebigoaktree member
    edited January 2016
    Is anyone else's nipples looking weird? I just noticed around mine there looks to be a weird skin pigmentation going on.

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    Yes to the stabbing nipple pain! It comes out of nowhere and lasts for a few minutes. Like a knife. 

    My doula friend told me that the stabbing cervix pain is the baby moving on top of your cervix. She made sure to note that it gets worse as the baby gets bigger. Wahoo!

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    I've been calling them boob zaps! Lightning is exactly what it feels like. They did get a little bit better last week after I finally purchased bigger bras... squeezing them into too small bras was probably not helping. But still happening!
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