December 2015 Moms

Car seat placement

We have Miles carseat set up in the center seat in our suv. I heard this was safest. Problem is its killing my back. Is it bad to switch to a side. Is a certain one better than other?

Re: Car seat placement

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    I believe where I live, (NY) It's against the law to have the baby anywhere other than the middle, up until they get to a certain age/weight.  Just like putting them front facing before they should be.  It doesn't exactly feel comfortable for me either getting him in and out, but I deal.  

    I'd say check with your state's laws and see what they say.  
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    I have a small car and two kids so they are both on the sides. I heard somewhere that behind the driver is safer because if there would be an accident, insticts would have you protect yourself. Who knows though if that is true.


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    I have mine behind my seat. I went to a car seat safety class and the instructor said that placement was fine. The center doesn't fit the seat perfectly so that was less safe than the side.
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    The side seat is perfectly fine. If you do the latch method then the sides are the only option.
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    I had a tech install my carseat, and he said that placement wasn't a huge deal. We have the LATCH system in the two sides, so we use that. She has to go behind the passenger seat in my husband's car bc he's 6'5". I've heard the same thing about the driver's seat, though. Also consider the amount if street parking that you do. If you have to park in the street, it can be easier to have the baby behind the passenger.
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    I have the car seat placed behind the passenger side. It's easier for me to check on her if I'm driving using the mirror that's attached to the headrest.
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    I do not believe that it is against the law in any state to not have the baby in the middle of the backseat...that would be ridiculous. If the middle seat doesn't have the latch system...which many don' is actually safer for the car seat to be on one of the sides where it can be secured properly.
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    We had her in the middle but just recently switched her to behind the passenger. It was so annoying getting her in and out and it was impossible for anyone other than a child to sit in the back seat
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    Any placement is safe as long as it's installed correctly. We had DD in the middle until this LO's arrival. DD is now behind the driver seat and LO is behind the passenger seat.
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    Yeah, my car's manual recommends non-middle placement because of how the seat rounds in the middle and the size of the car itself. It would be ridiculous for a state to have a law that goes against the safety of the car manufacturer. I doubt it is really illegal to put the car seat on one of the sides. What would a family with twins do?
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    LaceyH13 said:

    Yeah, my car's manual recommends non-middle placement because of how the seat rounds in the middle and the size of the car itself. It would be ridiculous for a state to have a law that goes against the safety of the car manufacturer. I doubt it is really illegal to put the car seat on one of the sides. What would a family with twins do?

    I though the same thing about twins when I read the post saying that it was illegal!!!
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    KRH6829 said:
    I do not believe that it is against the law in any state to not have the baby in the middle of the backseat...that would be ridiculous. If the middle seat doesn't have the latch system...which many don' is actually safer for the car seat to be on one of the sides where it can be secured properly.
    This is not true either. A seatbelt install is just as safe as a LATCH install, when installed properly. 
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    KRH6829 said:

    I do not believe that it is against the law in any state to not have the baby in the middle of the backseat...that would be ridiculous. If the middle seat doesn't have the latch system...which many don' is actually safer for the car seat to be on one of the sides where it can be secured properly.

    This is not true either. A seatbelt install is just as safe as a LATCH install, when installed properly. 

    Yes. If the middle seat has a full seatbelt it can be installed safely. I should have been more specific. If the middle seat just has a lap belt, then you should put the car seat on one of the sides because it's safer.
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    Infant carrier is rear-facing behind the driver seat and my toddler's car seat is front-facing on the passenger side. Even when we had only one, we did not put the car seat in the middle.
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    Thanks ladies!!!
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    FYI - There's a Facebook group called Car Seats for the Littles. If you ever have any car seat questions, post your question there. There are trained techs that can provide you with accurate information about anything car seat related. I've learned a lot from that group.
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    My carseat (chicco keyfit) website shows by car make, year and model the best places to install. The middle was not recommended for my car.
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    Also read your car manual. My car manual specifically says that you can't use the latch in the middle seat for safety reasons so I had to switch to the seatbelt.

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    Could be worse, we were supposed to go look for a new car the day I went into labor, so it's now been put on hold until after we get our taxes back. I have to cart little one around in a two door jeep. I am only 5'3 so I literally have to climb into the back seat, unhook the car seat from the base, balance it on the base as I climb out and then lift the car seat itself out. The stroller is also shoved into the back and I can't get it out or put it back in with the car seat in the base. It's fine for now, but once he really starts putting on weight I won't be able to lift it in and out so easily.
    mc April '14, September '14
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    KRH6829 said:
    Yes. If the middle seat has a full seatbelt it can be installed safely. I should have been more specific. If the middle seat just has a lap belt, then you should put the car seat on one of the sides because it's safer.
    That's not true either, unless you're taking about booster seats for older kids. https://http//
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    We have an Acadia with bucket seats, so there isn't a middle seat. DD (2 years old) is still behind the driver seat because I can pass things to her easier that way. DS (3 weeks old) is behind the passenger side. Even when I had a Jetta, we put DD behind the driver side because it was easier for me to get her in and out when she was sitting behind me. Both kids' seats use LATCH and we will until the weight requirements for LATCH (kid weight + carseat weight) are met/exceeded (65 lbs RF/69 lbs FF)

    I agree with any placement that the seat is installed correctly is the safest. Put it this way: saying that the only safe place is the middle doesn't really let anyone have more than one kid, now, does it? What about when you have a second kid? I guess only the first kid got to be in the "safe seat"? ;)


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