
Will IUI work with a closed/downward cervix after HSG?

Hi all- I had an HSG test done in December 15' and it was a nightmare! They could not get the catheter in. The radiologist could not get to my cervix easily she mentioned its tilting downward i think? Then, she attempted three times with no success and warned I may have to reschedule if they need to dialate my cervix with medication !!! I was already in pain from the radiologist trying so many times that I told them to please just try it again. Instead, she called an OBGYN in to help get to my cervix. Thankfully there was one available (my apt was early evening) and she came in but told me she will be using a tenaculum device. Google it omgosh! The OB told me to take a deep breath and give a good cough. I did. OMGOSH DID IT HURT. It literally felt like she stabbed my cervix or something i screamed and started to get tears in my eyes. After the whole dye test and cramping and all they were done. It was such an awful experience that I was terrified my IUI may go similar. I was assured by the Nurse Practitioner that The catheter for an IUI is thinner but I remember during HSG they also used a thinner catheter. Has anyone been told they have a really tight or closed cervix and/or facing down? I have my first IUI scheduled for Thrs 1/21 and very nervous!
Me 28 DH 33 | DX: DOR | HSG: Normal | IUI#1: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#2: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#3: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#4: (Menopur/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#5: (Menopur/Gonal-F/HCG/Progesterone) BETA 7/2

Re: Will IUI work with a closed/downward cervix after HSG?

  • tvh1982tvh1982 member
    edited January 2016
    Hi @Starlight811
    I'm so sorry to hear that you were in quite some pain during your HSG.
    (And I shouldn't have googled)
    My cervix isn't facing down, but I have a really tight cervix. So they only have one obstacle with me.
    I didn't know I had, until my first IUI and I was extremely lucky I had the sweetest midwife who did the IUI. Had her 4 out 5 times, and she took her time and was as gentle as possible.
    I can't remember if she struggled much, as I was trying to relax and not be in pain.
    Tell them you are nervous, tell them how much pain you were in.
    If they are anything as mine were, they'll take good care of you!
    GL on Thursday!!


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • @tvh1982 okay that makes me feel better that I'm not the only one. I figured that could also be why i haven't concieved if my cervix is so tight not letting anything in! Thank you!
    Me 28 DH 33 | DX: DOR | HSG: Normal | IUI#1: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#2: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#3: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#4: (Menopur/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#5: (Menopur/Gonal-F/HCG/Progesterone) BETA 7/2
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  • @Starlight811 what cycle day was you hsg on? My wife had her's during her cycle when her cervix was closed and said it was extremely painful, however, by the time the IUI came around she was at the correct time in her cycle and her cervix was open. In fact we've had BFN IUI when her cervix was closed and knew we would bc it wasn't in line with her natural cycle. My wife's body is very sensitive to that. We only ever got our CPs when following her natural cycle.
    ***Loss and success mentioned***
    Me:34, Wife: 32
    IF reasoning = MFI: Zero Sperm Count using FairFax donor bank
    IUI #1 - #3: 2011 = BFN
    IVF: 2011 = BFN, lost all 10 embryos (with C/Ps)
    Jan 2014 - OBGYN (not RE) found and removed wife's "field of" uterine polyps after failed IVF

    Moving on to surrogacy (actually a planned adoption)
    Surrogate IUI#1: 7.17.12 = BFP!! 15dpiui = 256, 17dpiui = 346
    Oliver Zane born - 3/29/2013 on Good Friday!

    IUI #4 - #6: 2014-2015 = BFN (with C/Ps)
    Switch sperm donors, start ketosis diet to reduce inflammation late 2015
    IVF 2: Jan and Feb 2016, 3 great looking, 8 cell 3 day embryos. Two ET, one frozen
    2.18.2016 (8dp3dt) = BFFP!
    2.22.2016 (12dp3dt) = 649!!

    Started foster care experience in 2012. Now waiting to adopt our foster daughter, 7, who has lived with us for 3 years. 

    "Wait for your God, and don't give up on Him - ever!" Hosea 12:6 (msg)

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  • @Cmartin6706 - I had my HSG also during my cycle that must be why it was so painful for me. That's good to hear during her IUI her cervix was more open I am hoping this is what happends for me. My fear is they will have to use other ways to get my cervix open or not get in far enough for the IUI. I am having my IUI on CD 18 and my normal cycles are about every 28 days I hope the timing is right since this is way later than I expected to O but RE assured from follicle growth that is when I should be ready .
    Me 28 DH 33 | DX: DOR | HSG: Normal | IUI#1: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#2: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#3: (Clomid/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#4: (Menopur/HCG/Progesterone) BFN | IUI#5: (Menopur/Gonal-F/HCG/Progesterone) BETA 7/2
  • I think it's fairly rare for a woman's cervix to be tightly closed when she's ovaluting so I don't this you should worry. Good luck!!
    ***Loss and success mentioned***
    Me:34, Wife: 32
    IF reasoning = MFI: Zero Sperm Count using FairFax donor bank
    IUI #1 - #3: 2011 = BFN
    IVF: 2011 = BFN, lost all 10 embryos (with C/Ps)
    Jan 2014 - OBGYN (not RE) found and removed wife's "field of" uterine polyps after failed IVF

    Moving on to surrogacy (actually a planned adoption)
    Surrogate IUI#1: 7.17.12 = BFP!! 15dpiui = 256, 17dpiui = 346
    Oliver Zane born - 3/29/2013 on Good Friday!

    IUI #4 - #6: 2014-2015 = BFN (with C/Ps)
    Switch sperm donors, start ketosis diet to reduce inflammation late 2015
    IVF 2: Jan and Feb 2016, 3 great looking, 8 cell 3 day embryos. Two ET, one frozen
    2.18.2016 (8dp3dt) = BFFP!
    2.22.2016 (12dp3dt) = 649!!

    Started foster care experience in 2012. Now waiting to adopt our foster daughter, 7, who has lived with us for 3 years. 

    "Wait for your God, and don't give up on Him - ever!" Hosea 12:6 (msg)

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  • thanks @Cmartin6706! I had a horribly painful HSG with no blockage where they also had trouble getting the catheter in. I have been worried about IUIs, but now I'm not as worried. 
    NTNP#1 since 12/14, TTC#1 since 4/15
    LPD diagnosis 9/15
    Femara + TI #1: 12/15 - 1/16 = BFN
    Femara + Ovidrel + TI #2: 1/16 - 2/16 = BFN
    Femara + Ovidrel + TI #3: 2/16 - 3/16 = BFP (Squish) 3/18/16, no growth/HB 4/12/16, MC on 5/3/16
    Taking a break from trying to focus on graduate school!
  • HSGs SUUUUCK! Mine was excruciating, and I'm never going to get it done again if i can help it. I've had 7 IUIs done, and they are kind of uncomfortable for a second or two. I get really bad cramping for a few hours after every so often. But I think that is different with everyone. Most people just have very minor period like cramps. No biggie! you'll be fine! 
    *BFP and Loss Warning*

    Married 10/01/11 to my partner in crime
    TTC #1 since 01/15 
    Me: PCOS 
    3 cycles of Clomid + TI - BFN
    IUI #1 Femara + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    MC 07/15
    IUI #2-4 Femara + Ovidrel +Crinone - BFFN >:(
    IUI #5-6 Follistim + Ovidrel + Crinone - BFFN!
      IUI #7 Follistim + Ganirelix + Ovidrel + Prometrium + Baby Aspirin - BFP! PLEASE STICK!!!
    1/25 Beta #1: 389, #2: 940! IT'S TWINS! 
      Pregnancy Ticker
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